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cobra03 03-22-2011 03:09 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by Bax (Post 1213673)
I really enjoy the aspect of collecting but not to the point I wouldn't toast a single cigar that I have :D

:tpd: Like my high school bus driver always said "Smoke em if you got em boys, smoke em if you got em...."

MiamiE 03-22-2011 03:13 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I am a smoker, but I am smoking less these days and buying more. I guess this makes me a collector.

dwoodward 03-22-2011 03:30 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I think I am a smoker... For a while I was totally a collector, but I eventually grew past that stage. now I just grab whatever looks good. The thoughts of "oh that's my only/last one" cross my mind often, but then I tell myself "perfect reason to smoke it".

The way I see it, if it's my only one, chances are I got it in a sampler and I haven't tried it yet. No sense not trying it if it has the potential to be a favorite.

sam a 03-22-2011 03:46 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
smoker with a few quirks that force me to buy a few to many of everything

Smokin Gator 03-22-2011 03:58 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Like Scott said... I do enjoy the rare find, but I am definitely a smoker. I have a plan for aging some of my stuff, but I smoke anything when the mood strikes.

Steve 03-22-2011 04:05 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Trent0341 03-22-2011 04:07 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by Nathan King (Post 1213785)
I don't smoke very much compared to many on the forums, so I consider myself a bit of a collector. That said, I have no hesitation lighting an uber-premium just for the heck of it.

I'm pretty much the same way. I do have quite a few that I'm putting away for aging (well quite a few for me anyway) but like Ron White said:

"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em."

pektel 03-22-2011 04:08 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by Trent0341 (Post 1213872)
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em."

I like that. :D

N2 GOLD 03-22-2011 04:13 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 1213862)
Like Scott said... I do enjoy the rare find, but I am definitely a smoker. I have a plan for aging some of my stuff, but I smoke anything when the mood strikes.

Spoken like a true smoker... :tu

CoreyD 03-22-2011 04:26 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I am a smoker , as stated previous the very tasty sticks have a hard time aging in the humi cause they get grabbed, and as stated previous if you purchase a new taste you like and grab that some of the others start collecting. I often wonder if the sticks I have will make it of a year humi time because even the October, November and December sticks I purchase are getting low to under 7 and such and summer has yet to even hit and we're only 5 months into my new found hobby.I do have some sitting hoping I have strength to let them rest to see the so called aging effect but all my sticks taste so damn good.

zemekone 03-22-2011 04:27 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Skywalker 03-22-2011 04:48 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 1213593)
I collect them to have the opportunity to smoke them over my forseable life/smoking career.

In the movie Bicentennial man, Andrew was finally granted acknowledgment that he was human and thus the oldest recorded living human being at 200 years old.

My plan also seems to incorporate breaking that record. :D

Dave, I grant you the acknowledgment that you are indeed human! :D

There! Way before 200 years! You broke the record!

Now, go smoke something nice!!!:tu

oooo35980 03-22-2011 06:11 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Smoker, no collection to speak of yet, I buy a couple, smoke em, buy a couple more.

kgoings 03-22-2011 06:23 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Smoker I dont have anything 'Special' enough to just sit in my humidor. But when I get a new box I do have a difficult time smoking the first one...something beautiful about a full box.

Retiredguy 03-23-2011 08:37 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I'd like to try aging cigars, but, everything I buy seems to be gone in just a few months. The only ones that seem to get any age are an occasional single that I lose track of or a few that I've lost interest in.

rizzle 03-23-2011 08:55 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I'm an acquirer in order to be a smoker. That has provided me with my collection of cigars on hand waiting to be smoked.

See, makes perfect sense. -(P

Skywalker 03-23-2011 10:07 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I seriously have trouble getting to any singles that were gifts! I usually save them for a special occasion or a herf, where I can express my appreciation.

I enjoy an average of five cigars per week. I find collecting boxes difficult. Once they are open, they're gone.

craiggory 03-23-2011 10:38 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I'm not sure. I love to smoke 'em, but I agree with Darrell--I have a hard time smoking a cigar single. If it's a box or a five-pack, I don't have trouble smoking them. Something about the idea that "when it's gone it's gone" bothers me.

Apoco 03-23-2011 11:02 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Collector. Especially as of late.

However, it isn't because I mark any given stick as not to be touched, but because I saw white in my cooler and had to fill it (note: no more white to be seen. Can I tape the cigars to the lid somehow?) :D
Posted via Mobile Device

CasaDooley 03-23-2011 11:03 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I'm a collector that smokes...alot. I try to buy multiple boxes of what I like in the hopes of getting some age on them, but the reality is nothing is safe from my lighter. :ss

pektel 03-23-2011 11:53 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I like buying aged smokes (that have been properly cared for). Then I don't have to wait. Just picked up a little over a half cab of 05 PLPC's, a few 05 Cohiba coronas especiales, an 01 CoLa, and a couple 98 HU Monarcas. Can't wait until it warms up so I can enjoy them.

ylo2na 03-23-2011 02:58 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
collector and smoker.... I find it difficult to buy a 5 pak, it usually is the full box even if I havent tried the "stick", except for the reading of reviews and CL recommendations from fellow BOTL.
I must admit I am a sucker for a sale even if I have a few boxes of the sale cigar...cant pass that up.

Goldie 03-23-2011 03:42 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I like to think I am a smoker, but until we start seeing consistent warm temps, I'm stuck as a collector. I don't really smoke in my house, so my options are limited.

Chemyst 03-23-2011 07:42 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I collect State Quarters and golden Presidential Dollars.
I smoke cigars.

Chemyst :cool2:

pektel 03-23-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Goldie (Post 1214878)
I like to think I am a smoker, but until we start seeing consistent warm temps, I'm stuck as a collector. I don't really smoke in my house, so my options are limited.

I hear that. Right now i'm in acquisition mode.
Posted via Mobile Device

whodeeni 03-30-2011 02:25 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I'm a recovering "collector" who's slowly but surely amending his ways
and becoming a smoker! :tu

CRIMPS 03-30-2011 02:35 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by whodeeni (Post 1221824)
I'm a recovering "collector" who's slowly but surely amending his ways
and becoming a smoker! :tu

One day at a time...

Tredegar 03-30-2011 04:40 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I am a smoker, but do feel sort of a sense of loss when I smoke the last cigar from from an irreplaceable box.

Da Klugs 04-12-2011 10:16 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
If you get into the "aging thing" and stay interested in the hobby long enough, it's only natural to "put some away" to experience the natual evolution of a particular cigar/cigars as they age.

It's been 6 years since I bought my first NC. Have spent bank on vintage cigars but the vast majority of cigars I own were fresh on purchase.

My evolving theory is that there is a crossover point where the purchased vintage that I more than not smoke now evolves to smoking cigars that I have personally aged.

I guess what I'm saying is my goal is to become Derrek. :)

icehog3 04-12-2011 11:16 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 1234035)
I guess what I'm saying is my goal is to become Derrek. :)

A worthy goal indeed. :)

Noodles 04-12-2011 12:09 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Probably a little bit of both.

I amass, I mean collect so I will have cheap smokes later on.

Stephen 04-12-2011 12:42 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1213604)

If you were a smoker, you wouldn't need a humidor big enough to bury Gilbert Brown in!:r

Thammy 04-12-2011 05:35 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Smoker. As a University student with an infant I can't afford to collect much anyways haha. My humi is filled with various singles.

htown 04-12-2011 07:08 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I was a collector, but now I am seeing how long I can go before buying anymore cigars. I am shooting for 18 months. With three little ones and living on one income with my wife in school and me about to go to graduate school, I can't justify spending any cash on cigars.

cort 04-12-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I collect cigars to smoke.:tu

forgop 04-12-2011 07:46 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Considering I have enough cigars to last me 10+ years at my current pace without buying a single cigar in the meantime, I'd say I'm a collector.

I think this hobby has confirmed that I'm much like my dad. He'd start in on a new hobby and go apesh!t buying stuff in it. Maybe that's why I still have a huge collection of books/records/pocket watches of his. I would like to unload a lot of the books and vinyl though.

Cornrow_Wallis 04-12-2011 11:11 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
Smoker, but unfortunately I find myself justifying not smoking a specific cigar sometimes. More so when I only have one of them.

roddy rod 04-13-2011 03:09 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I'm a lil of both! I have only been smoking for a couple of years and have been fortunate enuf to come across what I think are a few good sticks that I cannot readily get again so I save instead of smoking. Waiting on that special occassion that never seems to

mfarre03 04-20-2011 03:38 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I am definitley a smoker. Most of what I buy I end up smoking. I had around 200 or so sticks last spring and then I started smoking one a didn't take long to go through I stopped for a few months, now I just buy three or four every couple weeks. I think I'm due for a little online shopping spree...muahahahaha

longknocker 04-20-2011 03:51 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1234612)
Considering I have enough cigars to last me 10+ years at my current pace without buying a single cigar in the meantime, I'd say I'm a collector.

I think this hobby has confirmed that I'm much like my dad. He'd start in on a new hobby and go apesh!t buying stuff in it. Maybe that's why I still have a huge collection of books/records/pocket watches of his. I would like to unload a lot of the books and vinyl though.

Sounds Like Me!:D Collector Of Cigars, Knives, Pens, & Golf Balls! I Do "Use" Them, But I Like Looking At Them!:tu

bishjd123 04-20-2011 09:23 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?
I'm a smoker, but you wouldn't know that by looking at my humidors; They're all full.

CRIMPS 04-20-2011 11:21 AM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by bishjd123 (Post 1240698)
I'm a smoker, but you wouldn't know that by looking at my humidors; They're all full.

Bragger :)

mfarre03 04-20-2011 02:11 PM

Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by bishjd123 (Post 1240698)
I'm a smoker, but you wouldn't know that by looking at my humidors; They're all full.

Well, your only about a 7 hr drive from me, I can gladly come down and take care of that for you...-(P

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