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E.J. 11-16-2010 11:13 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I am not sure I understand people pitching the hate over the limited release stuff......

As I posted in the Barclay Rex thread... These appear to be a nice thing for B&M that get the releases and it is fun to try to try to grab a box or 5er.

In the end, there are plenty of cigars out there that I enjoy and can smoke if I can't get hold of something else.... For me it just seems odd to get fired up about cigars and what a manufacturer chooses to do marketing wise....

Hell, I'd love to be buying boxes of RASS, BoliPC & BF's, Monty 2's...Party4's....but I'm not on here railing against our government embargo.... I just buy what I can buy and enjoy what I can smoke....

Not sure that is a great analogy....but it's what came to mind....:r

neoflex 11-16-2010 11:18 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I'm not saying to stop making the LEs all together but hell space them out a bit. IMHO, I just think he is going to the well to often is all and it could hurt him more than help if everyone starts feeling the way I do. I would love to acquire each and every one but my monthly budget can only be stretched so far. Wouldn't seem so brutal had he spaced each release out a couple months.
I think he is making plenty of money on the sales of these sticks otherwise he would not be doing it IMHO. He is in the business to make money so if he wasn't making money I doubt he would put the time and effort in to coming up with the blends to be released on a limited basis for all these shops. Figure it costs him at the most $4 to make a cigar and that is a high guesstimate. Now he charges roughly $12 a stick times 200 boxes at 24 sticks per. That's a pretty decent profit for a short run in my opinion.

elderboy02 11-16-2010 11:29 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
OK. I definitely want these! :)

LostAbbott 11-16-2010 11:33 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1063698)
I'm not saying to stop making the LEs all together but hell space them out a bit. IMHO, I just think he is going to the well to often is all and it could hurt him more than help if everyone starts feeling the way I do. I would love to acquire each and every one but my monthly budget can only be stretched so far. Wouldn't seem so brutal had he spaced each release out a couple months.
I think he is making plenty of money on the sales of these sticks otherwise he would not be doing it IMHO. He is in the business to make money so if he wasn't making money I doubt he would put the time and effort in to coming up with the blends to be released on a limited basis for all these shops. Figure it costs him at the most $4 to make a cigar and that is a high guesstimate. Now he charges roughly $12 a stick times 200 boxes at 24 sticks per. That's a pretty decent profit for a short run in my opinion.

You are kidding right? Even with your math that is only $38,400, factor in marketing, his time, incidentals, and you get an even lower number than that. These sticks are pure an simple a marketing expense that he is maybe breaking even on. Sure the store makes money and He makes money as that store buys more of his regular production and word gets out and what not, but there is no way these LE's are where he is making money.

whodeeni 11-16-2010 11:36 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1063709)
OK. I definitely want these! :)

Oh Shut up Dan!:r

And John... calm down bud... I know what you mean though... I personally
feel that Pete is publicly airing out his vendetta w/ another guy that got
the whole limited release concept from him in the "first place"!:r

On another forum Pete mentioned that he really doesn't make hardly anything
when he does the limited runs, but its more of a fun thing for him...

elderboy02 11-16-2010 11:41 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by whodeeni (Post 1063728)
... I personally
feel that Pete is publicly airing out his vendetta w/ another guy that got
the whole limited release concept from him in the "first place"!:r

Yep. I think a lot of people realize that Pete and Andre Farkas (Viaje) don't like each other.

MiamiE 11-16-2010 12:03 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
15 count box for $149.85 per my twitter.

neoflex 11-16-2010 12:05 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Just wanted to point out that I am not really angry at all. Just giving my point of view. Life is too short to get angry over rolled up leaves and someone elses business. Hell I have enough BS in my life to get pissed over so I don't need anymore.:r
I guess in a long winded way I was just saying the LE's would be more fun spread out over a longer period of time and not overlapping each other. I know I am not the only one that feels this way but it seems because I am saying something negative about Pete that people are not happy with my opinion as there is a lot of Tatuaje love on this board. I love his smokes just as much as the next guy but figured I would share my opinion on the subject on the whole Tat LE topic. Still never got to find out if these will be regular production or a LE.:D I never knew that Pete and Andre had a beef with each other. Would love to hear the back story on that one but that can be saved for another thread as I think I pulled the wheels of this topic enough already.;s
Now a great LE for me would be to bring the damn Frank blend back and I will be gitty like a school girl all over again . :D
And I will be 100% honest. These Anarchys look great and I will be doing my best to be sure to have available funds ready in case I can score 5 or 10.

hscmit 11-16-2010 12:05 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1063737)
Yep. I think a lot of people realize that Pete and Andre Farkas (Viaje) don't like each other.

I dont know anything about farkas, but would like to find out more about their dislike of each other. Care to share?

hscmit 11-16-2010 12:07 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1063765)
Just wanted to point out that I am not really angry at all. Just giving my point of view. Life is too short to get angry over rolled up leaves and someone elses business. Hell I have enough BS in my life to get pissed over so I don;t need anymore.:r
I guess in a long winded way I was just saying the LE's would be more fun spread out over a longer period of time and not overlapping each other. I know I am not the only one that feels this way but it seems because I am saying something negative about Pete that people are not happy with my opinion. I love his smokes just as much as the next guy but figured I would share my opinion on the subject on the whole Tat LE topic. Still never got to find out if these will be regular production or a LE.:D I never knew that Pete and Andre had a beef with each other. Would love to hear the back story on that one but that can be saved for another thread as I think I pulled the wheels of this topic enough already.;s

I understood what you were saying. I still smoke a bunch of regular production tats, but havent bought any LE stuff in a couple years. I would love to but just cant justify it.

elderboy02 11-16-2010 12:40 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by hscmit (Post 1063767)
I dont know anything about farkas, but would like to find out more about their dislike of each other. Care to share?

I don't know any details. I just know various people on a lot of the boards I am on said there is no friendship between them.

AlohaStyle 11-16-2010 12:56 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1063800)
I don't know any details. I just know various people on a lot of the boards I am on said there is no friendship between them.

That is safe to say. :tu

Adriftpanda 11-16-2010 01:34 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1063800)
I don't know any details. I just know various people on a lot of the boards I am on said there is no friendship between them.


Originally Posted by AlohaStyle (Post 1063814)
That is safe to say. :tu


Bill86 11-16-2010 01:37 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Really more tat limiteds.....thank god because 9 in 4 days just wasn't enough.

whodeeni 11-16-2010 01:47 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 1063761)
15 count box for $149.85 per my twitter.

Hmmm could have sworn i remember Pete saying these would be more of a value
line in the 6.50 - 8.00 range...

neoflex 11-16-2010 01:47 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1063867)
Really more tat limiteds.....thank god because 9 in 4 days just wasn't enough.

MiamiE 11-16-2010 01:58 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by whodeeni (Post 1063879)
Hmmm could have sworn i remember Pete saying these would be more of a value
line in the 6.50 - 8.00 range...

That was straight from my Twitter page.

Doctorossi 11-16-2010 02:07 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I don't understand why people can get so rabid for an untried cigar over these announcements that only give us a packaging "concept" and a few photos. Obviously, being a Tat, it has good potential to be tasty, but all this announcement has given us so far is a Tat in new clothes. At least with something like the Verite concept, there
were details about what the tobacco itself was aiming to do. All we know about this is, "Tatuaje in a different box!" I'll get excited about this release when I've seen a review of the actual product that's over the moon about it. Of course, by then, this 'limited release' will be pre-sold-out. :rolleyes:

688sonarmen 11-16-2010 02:16 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Yeah, there are plenty of regular line that will know your socks off for almost any pallet, brown label, red label, lariqueza, reserva, ect. Lets not fan the flames here there are plenty of other venues for that type of thing.
BTW any word on how many will be in production and where to buy?

Doctorossi 11-16-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
That's the problem with these single limited release offerings where you only get one bite at the apple- you can either invest heavily and then pray that you actually like them or just try a few and be SOL if you do like them. It's a bit of a no-win. Meanwhile, there are lots of great products in regular release that you can buy without fear or regret.

acarr 11-16-2010 02:37 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1063737)
Yep. I think a lot of people realize that Pete and Andre Farkas (Viaje) don't like each other.

So Pete is mad at Andre for taking an idea that he took from the Commies?:banger

whodeeni 11-16-2010 04:09 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 1063934)
So Pete is mad at Andre for taking an idea that he took from the Commies?:banger


weak_link 11-16-2010 07:37 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
The good news is that this past weekend a couple BABOTL's met up at a local B&M. Wait, that's not the good news, calm down. The good news is that I picked up a Tat red Angeles and it was great. Right there on the shelf, a regular proddy stick, very fairly priced, and it was outstanding. One of the best NC cigars I had smoked in some time. Not really sure why I stopped smoking them but it had been a while and it was like meeting an old friend for lunch that I had lost touch with. Next time you think you are frustrated with LE's go pick up a Tatuaje Red and smile, smile, smile...because it was cheap, easy to find, and a damn fine cigar.

Patrick B 11-17-2010 12:14 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 1064337)
The good news is that this past weekend a couple BABOTL's met up at a local B&M. Wait, that's not the good news, calm down. The good news is that I picked up a Tat red Angeles and it was great. Right there on the shelf, a regular proddy stick, very fairly priced, and it was outstanding. One of the best NC cigars I had smoked in some time. Not really sure why I stopped smoking them but it had been a while and it was like meeting an old friend for lunch that I had lost touch with. Next time you think you are frustrated with LE's go pick up a Tatuaje Red and smile, smile, smile...because it was cheap, easy to find, and a damn fine cigar.

Right on! I smoke a ton of these and they deliver every single time!

Ratters 11-17-2010 12:25 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 1064337)
The good news is that this past weekend a couple BABOTL's met up at a local B&M. Wait, that's not the good news, calm down. The good news is that I picked up a Tat red Angeles and it was great. Right there on the shelf, a regular proddy stick, very fairly priced, and it was outstanding. One of the best NC cigars I had smoked in some time. Not really sure why I stopped smoking them but it had been a while and it was like meeting an old friend for lunch that I had lost touch with. Next time you think you are frustrated with LE's go pick up a Tatuaje Red and smile, smile, smile...because it was cheap, easy to find, and a damn fine cigar.

Yeah, but those guys were a couple of tools.

But I do have to say, I freaking love the red. Great price for an exceptional smoke. Like them more than the Miami smokes myself.

chubby 11-17-2010 07:07 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Is that the final look of the box? What kind of paint is that on the box? I hope it doesn't mix with the cigars... Just saying that's all. :sh

KillerCelt 11-17-2010 06:37 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by Doctorossi (Post 1063898)
I'll get excited about this release when I've seen a review of the actual product that's over the moon about it. Of course, by then, this 'limited release' will be pre-sold-out. :rolleyes:

My feelings exactly.

Adriftpanda 11-17-2010 09:40 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Just got news Tat whores, these will NOT be out till summer time. So sorry.

neoflex 11-17-2010 09:59 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1065610)
Just got news Tat whores, these will NOT be out till summer time. So sorry.

I've seen this one before.:r If I recall it was the Barclay Prank of 2010:D You crazy fool you will put those chomping on the bit for these on suicide watch.:r

Adriftpanda 11-17-2010 10:05 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Hahaha damn it! You caught me. Just bored and you tat whores made me laugh reading all the thread.

nick2021 11-18-2010 04:47 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
man, another cigar I must have lol

688sonarmen 11-18-2010 12:17 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

How many boxes will be produced? More than 200 I would think since each box is only 15 sticks.

klipsch 11-20-2010 08:38 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
This first review is up.

KillerCelt 11-20-2010 08:54 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by klipsch (Post 1068753)
This first review is up.


Now I want it. :dr

688sonarmen 11-20-2010 08:57 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by KillerCelt (Post 1068766)

Now I want it. :dr

I am waiting for Brooks review

landhoney 11-21-2010 02:44 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Just found out these are a Smoke Inn exclusive, with Abe having a hand in the 'effort'. I don't usually 'go all out' to find these limited Tat's but I am excited for this one and Abe/Smoke Inn as it is my local B&M and I really like them and like to see them do well. Looking forward to the event and trying this unique cigar.:tu

Bill86 11-21-2010 04:08 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by KillerCelt (Post 1068766)

Now I want it. :dr

Not to be a pisser or anything but......

One thing to note after thumbing through the site, well the first 10 pages, is that they don't do many cigar reviews. Another note is that all of their reviews give 91-97 ratings. I wouldn't trust it.

/end me being a pisser.

688sonarmen 11-21-2010 04:12 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1069373)
Not to be a pisser or anything but......

One thing to note after thumbing through the site, well the first 10 pages, is that they don't do many cigar reviews. Another note is that all of their reviews give 91-97 ratings. I wouldn't trust it.

/end me being a pisser.

I noticed that too. Guess it generates a lot of traffic if you are the first one to review a LE.

Bill86 11-21-2010 04:18 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1069377)
I noticed that too. Guess it generates a lot of traffic if you are the first one to review a LE.

No doubt. Glad someone else noticed so I feel like less of a D Bag.

MiamiE 11-21-2010 05:37 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I agree Bill! :tu

mariogolbee 11-21-2010 05:45 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I thought this was supposed to come out next year?

DougBushBC 11-21-2010 06:58 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I heard they moved the date forward to get in the holiday season.

OHRD 11-22-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Review posted by nyisles -

pfm721 11-23-2010 02:53 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
Smoked the two samples that were sent to me and posted it at

I enjoyed it. Was it the best Pete/Pepin cigar ever? no. Will I be buying a few? yes. I plan to split a box with a couple of friends. I thought that the cigar was in a good price to enjoyment range.

Brooks W 11-23-2010 03:16 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I feel bad that my review wont be up till Monday! LOL!

Great job everyone, some great reviews :)


klipsch 11-23-2010 03:30 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by pfm721 (Post 1071591)
Smoked the two samples that were sent to me and posted it at

I enjoyed it. Was it the best Pete/Pepin cigar ever? no.

I'm glad to read comments like this, since finances are in the crapper, and I already have Pepin blends that I feel are some of the finest I've smoked. I'm not against hype, any kind of PJ marketing or otherwise...I'm against starvation and walking everywhere I need to get too... :r :mad:

Brooks W 11-23-2010 04:41 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by klipsch (Post 1071642)
I'm glad to read comments like this, since finances are in the crapper, and I already have Pepin blends that I feel are some of the finest I've smoked. I'm not against hype, any kind of PJ marketing or otherwise...I'm against starvation and walking everywhere I need to get too... :r :mad:

Honestly, I liked the blend (and the vitola was quite interesting), but not enough to buy a box, esp with the S&S costing exactly the same amount starting up right around the corner...

It is not even close to the best thing Pete has put out this year...IMHO...


Brutus2600 11-23-2010 04:53 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I haven't heard ANYTHING about S&S. I've signed up for the newsletter and asked about it but haven't heard anything.

When are they planning on starting it up and how much is it going to cost?

KillerCelt 11-23-2010 09:39 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 1071701)
It is not even close to the best thing Pete has put out this year...IMHO...


This has me re-thinking things a bit. I'll probably split a box with a buddy rather than buy a whole one for myself now.

JJG 11-23-2010 10:35 PM

Re: Tatuaje Anarchy Announcement
I'm a Tat fan, and those cigars are pretty cool looking too, but the whole "anarchy" thing just rubs me the wrong way.

It's like... while you're at it, why don't you make a punk rock baby monitor, or a heavy metal toaster? The concept has absolutely nothing to do with the actual product.

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