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issues 06-21-2010 08:20 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Excellent reviews on, what is at this time with my limited experience with the marca, my favorite Ramon Allones.

Love these threads Dan!!! :tu

Brutus2600 06-21-2010 08:28 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 893899)
I'm smoking one of these right now. Not really getting raisins, but then again, I'm not paying attention. I get in that habit frequently these days... just smoking to smoke. The thing I love about these BTTs is that you HAVE to pay attention.

I love these little RASCCs, and I don't think I've ever found a bad one... :tu

Two quick comments :)

Yeah...I didn't get raisins AT ALL in the rest of the cigar, but the predraw was so distinct I couldn't help but be surprised and sure of the taste, haha.

The other thing that has surprised me about both reviews is, without discussing these cigars with each other at all...we're still picking up distinct tastes that I normally wouldn't describe in a cigar, such as last time carmel and this time almonds.

Just find that interesting :2

DBall 06-21-2010 08:34 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 893912)
The other thing that has surprised me about both reviews is, without discussing these cigars with each other at all...we're still picking up distinct tastes that I normally wouldn't describe in a cigar, such as last time carmel and this time almonds.

Just find that interesting :2

I know, right? That's crazy.

The two of you are awesome reviewers and you're both REALLY paying attention... it's incredible. Great job, both of you!


macsauce13 06-21-2010 08:42 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I guessed it ,I guessed it!

After following both of the previous threads and now this one as well this is the first cigar that I guessed correctly!

I feel like i have accomplished something! hahah

RHNewfie 06-21-2010 09:09 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I noticed two thing... look at the difference in wrapper, interesting... and Dan is on the bottom layer of the box!


Originally Posted by DBall (Post 893899)
What they smoked:

2008 Ramon Allones Small Club Corona

jimmyk26 score: 9.0
Brutus2600 score: 9.3

I'm smoking one of these right now. Not really getting raisins, but then again, I'm not paying attention. I get in that habit frequently these days... just smoking to smoke. The thing I love about these BTTs is that you HAVE to pay attention.

I love these little RASCCs, and I don't think I've ever found a bad one... :tu

jimmyk26 06-21-2010 10:30 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 893918)
I know, right? That's crazy.

The two of you are awesome reviewers and you're both REALLY paying attention... it's incredible. Great job, both of you!


Thanks, its good to know that what we are doing is working out well. It is also great that we are getting similar experiences, which bodes well for the cigars and their consistency.

Also, I really liked this one. Like I said in the review, I just want to smoke another one. :dr

weak_link 06-21-2010 10:45 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by RHNewfie (Post 893970)
and Dan is on the bottom layer of the box!

It's always a sad day in my house when I peel back cedar and dig into the 2nd row on a dress box. :r

Great reviews guys, looking forward to the next 8!

Brutus2600 06-26-2010 12:34 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Review #3 is away! :D

jimmyk26 06-26-2010 03:33 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Me too, sent it in this morning.

DBall 06-29-2010 05:38 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
jimmyk26 Cigar #3

Initial impressions - This long thin cigar, roughly 7' x 36-38 ring gauge (a long panatela maybe), is wrapped with a light brown leaf that has a few veins and it smooth to the touch. It also has a bit of a shrink wrap appearance and shows some of the topography of the filler and binder. I don't notice any soft spots and the cigar appears to be well constructed. The wrapper smells of hay and the foot has only a slight, sweet tobacco scent. The pre-light draw is good and it leaves a light, but lingering, spice on the palate.

Initial puffs - I am getting toasted wood and spice at the beginning here. The cigar is drawing well and producing good amounts of smoke.

1/3 - The spice and wood make up the initial flavor profile of this start of this stick. It is burning well and producing plenty of smoke. About halfway into the first third, the cigar has picked up a bit of mustiness and hints of walnut. This cigar also has a dry finish. The burn line wandered a bit at the start, but has since corrected itself nicely.

2/3 - Here the spice has mellowed out and the dominate flavors are now the nut and a creamy almost milk like flavor. These creamy flavors make me want to call this cigar smooth. The cigar continues to perform very well producing plenty of smoke and burning well. Also in this third, the cigar has picked up a slight grassy taste to it, which is not unpleasant. The cigar seems to be mild-medium in strength.

3/3 - In the final section here the flavors seems to have backed off, I am left with a bit of dry nuts and that grassy flavor I mentioned above but not much else. The cigar, however, continues to burn and draw very well. Nearing the end, the cigar has really pulled back on flavors. I am having a hard time picking out much at all here, though it is still producing plenty of smoke and so I puff on.

Final thoughts - This mild cigar started out well and the first two thirds were quite enjoyable, however the flavor faded considerably at the end. One thing that was interesting about the flavors to me was how similar the second third was to my experiences with the EP Carrillo Edicion Inaugrual, a very creamy flavor profile. Despite the diminishing flavors, the cigar smoked beautifully producing plenty of mouth filling smoke and it kept an even burn line all the way to the end. It will be interesting to find out if the disappearing flavors are to due to aging, either too little or too much, or just part part of that cigar.

Rating: 7.0 - The despite the flavors fading at the end, it stared off tasty and the cigar smoked very well. A good introduction for me to the narrow ring gauge cigars.

DBall 06-29-2010 05:38 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Brutus2600 Cigar #3

As soon as I received these cigars a few weeks ago, my eyes fixed on cigar #3. I've not had much experience with longer, smaller RG cigars and I was excited to try this one. Upon initial inspection the cigar has some significant veins, but still has a nice wrapper. Good construction and isn't too firm, but there aren't any soft spots. Looks to be about 6.5 x 34 (a panatela? Correct me if I'm wrong).

Initial light 11: 25 - Initial smell and predraw both carry a strong barnyard and hay aroma. Toasted the foot and lit the cigar, my first impression is that it's a fairly mild cigar. It produces a nice amount of smoke. The ash isn't very tight, and fell off right after the picture.

First third 11:35 - The flavors are developing from muted to a little more prominent and I'm starting to be able to pick them out. I taste hints of coffee and nuts, with just a few chocolate notes strewn in. I'm having trouble keeping it lit too. It's almost gone out a few times earlier, and just went out on me. I just smoked my first lancero cigar last week, and had similar problems with that. I'm not sure if that's just because of the small ring gauge? As stated, I don't have much experience with these size cigars.

Second Third 11:51 - Thought I was getting into a good rhythm and wasn't having issues with the light, but it just went out on me again. I'm afraid this is having adverse effects on the flavors developing. Still getting nutty notes though, with some leathery aroma mixed in as well. A retrohale of just 10% of the smoke from a draw left me coughing, so I didn't get much from that. The ash is a consistent grayish black, and has only holds on for about 3/4" before falling off. As stated before, this is a very mild cigar, but very enjoyable. It's been a great morning cigar paired with my coffee.

Final Third 12:08 - I've managed to keep the last half of the cigar lit without going out, and the final third has finally gotten a little stronger, but I suspect this is just the nicotine buildup. It's still mild though, and not bitter at all, which is nice. I haven't had the "a-ha" moment with this cigar where a single prominent flavor has stuck out to me, just a consistent nuttiness throughout.

Finish time 12: 24 - After what initially seemed to be me going through the cigar pretty quickly (trying to keep it lit) this cigar lasted right about an hour. An overall mild cigar, it's given me a pretty good kick from the nicotine even after just having eaten. Great cigar though, enjoyable to the last bit, and despite the burn issues which dropped it's score, I would definitely smoke another.

Appearance and construction: 1.25 out of 1.5
Smoke and ash: 1.25 out of 1.5
Burn: 2 out of 3
Overall flavor: 3.5 out of 4

Total: 8 out of 10

DBall 06-29-2010 05:43 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
What they smoked:

2007 Hoyo du Gourmet

jimmyk26 score: 7.0
Brutus2600 score: 8.0

I'm surprised the scores were this low for this cigar... maybe I'm bias because I absolutely LOVE panatella/ninfa sized cigars. :D

By the way, you were both pretty much in agreement with the flavors again... this just rocks.

Brutus2600 06-29-2010 06:40 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Once again, I'm almost surprised by the results. Every cigar so far I've felt I've just...missed something, if only by a little bit. I think this one I felt that way the most. However it seems we were both pretty close in our review.

Just have to say again I'm having alot of fun and thanks for this :tu

longknocker 06-29-2010 06:54 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Great Reviews, Guys!:banger Keep Them Coming!:banger

ChicagoWhiteSox 06-29-2010 07:00 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Keep in mind that small rg cigars are meant to be smoked very slow. Like sipping through a straw. Might have affected the results of this tasting.

jimmyk26 06-29-2010 07:19 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
This cigar smoked beautifully for me. I was just surprised at how the flavors disappeared at the end of the cigar. 2007, I guess this has enough age on them for age not to be a problem. Dan, what do you like so much about these?

Also, good job Brian. It's pretty cool that we are pretty close with our reviews. :tu

DBall 06-30-2010 07:47 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 902894)
Once again, I'm almost surprised by the results. Every cigar so far I've felt I've just...missed something, if only by a little bit. I think this one I felt that way the most. However it seems we were both pretty close in our review.

Just have to say again I'm having alot of fun and thanks for this :tu

I don't think you're missing anything... you guys are doing a great job!


Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 902908)
Keep in mind that small rg cigars are meant to be smoked very slow. Like sipping through a straw. Might have affected the results of this tasting.

Great point.


Originally Posted by jimmyk26 (Post 902935)
This cigar smoked beautifully for me. I was just surprised at how the flavors disappeared at the end of the cigar. 2007, I guess this has enough age on them for age not to be a problem. Dan, what do you like so much about these?

Also, good job Brian. It's pretty cool that we are pretty close with our reviews. :tu

I like the size... I personally believe the wrapper imparts more flavor than anything else, so a greater wrapper to filler/binder ratio seems to make a better experience for me.

Brutus2600 06-30-2010 10:01 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Yeah, while I don't have much experience with these size cigars, I've read that they burn hotter, but are more flavorful than a larger RG cigar. So...I tried to smoke it slow, however I had the burn issues and trouble keeping it lit. I've been keeping them at 65% RH, but maybe that was too wet?

Anyway, I really did enjoy the cigar, I think the burn issues I had really were what dinged the score so bad.

So far I've always enjoyed reading Jimmy's reviews and seeing the results! Can't believe we're only 3 cigars in :D

yourchoice 06-30-2010 10:05 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Both reviewers are doing a great job! And another shout out to Dan!:chr

Brutus2600 07-05-2010 09:54 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
With a nice 3 day weekend and finally a day I didn't have anything to do (this weekend was too busy! :() I was able to get review number 4 in :)

jimmyk26 07-06-2010 09:20 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Sweet, I am looking forward to your thoughts on this.

Brutus2600 07-06-2010 01:55 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Same! I won't discuss the cigar until the reviews are posted, but I'm looking forward to what you thought as well :tu

DBall 07-06-2010 05:22 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
jimmyk26 Cigar #4

Initial impressions - Like Brian, I have been looking forward to certain cigars in this sampler. This darker perfecto has been at the top of the list since the sampler arrived. This cigar is about 5 inches long with a ring gauge of roughly 44, it is topped with a nipple like cap and the foot narrows to a small opening. Along with the figurado characteristics, the cigar is nicely box pressed and I can find no soft spots or imperfections in the construction. Adorning the cigar is a silky smooth, dark wrapper, darker than any of the 3 previous cigars in this tasting. Despite a couple of folds in the wrapper near both the cap and foot, the leaf is well applied and shows very few veins. The aroma of the wrapper is a rich barnyard and leather that was quite strong right after I pulled the cigar out of the bag. From the small foot opening, I smell a bit of spice and sweet tobacco. The pre-light draw is good and it leaves tastes of earth and green tea on my palate.

Initial puffs - The cigar is drawing very poorly to start probably due to the small foot opening, from the little smoke I am getting I am tasting earth and cinnamon.

1/3 - After the initial tight draw the cigar opened up beautifully to a great draw and flavors of earth, cinnamon, bitter cocoa powder, nutmeg, and even a hint of marshmallow (no kidding). The smoke is flavor full, but doesn't have a thick palate coating character. After the initial onslaught of flavors, the cigar seems to have hit stride with earth and leather with a slight spice and wood through the nose.

2/3 - The spice has picked up a bit and the cigar has picked up a slight sharp grassy flavor. At this point the finish on the cigar is proving to be dry and a bit gritty, like after you have eaten a cocoa covered truffle and there is cocoa dust left in your mouth. The burn has been a bit ragged, but it stays pretty even and corrects itself as needed. So far the flavor profile has stayed pretty consistent and complex. This cigar is rich and earthy with spice and bitter chocolate, its smoke is not palate coating but it is definitely flavor delivering. The only thing of note here is that the ash is a bit flakey but it seems solid.

3/3 - Nearing the end the cigar has picked up in strength and it continues to delivery on the flavors. Now the cigar has picked up a bit leather and wood to complement the consistent earth and dry bitter cocoa. The burn line was at its worst in this final third although it did correct itself, it was pretty uneven as you can see in the picture. Nearing the every end of this cigar, the smoke is starting to remind me of a nice cup of Costa Rican coffee not only flavorful, but also very aromatic.

Final thoughts - This cigar just wouldn't quit. Instead of hitting a flavor profile staying put, the cigar constantly brought new twists and turns to the experience. That isn't to say that the cigar made major flavor changes, rather it was very complex and refined while offering up variations on the major theme of the cigar: earth and dry cocoa. Although it produced plenty of smoke and delivered lots of flavor, it wasn't palate coating smoke. This lighter bodied smoke allowed for a long, dry finish on the palate. I would definitely reach for another one of these when I have time to sit an enjoy the complexities that it offers.

Rating: 9.5 - This cigar offers a rich, complex flavor experience in a well constructed and great performing format. It was fantastic.

DBall 07-06-2010 05:23 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Brutus2600 Cigar #4

Upon initial inspection, the wrapper is nice and soft, looks to be about 5 x 44, and there appears to be some light bloom on the cigar. Having said that, it has a very poor looking wrapper. It has significant veins, discolored, and looks to be ready unravel as soon as I light it.

Initial light 9:40 - Prelight draw leaves the taste of hay on my tongue. Initial light is a little difficult because I can barely draw this cigar. It's a very mild cigar, and along with that, mild flavors. I'm picking up some of the prelight hay taste, and a little leather. After a few more draws on the cigar I get a nutty taste as well. All of these fleeting, nothing lingering on my palate long.

First Third - The burn started a little uneven, but it looks like it might be correcting itself. I can never get the burn even to begin with on these shape cigars anyway. The draw is opening up a little, and so are the flavors. I'm getting some hints of spice along with the previous nut and hay aromas. The ash is a brownish gray, and while it looks precarious, it's holding firm even with a light tap.

Second Third 10:02 - After the picture I rolled the ash off not wanting to risk it falling on my laptop, corrected the burn just a little, purged, and took a puff. While the flavors have been consistent, the smoke is developing into a very thick, creamy smoke. What had been thin, weak smoke before the draw opened up is very enjoyable now. No matter how much touch up I do, this cigar will not burn evenly. No one part is getting away from the other, but it's just a jagged line across the burn area. The flavors have definitely changed in this last little bit, mostly tasting a woody/nutty aroma with some minor vanilla hints thrown in (which I haven't tasted before in a cigar).

Final Third 10: 22 - In this last little bit of the cigar, ironically enough, after my last ash and touch up the cigar's burn is finally even. The smoke is still nice and creamy, with the woody/nutty aroma sticking around. The vanilla was fleeting and might have even been my imagination, but it's not there anymore.

Finish time 10:36 - With my initial thoughts that the cigar would unravel, I was wrong about that. The burn however was quite uneven throughout most of the cigar, and draw was an issue the first third of it. Overall the flavor of the cigar was mild, with just hints at what different flavors I described. The smoke was delightfully thick, and probably my favorite part of the cigar. While I wouldn't seek this cigar out to purchase, I might smoke it again if I wanted a mild stick, although it would be in line behind a few other mild cigars I enjoy. So far, this has been the least favorite of my cigars in this blind taste test

Appearance and construction: .75 out of 1.5
Smoke and ash: 1.5 out of 1.5
Burn: 1.5 out of 3
Overall flavor: 3 out of 4

Total: 6.75 out of 10

DBall 07-06-2010 05:29 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
What they smoked:

2000 Cabanas Perfect

jimmyk26 score: 9.5
Brutus2600 score: 6.75

Wow... what a difference anticipation makes... and what a disparity in reviews for this cigar. Very interesting!

jimmyk26 07-06-2010 05:52 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
That is certainly a big difference in experiences! I was worried when I started the cigar that it would have draw problems, but after it opened up I really enjoyed it. 10 years, that's a lot of age. Thanks for sharing these.

W.B. 07-06-2010 06:23 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
This thread rocks!!! I wish I could smoke all of the new cigars I try blind.

Brutus2600 07-06-2010 06:34 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I'm kind of surprised at this one. Maybe I was having an off day and just wasn't getting all the flavors James was, or something, because reading his review makes me want to smoke it again! Reading my review makes me want to forget I smoked it ;s

Great review though James, very distinct flavors described :tu

stewshi 07-07-2010 09:43 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
This is a great read and some great reviews. Makes me very jealous and envious that someone has so many aged CC's to share. Your a good guy DBALL. :tu Cant wait to read whats next.

jimmyk26 07-07-2010 10:47 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I just did some more research on these cigars and was surprised to learn that they were machine made! My first machine made CC.

cigarz 07-10-2010 01:50 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Great review guys. I try and save reading this until I can do it while I am enjoying a cigar myself. It truly adds to the enjoyment of my smoke!

Keep up the good work.

srduggins 07-12-2010 11:39 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Great read so far. Looking forward to the rest of this

Samsquanch 07-12-2010 11:55 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Really enjoying this thread - makes me want to begin to slow down and start paying attention to what I'm smoking.

Brutus2600 07-14-2010 12:11 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Alright, got it done! I hear Jimmy is done as well, so look forward to seeing it! :tu

DBall 07-20-2010 09:06 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I'll be posting it up soon... just got back from a little vacation... I haven't forgotten about ya. :tu

Brutus2600 07-20-2010 09:22 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
No rush Dan, I knew you were out of town from your other post so I wasn't antsy :)

DBall 07-21-2010 07:47 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
jimmyk26 cigar #5

Here is round #5:

Initial impressions - This cigar, sized approximately 5" x 36, is wrapped with a light brown leaf that looks roughly applied with stretching and bunching, uneven cuts that appear on the spiral line of the wrapper edge, and more than a few veins. Topping this cigar is an equally rough looking cap with jagged edges. The wrapper appears to have some nice looking plume on it. While inspecting the cigar I notice a few soft spots that indicate that it was unevenly constructed. I get a red pepper and natural tobacco scent off of the wrapper while the foot presents a hay and sweet tobacco aroma. The prelight draw has a bit of resistance and leaves a natural tobacco and leather taste on the palate.

Initial puffs - The cigar is producing plenty of smoke and is presenting rich earth, leather, spice, and a sweet grassiness.

1/3 - The draw seems to have tightened up a bit, but it isn't prohibitive. Right now I am tasting richness, in fact I almost can't place the flavor. What I do notice is that it reminds me of a well aged steak. Along with that richness I am getting spice, leather, and espresso on the palate with some spice and woodiness through the nose. For the ugly little package, this cigar is producing all types of flavors. This cigar packs quite the spice punch in this first third. The finish is dry and a bit gritty.

2/3 - At the beginning of the second third the spice is continuing to be a powerful influence and it is joined by a coffee and wood. The burn line is staying consistent and it seems to be burning through the soft spots without much ado. The flavors have mellowed out a bit, but there is still a nice spice tingle on the palate. The burn has gone a bit funky with the ash turning upwards, likely due to the soft construction I noted earlier (it looks like I spoke too soon earlier). Nearing the end of this third, the cigar picked back up on flavor with notes of wood and a musty grassiness.

3/3 - Coming into the final third the burn evened out after the askew ash dropped. The woody spice is the dominate flavor with a nuts and hay through the nose. On one puff, I got a distinct and powerful taste and smell of soap surprising, but not totally off putting. After this puff the cigar took on a floral aroma that I begin to notice through the nose. Here the cigar makes a strange flavor turn, there is a soapy floral finish to the smoke that reminds me of what would happen after I said one too many four letter words when I was young. Not very pleasant, but I have enjoyed the cigar this far so I muscle through it. At the very end of this cigar, the spice and wood reappeared (thankfully) to close out my experience.

Final thoughts - I really want to like this cigar for the gruff appearance, explosion of flavors right away, and the plentiful spice throughout the cigar, but the onset of soap and the lingering finish of hand soap make that difficult. Given that this is a blind tasting and I only get one sample I would really like to try some more and see if the soap thing is a one off.

Rating: 8.0 - A solid smoke with potential to score much higher. It was hindered heavily by a strange occurrence of soap at the end and uneven construction.

P.S. - I did nub it though. See picture.

DBall 07-21-2010 07:49 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Brutus2600 Cigar #5

Between being out of town for work last week, helping my parents move, a wedding (not mine!), and getting picked for jury duty for a case that will last all week...I've been a little later than my normal Saturday or Sunday review! Well, I had a little while this evening to finally catch my breath, and got to review! So here we go...

DBall's Blind Review #5!

Upon initial inspection, this cigar is about 5 x 34, has a smooth wrapper (albeit not the prettiest I've seen), and feels well constructed with no soft spots and isn't too firm.

Initial light 9:10 - Prelight draw has a burst of hay aroma. It has a tight draw, but not plugged. Upon lighting the cigar, I get a creamy, but spicy flavor. Odd mix, but it's a very smooth and still a slightly spicy cigar. Almost a vanilla hint to it. Draw is still tight, but produces nice amounts of smoke.

First third - The smoke is still creamy, but there is a woodsy, campfire aroma. Hints of leather and a nutty aroma. The ash is a grayish white, and doesn't hold on well, first fell off after about a 1/4" and the burn isn't very even at all.

Second third 9:30 - The power just went out and I had to scramble around to get the internet back up, in the process the cigar went out. Relight didn't leave any unpleasant taste, so I'm not too worried. Ash is still loose, burn is a little better, and the draw has loosened up some. The nutty flavor has grown in strength, while the leather and woodsy aromas have faded, and the vanilla hints are all but gone.

Final third 9:46 - While I haven't felt like I was rushing this cigar at all, it has certainly gone by very quickly. For having burned so quick, it has stayed cool and flavorful throughout. While the flavor hasn't been complex (still hitting on mostly just nutty, woodsy aromas), it has been pleasant. The burn has gone from even, to uneven, and flip flopped a couple of more times. Having just unintentionally licked my lips, the cigar has actually left quite a pleasant, almost sweet, tobacco flavor there that I guess I normally don't notice while smoking.

Finish time 9:58 - Having smoked this in the evening, I would've usually chosen a stronger cigar, as I enjoy my more full bodied cigars in the evening and my lighter, smoother cigars in the morning with my coffee. This would've paired wonderfully with coffee I'm sure. I enjoyed the cigar so much I almost nubbed it, but it was almost burning my fingers and the smoke was getting pretty hot.

Appearance and construction: 1 out of 1.5
Smoke and ash: 1.25 out of 1.5
Burn: 2.5 out of 3 (it burned consistently...just not evenly)
Overall flavor: 3.25 out of 4

Total: 8 out of 10

DBall 07-21-2010 07:52 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
What they smoked:

2009 Por Larranaga Panetela

jimmyk26 score: 8.0
Brutus2600 score: 8.0

Wow... an exact tie in the scores! Again, pretty similar in notes too with only minor differences.

Great job, guys! :tu

issues 07-21-2010 08:29 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Nice reviews. I do like these cigars. :tu

Great morning cigar with plenty of flavor but a little inconsistent...

Another masterpiece of a thread Dan, keep it rolling!

bsmokin 07-21-2010 08:30 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I am just discovering this thread now! Wow! This is awesome. Great reviewers doing a great job. Great cigars being reviewed. Awesome, large pictures of everything. I love it. Thanks so much for this guys!!! :tu

DBall 07-22-2010 05:47 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Jimmy's got #6 in...

Salvelinus 07-22-2010 07:05 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Great reviews so far guys. Enjoy reading through these. Need to develop my palate a bit. Right now I seem to be stuck on A. cigar I like or B. cigar I don't like

waffle 07-22-2010 08:06 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I just want to know where Brutus got that LGC lighter... I love it!

Brutus2600 07-23-2010 02:57 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by waffle (Post 925119)
I just want to know where Brutus got that LGC lighter... I love it!

I picked it up a couple months back from Atlantic Cigar Company, however it's showing sold out on their site and I've not seen it elsewhere. You might call them and see if they're planning on getting anymore in.

Also, I'm planning on getting my next review in tomorrow morning :) Maybe tonight if the GF decides she doesn't want to do anything, but I think she is wanting to go see Despicable Me ;)

Brutus2600 07-24-2010 11:06 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Review 6 finished and on it's way to Dan :)

DBall 07-28-2010 09:18 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
jimmyk26 Cigar #6

Here is round this is awesome thank you so much for the opportunity to try such great cigars.


Initial impressions - This tasting flight has really changed my perception of cigars. When I saw this cigar in the bag I though it was a big cigar, maybe a Toro or Double Robusto. To my surprise, it measures 5.5" x 46 RG, a Corona Gorda! So for better or for worse, Dan you have officially altered my perception of cigar sizes. The dark, smooth, oily wrapper on this has almost no veins showing; it looks like a great leaf. Capped with a nicely applied triple cap, the cigar has no noticeable soft spots. The wrapper, however, does appear to be lifting slightly along the spiral edge. When I bring the cigar up to my nose, the wrapper smells of hay and leather while the foot offers up a sweet tobacco scent. The pre light draw is perfect and it leaves a taste of hay and unsweetened cereal on my palate.

Initial puffs - Right away there are rich earth and leather flavors that are backed with a strong spice especially noticeable through the nose. The smoke is thick and drawing well.

1/3 - The initial flavors of earth, leather, and spice have carried right on through this first third. They are also joined by a dark sweetness, like you get in dark, bitter chocolate. The burn is fantastic, the smoke is thick and plentiful, the is draw smooth, and the ash is developing a zebra like quality alternating between light and dark rings. The cigar has a dry finish. Through out this section the flavors have settled down a bit with only the spice retaining its strength. There has also developed a sharp grassiness that I am beginning to think is the "twang" everyone keeps talking about.

2/3 - Now this cigar is starting to show its strength, which is impressive because I am only in the first half of the cigar. The flavors are proving consistent and powerful. The grassiness has picked up a bit and now reminds me more of dry green tea. The rich leather and earth are ever present and the spice is still firing through the nose. The finish on the cigar is short for every thing except the green tea which lingers. The cigar continues to perform perfectly. I actually got lost in this section of the cigar only to be pulled back by the ash that fell into my lap before I could take a picture!

3/3 - Entering this final section, the cigar has taken on a slightly tannic characteristic, something I don't remember ever getting in a cigar before. I am even temped to even say this cigar is developing much like a glass of earthy red wine. I am now also tasting cinnamon and nutmeg. The burn line has wandered a bit, but it is still smoking beautifully. Nearing the middle of this third the earth and leather reclaim their dominance on my palate and the spice continues to present through the nose. It continues like this until I physically can't hold the cigar any more.

Final thoughts - This is a big, solid cigar (there, I said it, 46 RG is now "big" in my book) that delivers on its flavor, strength, and smoking characteristics. On top of all of this, it is a good looking cigar with the smooth dark wrapper and solid construction. Even though the burn did wander a bit, it never stopped smoking well. Although the flavors were very good, it didn't have the complexity that I found in other cigars in this tasting flight (not necessarily a bad thing). The straight forward flavors coupled with the tannic nature of the final third leads me to believe that this cigar has plenty of long term aging potential. Before I started this tasting series, I had a preference for strong cigars that had plenty of spice, earth, and richness. This cigar brings me back to that time by fitting my preferred flavor profile almost perfectly. I could see myself smoking lots of these cigars given the opportunity.

Rating: 9.3 - It is the type of cigar that I have always liked smoking, rich and strong with nice smoking characteristics.

DBall 07-28-2010 09:19 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Brutus2600 Cigar #6

Here's review 6!

Initial inspection looks like the cigar is about 5 1/2 x 42, silky smooth wrapper, great construction, minor plume, and what looks like a quadruple cap on it. The more I look at this cigar the more excited I am to try it.

Initial Light 10:30 - Prelight draw brings the taste of sweet tobacco, hay, spice, and a hint of raisins to my tongue. If this is any hint of things to come, this will be a complex and flavorful cigar! The draw is tight, but not too much so. Toasted the foot and lit the cigar and the initial burst of sweet, creamy, smoke with hints of cinnamon were quite the boutique of aromas.

First Third - The smoothness of this cigar is surprising. It's mild without being bland, and it's already making me sad that I only have one of these unknown sticks to smoke (and if any of the previous cigars are a hint, not easy to obtain either, lol). The draw is a bit of an issue, it's pretty tight and I have to take two or three puffs to get a good amount smoke, but it's the least of my worries right now. Hints of vanilla, sweet hay/tobacco, and cinnamon are still very easily distinguishable. The ash is a wonderful white with gray streaks and is still holding on nicely at almost one inch. I think the knot in the cigar holding up my draw is towards the end of the stick unfortunately, but I've been able to massage it a little without cracking the wrapper and it's opened up a little.

On a side note, nobody is mowing their yard this morning, all I hear are birds and the occasional dog bark, it's warm but a nice cool breeze is left over from the rain yesterday, and along with this cigar it is making this morning a wonderfully relaxing break from the stressful week.

Second Third 10:59 - With some previous cigars in this taste test, I've felt that I've had to work to discern any flavors out of the cigar at all. This cigar I'm having to work at discerning WHAT flavors I taste. Although it's enjoyable work I am getting hints of almonds on top of the previous vanilla and sweet tobacco taste. Honestly, this cigar is probably the "sweetest" cigar I've smoked. Not sweet like the sugar tipped POS swisher sweets, it's not a sweetness on my lips, but just like the smoke itself seems laced with sugar. I'm not sure how else to describe it The ash is still phenomenal, the second part holding on nicely. The burn has stayed pretty even, and even the draw has opened up some.

Final Third 11:34 - This cigar has continued to be amazing. There haven't been ups or downs, just consistent greatness! All flavors described previously have continued throughout the cigar, and even recently developed some minor toffee notes. The sweetness probably peaked halfway through the cigar and has died down some, but that hasn't detracted from the cigar at all. With only one minor touch up after I ran inside to refill my coffee, the burn has been fantastic, and I've only had to ash twice so far (probably will only be three total for the entire cigar).

Finish time 11:53 - Out of all of the cigars I've reviewed so far, I can say I haven't enjoyed another this much. Such an all around amazing smoke, and would LOVE to get my hands on more of these as soon as I find out what it was. The flavors were full, plentiful, and fantastic. After the first third the cigar opened up enough that the draw wasn't an issue at all. The burn and ash couldn't have been better. My only worry is with my luck this is going to be a well aged CC that I won't be able to duplicate for years even if I bought some

Appearance and construction: 1.5 out of 1.5
Smoke and ash: 1.5 out of 1.5
Burn: 2.9 out of 3 (minor ding for the single touch-up I did)
Overall flavor: 4 out of 4

Total: 9.9 out of 10

macsauce13 07-28-2010 09:21 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Awesome! Ohh, and I beat DBall before he announced the cigar!


DBall 07-28-2010 09:26 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
What they smoked:

2009 H Upmann Mag 46

jimmyk26 score: 9.3
Brutus2600 score: 9.9

Aren't these things great? I may have one tonight... but I'm nearly out.

I gave many of these away and then after a few months in the humi and after over half the box was given out, they became MAGNIFICENT. I need more, but they aren't free... unfortunately.

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