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mosesbotbol 10-03-2014 03:45 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I am internet and antenna only all year. I miss cable, ain't gonna lie... We make due. Shows preferences change.

I miss The O'Reilly Factor the most!

weems 10-03-2014 04:01 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I did it for about a year. I had to go back, partly because I can't stand not being able to watch live football at home, but the biggest reason was to shut my spouse the hell up haha.

Chainsaw13 10-03-2014 05:28 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Thanks for all the feedback. Bill, you make a good point about bandwidth caps and something I'll ask about. I also have to see how much my internet bill will be after dropping the tv part. It may not make sense price wise if it goes up too much and then you add on Netflix or Hulu.

Shaneg 10-03-2014 06:10 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I've been cableless for years- netflix, and Hulu are the only things I need, and have a good wing place up the road for sports as needed.

G G 10-03-2014 06:26 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
My ISP has no bandwidth caps thank the Lord. If they did it would probably be a hugely different story around my house. Good point though.

Dude Here 10-04-2014 05:54 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I haven't had cable in almost three years now, and don't miss it one bit. It's Netflix, Amazon Prime and local channels at my house. We just got the local antenna at the beginning of the year so I could watch the Superbowl.

My wife and I have never been big TV watchers, so it wasn't a very difficult transition getting away from cable. We still have shows we watch on occasion (She loves that Once fairy tale show) and we keep up with The Walking Dead by just buying episodes on Amazon.

Cutting the cord to cable was one of the best decisions we've made if you ask me. It was getting really hard to justify spending the money we were on just a few select channels.

mosesbotbol 10-04-2014 07:06 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1990500)
Thanks for all the feedback. Bill, you make a good point about bandwidth caps and something I'll ask about. I also have to see how much my internet bill will be after dropping the tv part. It may not make sense price wise if it goes up too much and then you add on Netflix or Hulu.

Find or get a couple of buddies to split a Hulu account. I think one account does 4 devices. I use a friend's account. There's also a free service called Plex which has some "unsupported apps" that let you see movies that are currently in theater, along with about every show you can think of.

We watch a lot of Warner Bros. Archive which is a pay service for a ton of WB movies of the past. I love Edward G. Robinson, Boggie, Cagney, so almost every Friday we some sort of 30' era movie on the TV.

dave 10-06-2014 07:47 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Went without cable for two years, but caved and went back to the cord.
-Burned through most of what we wanted from Netflix and Amazon Prime.
-Less and less of those two services offerings are HD anymore
-Missed sports and news -- not really much comparison between Badger football through a choppy P2P stream and a Big Ten Network HD broadcast
-Wife is working from home now and really likes HGTV (and others) in the background.
-We are watching more On Demand now than Netflix/Amazon

At $121 w/taxes for (extended?) basic cable and internet with 3 HD boxes, it's about $60 more than internet alone was. Not cheap, but worth it to us for now.

Note: During the years that we cut the cord, but used Cox for internet, we accidentally found that Cox bled local channels (Big networks and a few PBS) through the same we weren't exactly without the entire cable TV menu.

Flynnster 10-06-2014 08:02 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
One thing that helps with cutting the cord is being comfortable with torrenting things. It's really easy to get almost anything in great HD quality.

AdamJoshua 10-07-2014 07:54 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I just cut the cable last month. I was at 186 a month for internet and cable and I realized all I did was put reruns on in the background when I was home reading or working. I really don't watch that much t.v., literally 90% was just reruns of crap.

I kept the internet, I have the super duper internet it's 75 bucks a month or so, when I called to cancel they basically turned off my DVR but I get basic / local cable and my same internet for 71 a month, saved 4 extra dollars and still get the standard definition local channels. I signed up for Netflix and torrent a few newer movies, I suppose I'll look at amazon prime as well, but I'm set for now, saving 100 bucks a month is always nice.

Another bonus is it forces you to watch other things, I have never seen Doctor Who until a couple weeks ago and have already burned through 6 1/2 seasons of it and am addicted, I've also re-watched all of Black Adder and Fawlty Towers, I'd rather watch those reruns than the crap they show on network t.v.

Chainsaw13 10-07-2014 08:13 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I think once I get done with all my travel for work, I'm ditching the cable. Like you Adam, I find I watch a lot of stuff I've already seen. Might be even more incentive to do something other than watch tv. Like smoke more cigars? Oh crap, there goes any savings. :D

hotreds 10-07-2014 08:36 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
If there were a way to get sports I'd dump my dish in a minute! I don't watch anything but sports. SWMBO might be upset, however, as she watches quite a few of the channels.

mosesbotbol 10-08-2014 07:11 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1678344)
The one problem here is that first run shows (like True Blood) from HBO are not available online unless you have an HBO subscription or want to wait a year for the DVDs...

Use a friend or relative's cable company login to watch HBO.

Plenty of sites have shows after the next day as well. Image quality can vary.

CigarSquid 10-08-2014 07:25 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I have not had cable or satellite for over a year. We use Netflix and Hulu. I also do the MLB TV on my Xbox.

For football, I use this crazy online streaming deal... Not HD, but as long as I am not throwing a super bowl party, I can dig it.

It works good. We seem to be gone a bit and every time I think about getting cable, when I price it all out, that alone turns me away again.

Buckeye Jack 10-08-2014 10:57 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
15 months now and don't regret it at all. Here is my setup:

- OTA antenna on the roof

- I have a basic $45/month internet bill thru TW

- I pay $14 a month for a tivo subscription which I have a roamio and a mini. We use those as our main guide and DVR so that we can watch network shows we record on either the main TV or the cigar room TV where we are at 5-7 nights a week after the kids go to bed. We could probably get by with just the main DVR but the mini has a lifetime subscription so no extra.

- Netflix streaming subscription - $8/month

- 2 Apple TV's to watch netflix (could watch on tivo box but the interface is so much better on the ATV's)

- We also buy a seasons worth of about 2 or 3 shows from itunes (SoA, Justified, was Breaking Bad). Cost of those are about a month and a halfs worth of what we were paying for on DirecTV.

So in total I pay about $22 a month for TV. I don't consider the internet price because we would have it regardless. The initial setup fee is a bit higher but that was paid off in the first 6 months of cutting the cord.

The only sports I really watch is college football, and I get my fulfillment with what already comes in OTA. I miss baseball at times.

pattersong 10-08-2014 11:25 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I just cut the line over this past weekend. Where I am in Toronto, Rogers has a monopoly on the cable TV/Internet services market. They charge ridiculous fees for what you receive.

I signed up for a smaller known Internet service provider with unlimited bandwidth at 1/3 of the cost of Rogers.

Subscribe to Netflix and VPN into the American programming. I can't go without hockey, so I will pay for the hockey season. All said and done, I haven't saved a whole lot more than before the cut, but I receive much more programming.
OTA might be the next logical step.

Cable Internet: $45/mo (unlimited b/w)
Netflix: $8.99/mo
NHL $12/mo
VPN: $2/mo

AdamJoshua 10-27-2014 10:49 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
So after a month of no cable, I have burned through all of the episodes of Columbo, Fawlty Towers, Black Adder, Dr. Who and Keeping Up Appearances, along with a few random shows on Netflix. I'm working on the Rockford Files now.

mosesbotbol 10-27-2014 01:43 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1994993)
So after a month of no cable, I have burned through all of the episodes of Columbo, Fawlty Towers, Black Adder, Dr. Who and Keeping Up Appearances, along with a few random shows on Netflix. I'm working on the Rockford Files now.

The Rifleman or Gunsmoke are pretty good.

shilala 10-27-2014 04:15 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Amazon has the fire tv stick (think chromecast) for 19 bucks, two days only.
Drawback? Ships mid-December.
I figured for 19 bucks, it'd show up right in time for tv watching season. It's usually $39.

I'm a slave to Directv. We can't survive without football here, Weeze and I don't miss a game.
As soon as the NFL offers all the games online, Directv is gone. And I mean within seconds.

WaRevo 10-27-2014 05:48 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1994993)
So after a month of no cable, I'm working on the Rockford Files now.

Love that SHOW. He reminds me of what my dad looked like before he passed away in 92. Not only looked like Jim Rockford but sounded like him. Almost thought they were secret twins LOL


AdamJoshua 10-27-2014 05:56 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I caught a lot of Rifleman (Chuck Connors the original multi-sport pro jock) on MeTV and how can you not love Matt Dillon .. 2 solid choices to put on the list.

Stephen 10-27-2014 07:33 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1995044)
Amazon has the fire tv stick (think chromecast) for 19 bucks, two days only.
Drawback? Ships mid-December.
I figured for 19 bucks, it'd show up right in time for tv watching season. It's usually $39.

I'm a slave to Directv. We can't survive without football here, Weeze and I don't miss a game.
As soon as the NFL offers all the games online, Directv is gone. And I mean within seconds.

Well they do, but there's some hoops you have to jump through. Only costs about $200 a season, too, as opposed to what Sunday Ticket charges.

shilala 10-28-2014 05:06 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1995081)
Well they do, but there's some hoops you have to jump through. Only costs about $200 a season, too, as opposed to what Sunday Ticket charges.

They offer them after they are played, no?
I had no idea they offered live games. If they do, I could tabcast that.
We used to watch on wiziwig, but that was kind of a pain.

Fordman4ever 10-28-2014 05:14 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I dropped cable and got a digital antenna. Works great.

Stephen 10-28-2014 07:16 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1995112)
They offer them after they are played, no?
I had no idea they offered live games. If they do, I could tabcast that.
We used to watch on wiziwig, but that was kind of a pain.

Nope, what I'm talking about is a live, HD broadcast.

weems 10-28-2014 07:40 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1995044)
Amazon has the fire tv stick (think chromecast) for 19 bucks, two days only.
Drawback? Ships mid-December.
I figured for 19 bucks, it'd show up right in time for tv watching season. It's usually $39.

I'm a slave to Directv. We can't survive without football here, Weeze and I don't miss a game.
As soon as the NFL offers all the games online, Directv is gone. And I mean within seconds.

Same here, can't miss any SEC game. But I freaking hate DirecTV.

irratebass 02-26-2015 11:28 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Ok seriously thinking about doing this again. I have Comcast with Internet, 2 DVRS Cable w/HBO only for about $170 a month.

I watch AMC (Walking Dead, Saul, Madmen) the most, Vh1 Classic for That Metal Show, Spike for Ink Master & Bar Rescue & HBO for well their series as well....that's about it.

Wife and boy watch ABC Family, Lifetime & The cartoon channels.

I subscribe to Nextflix and stream everything through the Xbox (One is on it's way)

We looked at HULU, but there was a particular show we were watching at the time (Nurse Jackie or Dexter or Madmen.....I don't remember), but they didn't have the current season, so we didn't get it.

I bought her the ROKU last year and decided it wasn't worth since you still had to subscribe to things, so I returned it.

Thinking about doing the ChromeCast....I torrent films and some tv show seasons.

So, with what I have/watch what would you consider would be my best move? I would have to keep internet that's a no brainier ($72 a month)

What is PlayOn? Do they have current seasons? Same with Plex?

DPD6030 03-02-2015 04:38 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
We are also thinking of getting rid of our tv services when our contract is up. It's crazy expensive. Some future relatives have a roku and some other plug in stick and are satisfied. I don't watch a ton of sports so it doesn't matter much to me. All that matters is $125/month with a discount is a shame for tv.

Slow Triathlete 03-02-2015 11:01 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
We cut the cable about 3 years ago and I have not missed it a bit.

For sports I usually go to a sports bar or hang out with my friends to watch a game.

irratebass 03-02-2015 11:24 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I have heard that HULU still has commercials WTF???? Even though you pay for the service you still have to sit through commercials?????

Porch Dweller 03-17-2015 11:22 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Anyone use the Amazon Fire Stick? We're thinking about dropping the cable once we move into our retirement home next month. We use a PS3 for Netflix and Amazon Prime on our living room TV. Was thinking about getting a Fire Stick for the bedroom (that sounds naughtier than it should :D ) and man cave. So if anyone uses it I'd appreciate their thoughts on it,

kydsid 03-17-2015 11:37 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
We have FireTV. I use the phone app for it from time to time, which is the only way to use the stick I believe. I find the phone app good but a little sensitive for moving around the GUI. I'd give the nod to the firetv because you get a remote.

hotreds 03-17-2015 11:38 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I ended up getting the Sling for the wife as I watch only Netflix and Came with a free Roku stick. Good to go, not paying close to $100 a month for Directv stuff I never watch!

Flynnster 03-17-2015 12:05 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2023710)
Anyone use the Amazon Fire Stick? We're thinking about dropping the cable once we move into our retirement home next month. We use a PS3 for Netflix and Amazon Prime on our living room TV. Was thinking about getting a Fire Stick for the bedroom (that sounds naughtier than it should :D ) and man cave. So if anyone uses it I'd appreciate their thoughts on it,

I have a firestick and I really like it. A big thing for me is having the remote instead of having to use my computer or phone like for my chromecast. It also has dual band wifi which the chromecast doesn't. The Firestick UI is really nice. Go for it!

Porch Dweller 03-17-2015 12:06 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Thanks, men!

Porch Dweller 03-17-2015 12:07 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 2023714)
We have FireTV. I use the phone app for it from time to time, which is the only way to use the stick I believe. I find the phone app good but a little sensitive for moving around the GUI. I'd give the nod to the firetv because you get a remote.

I looked at the Amazon site and the Stick comes with a remote now.

Flynnster 03-17-2015 01:52 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2023719)
I looked at the Amazon site and the Stick comes with a remote now.

It does indeed come with a remote. It's a very basic one but it's all you need. You can upgrade to a fancier remote, which I think comes with the Fire TV.

irratebass 03-17-2015 02:35 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Sling TV app lands on Xbox One today for a free 30 month trial

kydsid 03-17-2015 02:40 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
30 months would be awesome :p

Chainsaw13 04-03-2015 08:07 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
One step closer to cutting the cord. Got my new HDTV antenna in and connected. Problem I'm having now is getting my tv remote to do the audio lock. I run all my sound they my a/v receiver. It won't lock in, so in order to change the volume, I need to switch back/forth between tv and audio. So, what's a good remote I can use to replace all my remotes?

hotreds 04-03-2015 08:20 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

irratebass 04-03-2015 08:56 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Boom! Getting better and better...Sling Tv now gonna offer HBO GO before the season premiere of Game Of's an extra $15 on top of the $20 Sling Tv fee, but it beats $180 still

irratebass 04-08-2015 10:04 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Well I cut the cord yesterday all I have now is internet with Comcast for $80 a month......starting to have regrets.....

Chainsaw13 04-08-2015 11:27 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 2027829)
Well I cut the cord yesterday all I have now is internet with Comcast for $80 a month......starting to have regrets.....

Regrets in having Comcast? I would too.... :lr

irratebass 04-08-2015 12:58 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 2027851)
Regrets in having Comcast? I would too.... :lr

Ha, no just that the Internet is going to be $90 a month + Netflix $8 then was thinking of adding Sling TV which is $20 a month & HBO Now another $15 a month, but can cancel at anytime, so after Game Of Thrones it's gone.

Just didn't seem like I was getting a break really.

**update* wife just text me and said she got them down to $60 a month for the internet, so def getting Sling TV with HBO now :wo

Chainsaw13 04-08-2015 01:36 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Yea, that's my fear too Mickey. Once you start subscribing to all the different streaming systems, you end up near or at what you had with cable.

I just signed up for HBO Now yesterday. That along with my Fire TV and my new HDTV antenna, has me at the point of cutting the cord. Problem is getting good sound out of my TV when OTA, through my receiver. I have an older TV with only Digital Audio out.

Fordman4ever 04-09-2015 06:09 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
ANyone here do Sling TV? We just started it and it's pretty cool. We have Netflix, an antenna, amazon prime and now Sling TV.

We paid for 3 months upfront for sling tv and they sent us a Roku. We get 12 tv channels for only $20/month. it has espn, espn 2, food network, history channel, history 2, travel channel, disney, and a few others. the cool thing with the sling tv is that on some of the channels you can go back as far as 4 days and watch tv shows you missed. My wife and I love it.

hotreds 04-09-2015 08:08 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Have Sling mainly for mama as I watch primarily Netflix and sports on ESPN or MLB.TV on Roku.

14holestogie 04-09-2015 08:41 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
How's that hdtv antenna working for you, Bob? How far are you from the transmission towers? Everything I've been looking at says most are good in the 35-40 mile range and I'm probably closer to 50.

Chainsaw13 04-09-2015 08:49 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 2028018)
How's that hdtv antenna working for you, Bob? How far are you from the transmission towers? Everything I've been looking at says most are good in the 35-40 mile range and I'm probably closer to 50.

So far so good. I'll have to look it up to see how far away I am. I've yet to really test it out, to see how good of a signal I'm getting. I just put it up on the one location the wall and did a channel scan.

BTW, I bought the non amplified Amazon version antenna. Was like $25-30.

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