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Cigary 05-26-2010 08:22 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 870033)
I can take some pictures friday and post them up, but until then, really all you do is slide that ribbed thing on the very top of the lighter (while it's open) towards the hinge of the lid. If you look down from the top, you'll see a hole right next to where the flame comes out. That's where the flint is (you'll see a tiny cylinder laying on it's side). If you tipped the lighter upside down while holding that slide back, the flint falls out (do this over a white piece of paper or something so you can easily find it).

To put it back in, just drop it in and make sure it lays on it's side and not up and down. If you don't get it in right, your lighter won't spark.

Hope that helps until I can get some pics up.

Thanks Brian...ya hear that Bart, he's going to put pictures up for you. :=:

( taking notes just in case no pictures don't come up)

rogerga 05-26-2010 10:11 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
need to get one of those...:tu

bonjing 05-27-2010 12:00 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 869886)
How would one go about replacing the flint? I have never used a lighter like this. Only torches!

Mine just came in today, nice looking lighter and a fun little toy.

To replace the flint: Flip the top of the lighter open. and on the top portion of the lighter, where the grooves are, slide it back and then drop in a new flint. It actually looks like a zippo flint will fit in there. I; ll know for sure when I get home.

And be careful when adjusting the screw in the cap, it is VERY VERY soft. I kinda stripped mine already :td

macsauce13 05-27-2010 12:04 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
It's a great looking lighter! It lit it's first cigar last night. A My Father Le Bijou!

ripper 05-27-2010 01:08 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter

Originally Posted by Cigary (Post 870279)
Thanks Brian...ya hear that Bart, he's going to put pictures up for you. :=:

( taking notes just in case no pictures don't come up)

This is my idea of pictures:

cigarlvr 05-28-2010 06:13 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
One of the ones I got the lid doesnt close 100% perfect anyone else have that issue and is there a quick fix other than sending it back?

Cigary 05-28-2010 06:21 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter

Originally Posted by cigarlvr (Post 872084)
One of the ones I got the lid doesnt close 100% perfect anyone else have that issue and is there a quick fix other than sending it back?

That is what the 3 day warranty is all about...within the 3 days you send it back to Atlantic after the 3 days you send it back to the manufacturer. The lid on mine is pretty much perfect and sorry that yours doesn't close right...regardless of the price of any product if you aren't happy with it a return is in order. Keep us posted if you do send it back as I'd like to see how well their CS handles it. It's not enough to sell a product it's the service after the sale.:tu

Brutus2600 05-28-2010 07:04 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
If you unscrew the bottom fill valve there is a threaded insert that you can take a flathead screwdriver and loosen slightly. If you take a very small flathead and unscrew the one holding the flame adjustment part slightly also, the lighter lid will sit more flush. I did that and avoided having to send mine back in, paying the shipping and waiting for the new one to come :p haha.

P.S. I might finally get a chance to take some pics for a tutorial on the lighter this weekend :p haha

Cigary 05-28-2010 07:54 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 872122)
If you unscrew the bottom fill valve there is a threaded insert that you can take a flathead screwdriver and loosen slightly. If you take a very small flathead and unscrew the one holding the flame adjustment part slightly also, the lighter lid will sit more flush. I did that and avoided having to send mine back in, paying the shipping and waiting for the new one to come :p haha.

P.S. I might finally get a chance to take some pics for a tutorial on the lighter this weekend :p haha

You Da Man Brian...resident LGC Lighter expert. Saving this thread for future reference. Can't wait for the pic tutorial...for Bart, of course.:rolleyes:

Brutus2600 05-28-2010 09:04 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
Lol, only reason is because...I've already taken it apart trying to figure out how it works and how to change the ping :p rofl

bonjing 05-29-2010 08:59 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
so were you able to change the ping?

Brutus2600 05-29-2010 09:05 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
The only change didn't ping anymore. My thinking was I could bend it back enough to let the ring resound a little longer, but then it wasn't hitting the top of the lighter enough to ping. I bent it back and it's like it was to begin with now, so I'm just going to leave it alone :p

bonjing 05-29-2010 09:59 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
Hahaha, that's what I kind of did with mine, decided to leave it alone after a while. I think I screwed with it so much it's acting funny now. When I turn it on its side I get a huge flame then when I put it right side up the flame is normal. Not sure if I wanna use it anymore, still, it looks nice.

Brutus2600 05-29-2010 11:42 PM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
I haven't turned mine on the side so I don't know if the flame gets bigger or not...also I'm sitting in the living room and the lighter is out in the garage. I'm too lazy to go test it right now :p haha

aich75013 06-02-2010 07:59 AM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
FYI, Zippo flints work just fine. side by side it lookes to be teh exact same size, and it lights just fine.

Brutus2600 06-02-2010 08:41 AM

Re: The LGC ping lighter
Sweet, good to know Adrian, thanks for the heads up :)

Also, I realize I've failed you all miserably with picture walk throughs :p It's been a little hectic with work lately. Good news is this project that's making it hectic ends the 13th, haha

Cigary 06-02-2010 09:00 AM

Re: The LGC ping lighter

Originally Posted by aich75013 (Post 875517)
FYI, Zippo flints work just fine. side by side it lookes to be teh exact same size, and it lights just fine.

Good news! Thx for the update and will get a few of these when mine needs em.

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