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macsauce13 01-25-2011 01:39 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1147910)
This a funny topic for me to stumble across today. This morning I was at the B&M in downtown Cincinnati. (As you may know, tobacconist shops in Ohio are about the only legal places to smoke indoors nowadays. Anyhow, this sometimes leads to..uh, an interesting mix of non-customers coming in merely to be out of the cold.)

A scruffy guy of the above type comes in and sits down for a few minutes. He was not in anybody's way but the employees were keeping an eye on him, so was I for that matter. He said nothing until he saw that my mostly-smoked cigar was perched in the ashtray. His question was "Are you gonna finish that?". I replied that I indeed would be finishing it. That's when the employees told him that it was time to go.

Several minutes later, after said stogie was done and at the bottom of the ashtray, covered with ashes and no longer lit, same gent popped in long enough to swipe it.

Thankfully this is not a frequent occurence there. This thread does make it seem like some of you might have been much more kindly than I was, maybe you could have given him one of your best ISOM sticks. :r

Was this Strauss by chance?

bobarian 01-25-2011 01:47 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I really dont run into the same people as the OP. When I give a cigar, its because I want to share and what that person does once its given is up to them. I might feel bad if they threw it on the ground but I would never regret having given. Price of the cigar really has no bearing. I dont look at my cigars in terms of money, they are kind of like groceries, once the money is spent its all the same. :2

Steve 01-25-2011 01:53 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Dunkel (Post 1147616)
If someone asks me for a cigar they get the cheapest cigar I have with me. If I offer them one it's always quality. Just sayin'

I usually keep a couple of FdOs in the otterbox that stays in my truck. If it's someone that appriciates a good smoke (i.e. my old neighbor) I don't mind sharing a good smoke. If it's someone that is not a regular cigar smoker (i.e. my other neighbor), I have the FdO. That way I can attempt to educate and possibly expand thier horizons. Worst case, I get to see them turn green.

Again, just my :2:2. YMWPDG

Goldie 01-25-2011 01:54 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I carry Quintero Nacionales for the folks that would like to try a smoke, or Devil's Weed Coronas. I don't mind sharing, I just don't care to give away my good cigars to people that I don't know (this isn't always the case). If a long time friend or good friend wants to try a smoke, I don't mind giving them something more on the high end.

New Year's Eve this year, I took cigars for everyone. The newbies got Devil's Weed Coronas. My friend, his Dad, and I got T52 Robustos. It is what it is, and there were no hard feelings that other people didn't get a T52, and no hard feelings that someone puffed twice on a nice cigar and threw it away.

Steve 01-25-2011 01:54 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1147838)
If I give/gift someone a cigar, it is theirs to do with as they wish.

If it is given with strings attached then it is not really a gift. I would never give someone a cigar if I have to dictate what they do with it or demand that they enjoy it.
Posted via Mobile Device

A wise man you are...:tu:tu

benedic08 01-25-2011 02:33 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
Im also a chain cigarette smoker but that doesn't mean i cant enjoy a cigar. I smoke about 2 packs of cigarettes a day plus a cigar or 2 sometimes more in between. And i give cigars to those who want to try it. Even if i just met someone and they're curious about a cigar i'll give them one so that maybe i can lure them down the slippery slope! XD

Everytime i go somewhere and i have my traveldor with me i expect that my traveldor will be empty by the time i go home from smoking and giving people sticks.

Gophernut 01-25-2011 02:39 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
Reading all of the posts in this thread, I think we have gotten away from what Clayton was trying to accomplish. His question seemed to me to be what to do with folks you don't know well, but are with them due to an aquaintance. In this case, I think it's perfectly okay to not want to part with a 7-10 dollar stick. I do keep good cheap smokes around for someone who doesn't smoke much. If I know you enjoy cigars, you can pick it out of my humi. If I don't know, I'll do it. Most of the time the newbie doesn't know what they want and will just be thankful for the reccomendation.
If I am in a social setting where there may be the opportunity to smoke cigars, I always bring along a couple of cigars that I would NOW consider yard-gars, but when I first started smoking, they were in heavy rotation. I think most people who just want to try something, probably wont enjoy what I am into now anyways. I liked milder cigars when I started, now into the more full flavored varieties.
So it's more about being prepared for me when I go out somewhere. If I know I'll be with family/friends who enjoy cigars, I will bring a couple along to share that I think they'll like, and a couple of my former favs that won't bother me to see floating in a half a glass of beer. Bothers me more about the beer.

Thammy 01-25-2011 02:48 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
For me it depends on who. If they are some random then they pay, unless I have been chatting to them for awhile after meeting and think I can make their day. Other then that I usually give some to fellow cigar friends (and pipe tobacco) for something to bond over and talk about, or let some non smoker friends give it a try(though I restrict it to mild ones for the first time). Also if I stroll down whyte ave and decide to stop at my local tobacconist with a friend, smoker or not I will offer to buy them a cigar for their first time. If I am with a friend and they are sitting outside with me for 2 hours, I would rather them enjoy it as well and maybe nab them into the hobby!

I don't like Cigar snobbery though. One time I simply asked a man outside a concert what kind of cigar he was smoking for I did not recognize the band and wanted to make conversation cause I was alone.. He just shook his head, as if assuming I wanted to mooch it. ( which was not the case!)

Btw, the term moochadore made me LOL in Theology class.

elderboy02 01-25-2011 03:01 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1147910)
This a funny topic for me to stumble across today. This morning I was at the B&M in downtown Cincinnati. (As you may know, tobacconist shops in Ohio are about the only legal places to smoke indoors nowadays. Anyhow, this sometimes leads to..uh, an interesting mix of non-customers coming in merely to be out of the cold.)

A scruffy guy of the above type comes in and sits down for a few minutes. He was not in anybody's way but the employees were keeping an eye on him, so was I for that matter. He said nothing until he saw that my mostly-smoked cigar was perched in the ashtray. His question was "Are you gonna finish that?". I replied that I indeed would be finishing it. That's when the employees told him that it was time to go.

Several minutes later, after said stogie was done and at the bottom of the ashtray, covered with ashes and no longer lit, same gent popped in long enough to swipe it.

Thankfully this is not a frequent occurence there. This thread does make it seem like some of you might have been much more kindly than I was, maybe you could have given him one of your best ISOM sticks. :r

You must have been at Straus ;)

LasciviousXXX 01-25-2011 03:18 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1147910)
This thread does make it seem like some of you might have been much more kindly than I was, maybe you could have given him one of your best ISOM sticks. :r

Perhaps we would have..... or a dollar. Either way, it does seem that this thread has shown the differences in approach that everyone has.

Kreth 01-25-2011 03:32 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I can honestly say that I've never had anyone try to mooch a cigar from me (except Ferdie). :r
Having said that, cigar smoking is a social activity. Cigars are best appreciated with good company. :ss
Posted via Mobile Device

Zeuceone 01-25-2011 03:54 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1147910)
This a funny topic for me to stumble across today. This morning I was at the B&M in downtown Cincinnati. (As you may know, tobacconist shops in Ohio are about the only legal places to smoke indoors nowadays. Anyhow, this sometimes leads to..uh, an interesting mix of non-customers coming in merely to be out of the cold.)

A scruffy guy of the above type comes in and sits down for a few minutes. He was not in anybody's way but the employees were keeping an eye on him, so was I for that matter. He said nothing until he saw that my mostly-smoked cigar was perched in the ashtray. His question was "Are you gonna finish that?". I replied that I indeed would be finishing it. That's when the employees told him that it was time to go.

Several minutes later, after said stogie was done and at the bottom of the ashtray, covered with ashes and no longer lit, same gent popped in long enough to swipe it.

Thankfully this is not a frequent occurence there. This thread does make it seem like some of you might have been much more kindly than I was, maybe you could have given him one of your best ISOM sticks. :r

At my local B&M lounge, we had a homeless man come by and sit outside to smoke a nub left in an ashtray. The owner didn't mind as long as he didn't bother anyone. Well a few minutes pass by and the cops show up to talk to him. We later find out that he was next door at the starbucks where one of the employees told him to leave, but he refused. He yelled at the employee and ended up leaving. The reason the wanted him out was due to him being butt naked in the bathroom showering.

macsauce13 01-25-2011 04:21 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1148031)
You must have been at Straus ;)


Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1147925)
Was this Strauss by chance?


smokinpeace 01-25-2011 05:18 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Zeuceone (Post 1148097)
The reason the wanted him out was due to him being butt naked in the bathroom showering.

Is that wrong? Cause if I knew that kind of thing was frowned upon when I started here...

Zeuceone 01-25-2011 05:30 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by smokinpeace (Post 1148179)
Is that wrong? Cause if I knew that kind of thing was frowned upon when I started here...

Lol well try locking the door when you do it.

CigarNut 01-25-2011 06:34 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1147832)
Like many others, I'll give away almost any cigar in my case. I frequently pass around my case (new bling: Hali zero!) and tell people to dive in, whether I know them or not.

Life it too short not to create smiles whenever possible. Repeat moochers, I discourage, but others, who knows, maybe I made their year.

As a repeat moocher wannabe I can attest to this :)

Actually, Mark is quite generous and has developed a number of friendships by doing this.

thebayratt 01-25-2011 07:40 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
There is a group of us guys that every Thursday we get together for cigars and spirits. There is one guy (who has a nice paying job) who comes 90% of the time empty handed.
He passes up 5 B&Ms on his way over and always "forgets to grab a cigar" on his way over. He has a humidor with some sticks in it but always relies on others to furnish him cigars...
I don't mind people making a drink with my bottle, its a community bottle; there for all to enjoy. But my smokes are my smokes!
His pallet is so out of whack, he couldn't tell the difference between a VSG and a Flor de Oliva. I've given him a few decent cigars, but when it became a habit, I cut him off. He asked to see what I brought last time and grabbed a 64 Pardon and sad "can I have this" I said "Sure, for $25!" he sat it back in the traveldor.

I got "gifted" a motherload of CI's $20 bundle cigars a while back. I'm talking 50+ of dogrockets!! I gave him most of them and he won't even bring them to the herf and he said he likes them.....

I don't mind helping a brother out who has been down on his luck anytime. I'll give them a cigar I would smoke. But a cigar-BUM who never brings anything and is up on his luck......... gets nothing!

I've pulled my .357 out on bums in town begging money from me..... hahaaa

jsnake 01-25-2011 08:57 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I always carry a few extra mild cigars I won't ever smoke just in case someone wants to join me. For a good friend I will offer something better. I enjoy sharing cigars with people.

Eli18 01-25-2011 09:04 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly (Post 1147379)
I love giving cigars away. Whenever I am at a party or one if the few bars in my area that still allow cigar smoking, I always bring plenty of extra. You meet some of the nicest people through the simple gift of a cigar. I don't care if they're mooching or genuinely curious, the world today can be so callous and cynical that a smile from a stranger and some casual conversation helps to remind me that what we need most is connection to our fellow human beings.


thats really cool cigar smokers are very generous people in deed i like to give them away when i got some extras

Cornrow_Wallis 01-25-2011 09:54 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
If I'm smoking and someone wants a cigar, they can have whatever I've got. If we are at my place and they didn't know we were going to be smoking, that's fine, I'll point them at the cooler and let 'em have at it.

What pisses me off is when someone knows ahead of time that there is gonna be cigar smoking and still doesn't bring anything. At that point they can buy one or go without.

South Shield 01-25-2011 09:56 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
My father once asked me for a cigar, hit him in the face with a cast iron skillet.

jsd 01-25-2011 10:01 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 1148376)
There is a group of us guys that every Thursday we get together for cigars and spirits. There is one guy (who has a nice paying job) who comes 90% of the time empty handed.
He passes up 5 B&Ms on his way over and always "forgets to grab a cigar" on his way over. He has a humidor with some sticks in it but always relies on others to furnish him cigars...
I don't mind people making a drink with my bottle, its a community bottle; there for all to enjoy. But my smokes are my smokes!
His pallet is so out of whack, he couldn't tell the difference between a VSG and a Flor de Oliva. I've given him a few decent cigars, but when it became a habit, I cut him off. He asked to see what I brought last time and grabbed a 64 Pardon and sad "can I have this" I said "Sure, for $25!" he sat it back in the traveldor.

Wow, if you lived in CA I'd think we were talking about the same guy.

A little while back a group of us met at the local cigar shop before poker night. This particular guy bought a few cigars, had them in his car at the poker house, and still asked a few of us for cigars. Unbelievable.

I enjoy sharing good cigars with good friends. I enjoy giving cigars to friends so they can share in the enjoyment. I just don't like being asked for a cigar.

bobarian 01-25-2011 10:05 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148561)
My father once asked me for a cigar, hit him in the face with a cast iron skillet.

Now I dont feel bad about running over that guy in the Home Depot parking lot looking for work.

South Shield 01-25-2011 10:08 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1148570)
Now I dont feel bad about running over that guy in the Home Depot parking lot looking for work.

I'm sure that bastard wanted a cigar as well, I would of backed over him again just to make sure he got my point.

DocLogic77 01-25-2011 10:08 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
Giving a cigar to someone is one of the great pleasures of this to cigars or those with a trained palate. Cigar smoking is a social experience and should be shared. For those who are new to the hobby I am more selective with what I give but it's based on what I think a new smoker might like. If someone has never tried a cigar handing them a PL panatela might be a great first step. Terrific cigar, very reasonable and should give the guy a reasonable idea of what a good cigar tastes like. It's also smaller and if they put it biggie. If they like it...then I am tempted to hand them a few to get em started. Giving them a few cigars, and some knowledge can be a great thing. You never know when you have found a like minded soul to enjoy a cigar with in the future.

bobarian 01-25-2011 10:09 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148575)
I'm sure that bastard wanted a cigar as well, I would of backed over him again just to make sure he got my point.

I did throw a rock at the Veteran in a wheelchair with a sign as I was leaving! :D

South Shield 01-25-2011 10:10 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1148582)
I did throw a rock at the Veteran in a wheelchair with a sign as I was leaving! :D

GOOD! I bet his sign said "Homeless Vet! Need Cigar!"

bobarian 01-25-2011 10:15 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148583)
GOOD! I bet his sign said "Homeless Vet! Need Cigar!"

:tu I'm pretty sure it did! Tomorrow I think I'll go under the bridge by the river and smoke a cigar and sing, "Nah, na, na, na"

South Shield 01-25-2011 10:19 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1148589)
:tu I'm pretty sure it did! Tomorrow I think I'll go under the bridge by the river and smoke a cigar and sing, "Nah, na, na, na"

Cool, I'll join you after I leave the VA where I will be throwing Opus X's in the wood chipper just to see "Johnny no arms" cry.

bobarian 01-25-2011 10:32 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148591)
Cool, I'll join you after I leave the VA where I will be throwing Opus X's in the wood chipper just to see "Johnny no arms" cry.

I'm pretty sure that old guy greeting people at WalMart was going to ask for a cigar too! We can stop on the way home and pull a knife on him and show him who's boss!

South Shield 01-25-2011 10:48 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1148601)
I'm pretty sure that old guy greeting people at WalMart was going to ask for a cigar too! We can stop on the way home and pull a knife on him and show him who's boss!

oooh, can't. Court order says I have to stay away 300' away from any Walmart entry.

bobarian 01-25-2011 11:10 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148612)
oooh, can't. Court order says I have to stay away 300' away from any Walmart entry.


Powers 01-25-2011 11:18 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1148582)
I did throw a rock at the Veteran in a wheelchair with a sign as I was leaving! :D


Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148583)
GOOD! I bet his sign said "Homeless Vet! Need Cigar!"


Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1148589)
:tu I'm pretty sure it did! Tomorrow I think I'll go under the bridge by the river and smoke a cigar and sing, "Nah, na, na, na"


Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148591)
Cool, I'll join you after I leave the VA where I will be throwing Opus X's in the wood chipper just to see "Johnny no arms" cry.

:r this was a highly amusing banter :r

Miket156 01-26-2011 12:44 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
Back OT for another circumstance. A guy I know that belongs to the same private club I belong too is a cigar smoker. (There's only 4 or 5 of us that smoke cigars in this club) We were talking cigar shop at the bar one night and he told me that what I was smoking was too expensive for his "daily" smokes. He bought bundles from CI and they cost him about 2.50 each. I asked him if he would bring an extra one with him the following weekend when I would be there, I would like to try one to see if they would be a less expensive alternative to what I smoke. I told him that I WOULD pay him for it.

The next weekend he came in and had the extra cigar with him and gave it to me. I paid him for it on the spot. He tried to refuse the $$ but I know he's a retired person and can't afford to give cigars away. Anyway, I ASKED for it and I don't want a hand-out. I told him there was no way I would take it for FREE. So he graciously accepted. If I am asking someone for a cigar, I am going to pay for it or I won't ask.

I came equipped with my normal 3 cigar supply, my cutter, and 2 butane lighters as usual. I was not depending on him or anyone to supply me with smokes. I bring my own when I go to the club on weekends.

The cigars he buys weren't bad at all, for the price. I had never tried anything in bundle and I wanted to get a handle on this method of buying cigars. I'm still looking around for the right deal, I don't want to buy a bundle that is dried out and I don't want to smoke.



icehog3 01-26-2011 01:39 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly (Post 1147379)
I love giving cigars away. Whenever I am at a party or one if the few bars in my area that still allow cigar smoking, I always bring plenty of extra. You meet some of the nicest people through the simple gift of a cigar. I don't care if they're mooching or genuinely curious, the world today can be so callous and cynical that a smile from a stranger and some casual conversation helps to remind me that what we need most is connection to our fellow human beings.



Ahbroody 01-26-2011 02:16 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I am constantly giving out cigars to coworkers and friends.
Of course no one ever asks for them. I guess it would be different if the same guys kept coming up asking.

I have given and recieved plenty of cigars. Its just how the hobby works.

chand 01-26-2011 04:46 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148612)
oooh, can't. Court order says I have to stay away 300' away from any Walmart entry.

Sounds like the judge owed you a favor!:D

Coach Deg 01-26-2011 06:17 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
A friend( a lawyer) had out on the bar OpusX xxx at his wedding. Me and another guy were crying over all these idiots that took the cigars didn't know how to cut them, took a few puffs and left them in the ashtray to die!!!

landhoney 01-26-2011 07:20 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by South Shield (Post 1148612)
oooh, can't. Court order says I have to stay away 300' away from any Walmart entry.


Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1148631)


Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 1148637)
this was a highly amusing banter

:tpd::lr One of the better exchanges I've read, made me laugh, thanks guys. :tu

hscmit 01-26-2011 08:23 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Coach Deg (Post 1148794)
A friend( a lawyer) had out on the bar OpusX xxx at his wedding. Me and another guy were crying over all these idiots that took the cigars didn't know how to cut them, took a few puffs and left them in the ashtray to die!!!

that is a sad story
I would hate to see it in person

pnoon 01-26-2011 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 1148376)
I've pulled my .357 out on bums in town begging money from me..... hahaaa

That's hilarious. :rolleyes:

Most people would just say "Sorry. No." and move on.
Posted via Mobile Device

pektel 01-26-2011 09:31 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I honestly give away/gift/bomb more cigars than I smoke. But almost all of those times have been unsolicited. The only person who's ever asked for a stick from me has been my brother. If he's going out fishing with his buddies or something. Then he gets his pick from my humi.

pektel 01-26-2011 09:38 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Goldie (Post 1147947)
I carry Quintero Nacionales for the folks that would like to try a smoke, or Devil's Weed Coronas. I don't mind sharing, I just don't care to give away my good cigars to people that I don't know (this isn't always the case).

Don't go bad mouthing my beloved quintero CC's. :r

I actually really like quintero nacionales cc's. Great everyday smoke. Of course, ymmv. :)

chand 01-26-2011 09:48 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
Maybe I share too much with random people but I never really think about it. It's just a stick, there'll be more. :sh

rizzle 01-26-2011 09:57 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I'm really generous except for with this one friend of mine. I'll give whatever to whoever, typically, except for this one guy. At least not any more. Over the last however many years he has given me exactly one cigar on one occasion. I have given him countless. It's almost as if he has just come to expect me to furnish him with a smoke for the night whenever he happens to be around. So, I'll still give him one with no reservation, but not one from the top shelf, if you know what I mean. There's a difference in asking to enjoy a cigar from someone and being a mooch, and I treat those situations accordingly.

poker 01-26-2011 11:55 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 1147345)
Okay, so I'm a nice guy, at least most of the time. But, often, more times than not, I carry these great sticks with me to enjoy when a not so educated person wants to 'try' one of my sticks. But, you don't 'try' a stick. You 'try' a cigarette. If the stun sucks, you put it out and that's it. Period. But a cigar is different. Palettes are different and flavors often change while smoking a cigar. These ignoramuses think they should try a stick on my investment. Forget that I paid $7 to $10 for the stick, more than they paid for their worthless pack of cigarettes. For some reason, they think I owe them a shot at one of my expensive sticks and they've never smoked a cigar before. I have no problem sharing great smokes with someone who has developed a taste for a fine cigar. But, if someone wants to try a cigar, especially a first time cigar smoker, they need to try it on their own dime.

Free loaders.

Rant over.

I cant say I agree with you as others have pointed out. I dunno. Maybe you should not bring cigars with you wherever that you dont plan to smoke yourself if it bothers you that much.

I personally have given away literally hundreds and hundreds of cigars over the last 20 years, many of which are rare/vintage havanas to friends, family, and to many folks I never met before or met for the first time. Sometimes the cigar I give someone is my last of that particular cigar I may ever see again.

Why? Probably because theres a certain magic that can happen when you give someone something that they have never tried or only dreamed about.
Im not saying you should be more like me or anything like that. What I am saying is that maybe you might need some work in the tolerance of others department. There was a first time for everybody, including everyone here. This includes me (btw: I'm also an ignoramus cigarette smoker).

LasciviousXXX 01-26-2011 11:58 AM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
This man speaks the truth!

The very first time Kelly and I ever met in person he handed me a very rare cigar that I had never tried. Both the gesture and the cigar made a lasting impression that I remember to this day. Generosity, even to those you've never met or might never meet again, can sometimes be the greatest gift.

Whipper Snapper 01-26-2011 12:09 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
If it were not for folks who gave generously, I doubt I'd be on these boards today. I started posting on cigar boards over 7 years ago. I was interested in the hobby, but it was the generosity of some fellows (one who posts here in fact) that not only plunged me into the hobby, but gave me more of a reason to be here than to just talk about cigars.

I've had the opportunity to try cigars that I didn't even know existed 7 years ago, thanks to people who cared enough to give a noob a shot.

Now, I just so happen to know a little bit about the cigar world when I used to know nothing, and I don't think that would have been possible had generous people not shared their cigars/knowledge with me.

Nobody likes a mooch. But, sometimes moochers are really just people who don't know where to start. It's full circle really. Give a newbie some cigars to try, and 10 years down the road, he might just be giving you that dunhill you never dreamed of owning.

What a wonderful place we have here at the asylum.

markem 01-26-2011 01:54 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums
I'm sure that most, if not all, of us know or know about some one person who seems to freeload off other people's stashes. I think that is the type of person the OP was posting about, although it is clear that others in this thread are painting a wider brush.

I see no reason to start a thread over that one aberration of a person. Tell the person 'no' and move on with your life. Complaining about the one person just makes you miserable. Let it go and move on. Don't worry about their behavior if it isn't directed at you - you can't play mother hen to the entire world.

Let's let this thing die and move on to other topics, like who has received the most touching stick from a friend or stranger and why was it so. I doubt that most of the stories would include rare sticks, but who knows. Many here know about the time I gave a rather run of the mill stick to someone who was homeless and it reminded him of better days and took away the pain of his circumstances for a while, or so he told me. Let's focus on the good in both us and those around us, m'kay?

OLS 01-26-2011 02:03 PM

Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Tecnorobo (Post 1149260)
I started posting on cigar boards over 7 years ago..

You might have been the first mooching noob, and I mean that in the most respectful way.
I can remember when you popped in and jumped in with both feet. Even though the other place
was not as completely, overwhelmingly generous as THIS place is, I think you had no idea that people
were going to hit you the way they did. You were just curious and broke, as I recall. I did not send
anything to you, but I remember it well. Your avatar made me chuckle everytime I saw it.
I think it all started with a couple "I never had one of those." 'es. Talk about the birthplace of the bomb.

I may be mis-remembering the facts, but I remember the time and place and the shavetail young whipper-
snapper. I think people could diffrentiate you from a garden-variety mooch, so you were OK.

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