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warren G. 11-22-2010 10:57 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I remember smoking my first Opus, it was the robusto and I was just smiling the entire time. It was an amazing cigar and had about 2+ years on it.

I have a good bit of Opus tuck away in my humidor. But man, Anejo = mighty fine cigar.

cboor001 11-23-2010 03:17 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Aged Opus are outstanding cigars, but fresh I don't really care for them. I also think that the vitola makes a huge difference to each individual. I Love the PL, and #4/#5s, but don't enjoy the larger vitolas much at all. I do have a Love Affair resting at home, but won't even be able to get to it until spring of 2011. I say find a good aged Opus and give it the 'ol college try.

Martel 11-24-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Age+Dryboxing= Opus Happiness.


Knip23 11-24-2010 04:19 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I think its all about your pallat. Like me not a huge fan of Opus X at all. Ive smoked a couple. One fresh and one with about 2 years on it. Just wasnt my taste. You'll find diffrent cigars that people go CRAZY over but you may not like them. To each there own though.


NCRadioMan 11-24-2010 05:33 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Ol' Times Cigars (Post 1070147)
Plenty of our customers love the Opus line but over the years they have become more available, atleast in our area. As they have become more available I have heard more and more people turn away from them. A lot of say they just don't do it for them anymore and that they feel like they have changed over the years.

Same here. When we didn't have them in, I turned ALOT of people onto Pepins and LFD's and most never cared to go back to Opus.

I've been disappointed more times than not with Opus. I've had a dozen or so that were older than 5 years and only a couple were really good. Opus has never been on my "to get" list.

MajorCaptSilly 11-24-2010 05:54 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I used to hate them. Had one this summer and it was a religious experience. That means I liked it.


icehog3 11-24-2010 07:51 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 1072811)
I've had a dozen or so that were older than 5 years and only a couple were really good.

Pretty much sums up my experiences too, Greg....too many duds to justfy the dough, but I must admit to a couple great ones mixed in along the way.

sobranie10 11-24-2010 08:34 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Original release Opus X were great since 1998 I have smoked very few. Our local rep came into our BM talking up Opus X, said their was no change in the cigar. Explained my thoughts and said lets compare I pulled a original release A of mine and he lit a new Opus X after smoking one third of each cigar I asked for his opinion and he said mine was over ten years old. I asked politely do you think your cigar would be this good if It was aged for ten years, no other comment. He did not argue which cigar he would rather smoke.
In their defense I still like Hemingway’s, Queen Bees. They are excellent :2:D

akumushi 11-25-2010 02:12 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I smoked my first Anejo tonight and would now take any Anejo hands down over any Opus. That said, for Fuentes, the 8-5-8 Sungrown is still the shiz in my book. That said, I've never had a Rosado.

sammyboy405 11-25-2010 11:41 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Wow.. What a Response! Wasn't expecting that at all.

So heres what ive learned from everyones suggestions and comments.

1. Try it again.
2. Find a Poker ;)
3. Age is everything

I got one Opus X left and I will let that one Age, The cigar shop let me have the box since I bought the last 2. And if the box is correct it looks like the cigar isnt but about 6 to 7 months old. I will give it some more time and try it later this summer.

Thanks everyone for there thoughts / suggestions.

Dunkel 11-25-2010 04:27 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by sammyboy405 (Post 1073424)
So heres what ive learned from everyones suggestions and comments.

1. Try it again.
2. Find a Poker ;)
3. Age is everything
4. If you have a choice between an Anejo and an Opus X, buy the Anejo! ;)

Fixed that for ya bro! LOL

sammyboy405 11-25-2010 09:33 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Dunkel (Post 1073652)
Fixed that for ya bro! LOL

LOL Ok Point taken Sounds like I need to Try one of those then. ;)

Bill86 11-29-2010 01:40 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Smoking my first dud Opus X, so far this is really bad. I'm tempted to just chuck it. Perfect burn and draw but it tastes like crap. :td

if I could describe the taste..... Shoe leather

retro_cigar 11-30-2010 02:43 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Do you know what size you smoked; I have narrowed my opus smoking sizes down to a few since they are to me; what opus are should smoke; taste an smell like. The no 2; double corona an petit lancero; but I do enjoy the power ranger time to time. I guess you have to smoke enough to know what you are getting. I smoke one or two a day. So when buying from shops sometimes; I can just smell the stick to see if its up to par. But, to be honest; when I first tried opus; I said "what the big hype"; took many years before my cigar taste matured to enjoy the opus cigar an the hidden power it holds.

nick2021 11-30-2010 04:45 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Had a Fuente Fuente OpusX from 1999 which was gifted to was this a GREAT smoke! Better than the one ROTT...seems like the key to these cigars are was definitely DIFFERENT than the ROTT one I had...

retro_cigar 11-30-2010 04:47 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I smoked a 95' petit lancero pigtail the other night; actually did not enjoy it; I love my fresh opus. It was good; but not like a fresh one; lost it's kick'

Bill86 11-30-2010 04:48 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078255)
Do you know what size you smoked; I have narrowed my opus smoking sizes down to a few since they are to me; what opus are should smoke; taste an smell like. The no 2; double corona an petit lancero; but I do enjoy the power ranger time to time. I guess you have to smoke enough to know what you are getting. I smoke one or two a day. So when buying from shops sometimes; I can just smell the stick to see if its up to par. But, to be honest; when I first tried opus; I said "what the big hype"; took many years before my cigar taste matured to enjoy the opus cigar an the hidden power it holds.

I had a Double Corona a few months back that was divine. However I forgot what size this was somewhere around 48-50 ring X 5. It was awful....very bad.

klipsch 11-30-2010 04:49 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078255)
I said "what the big hype"; took many years before my cigar taste matured to enjoy the opus cigar an the hidden power it holds.

These have a hidden power?

Adriftpanda 11-30-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by klipsch (Post 1078471)
These have a hidden power?

The ability to turn you green! Smoked one with a couple years on it and I morphed green. Had to sit down... for a while. Lol

chippewastud79 11-30-2010 04:56 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078255)
I can just smell the stick to see if its up to par.

Can you teach us how to simply smell a stick and know if it is up to par? Does it tell you how good it will taste? :confused:

Bill86 11-30-2010 04:58 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078465)
I smoked a 95' petit lancero pigtail the other night; actually did not enjoy it; I love my fresh opus. It was good; but not like a fresh one; lost it's kick'

This is odd, most people prefer rested/aged Opus. You smoke them ROTT/fresh?

retro_cigar 11-30-2010 04:59 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1078489)
Can you teach us how to simply smell a stick and know if it is up to par? Does it tell you how good it will taste? :confused:

Opus have a certain aroma by smelling the cigar even not holding it directly to the nose; if you can smell it from a inch or two away; its going to be pretty dam good. If you have a few different sizes in your humidor; give it a try; you'll notice some are "faint" an some are "dead on" .

Hidden Power; munchies.

klipsch 11-30-2010 05:03 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078493)
Hidden Power; munchies.

No sa!

chippewastud79 11-30-2010 05:03 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078493)
Opus have a certain aroma by smelling the cigar even not holding it directly to the nose; if you can smell it from a inch or two away; its going to be pretty dam good. If you have a few different sizes in your humidor; give it a try; you'll notice some are "faint" an some are "dead on" .

I wish I had the nose that knows how well a cigar will smoke purely based on smell. Would this be true for all cigars or just Opus X? :hm

retro_cigar 11-30-2010 05:06 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1078491)
This is odd, most people prefer rested/aged Opus. You smoke them ROTT/fresh?

Love them fresh; I've smoked many well aged ones an yes they are a little refined; but I enjoy my O fresh. Since they have more of a kick in them; also that signature opus taste an aroma is always there when they are fresh; my personal opinion is that the ligero they are using; with age; weakens along with the aroma an taste. I do have a good stock of oldies; but I just don't enjoy them as much as the fresher ones'; yes fresh one might have a small burn issue; but I care less about little things like that.

retro_cigar 11-30-2010 05:07 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1078497)
I wish I had the nose that knows how well a cigar will smoke purely based on smell. Would this be true for all cigars or just Opus X? :hm

When you smoke a certain cigar like people more a certain brand of cigarettes; you get the hand of it. I wouldn't be able to tell with another cigar brand.

chippewastud79 11-30-2010 05:14 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078504)
When you smoke a certain cigar like people more a certain brand of cigarettes; you get the hand of it. I wouldn't be able to tell with another cigar brand.

I think you may have the most unique nose in the cigar community to claim that you can tell how tasty a cigar will be purely based on smell. I have had plenty of cigars that smelled amazing and tasted less than OK and some that smelled like a barnyard that smoked amazing. Its a good thing you can tell which one will even be good before you even light it. :tu

Adriftpanda 11-30-2010 05:18 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by klipsch (Post 1078471)
These have a hidden power?

The ability to turn you green! Smoked one with a couple years on it and I morphed green. Had to sit down... for a while. Lol

retro_cigar 11-30-2010 05:20 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1078511)
The ability to turn you green! Smoked one with a couple years on it and I morphed green. Had to sit down... for a while. Lol

Almost puked last night with a double corona; seriously was trashed.

icehog3 11-30-2010 07:04 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I smoked a 5+ year old Petite Lancero the other night. It was OK, nothing spectacular. :2

Bill86 11-30-2010 07:06 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Note to self,
Never buy anymore Opus X too inconsistent.

Especially for the price.

Knip23 11-30-2010 07:09 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1078647)
Note to self,
Never buy anymore Opus X too inconsistent.

Especially for the price.

I agree 100% I'm not qa fan of the opus x, ill take a padron over it any day.


Bill86 11-30-2010 07:21 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
It sucks I got a good one, so I bought more. But after hearing of the wild inconsistency and smoking a dud. I'm not going to bother spending the $$$ on them.

Knip23 11-30-2010 07:25 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Yeah. For about the same price you can get a Nice Ashton VSG, and they are very consistent. I love the VSG, the last couple i have had, had a slight hint of pumpkin spice. IT WAS AMAZING.


chippewastud79 11-30-2010 07:32 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
For the price and something similar, I like Diamond Crown Maximus :tu

Knip23 11-30-2010 07:48 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1078687)
For the price and something similar, I like Diamond Crown Maximus :tu

Havent had that yet, It it good? Where is its Origin from?


nick2021 11-30-2010 08:25 PM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Knip23 (Post 1078652)
I agree 100% I'm not qa fan of the opus x, ill take a padron over it any day.


+1, love the VSGs had one today and it was great! :D

sammyboy405 12-01-2010 12:37 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1078487)
The ability to turn you green! Smoked one with a couple years on it and I morphed green. Had to sit down... for a while. Lol

HAHA Yea Thats exactly what I was doing when I Smoked it. :D

smelvis 12-01-2010 01:20 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
This sure shows our differences in tastes, I love them and with the exception of a couple green ones I have been loving them, I am buying all I can as I can afford them at MSRP..

It would be boring if we all liked the same thing wouldn't it. :)

There are many cigars out there people love that I simply cant stand either. Great thread!

RevSmoke 12-01-2010 06:13 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by retro_cigar (Post 1078465)
I smoked a 95' petit lancero pigtail the other night; actually did not enjoy it; I love my fresh opus. It was good; but not like a fresh one; lost it's kick'

A '95 Opus? Considering they were first released in '96, how did you manage that? Was this a pre-release stick?

klipsch 12-01-2010 08:23 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I haven't found Opus prices to differ much from other boutique cigars.

x man 12-01-2010 08:35 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
Some people just love to hate Opus, just like the Yankees.
Mostly because Opus was 1st to the dance of ultra premium
nc`s. Because no one before Fuente had made an all Dominican
cigar, now they all copied him. LFD, Davidoff, Aurora, etc.
Did anyone notice all the other cigars on this page are made by Fuente,
for others to put their bands on.
I smoke Opus because its unique for me, flavor, dependability.

chippewastud79 12-01-2010 08:54 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something

Originally Posted by Knip23 (Post 1078713)
Havent had that yet, It it good? Where is its Origin from?


It is made by Fuente, kind of like a regular production Opus. Some have even speculated it is the same blend. :tu

Blueface 12-01-2010 09:13 AM

Re: Opus X ... Am I Missing Something
I have always found them to be very strong young but amazing when aged.
They tone down to just the right point after a few years.

I was just handed a very aged Churchill size (don't know them well enough) by a good friend and will probably light it up in the next few days or over the weekend.
Doubt very much I will be disappointed.

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