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goalie204 12-22-2009 03:48 PM

Re: Avatar
i like Michael Moore movies :)

BC-Axeman 12-22-2009 04:18 PM

Re: Avatar
The story idea was written by Cameron while the Viet Nam war was going on. His words. He could not present it the way he wanted to until now. My guess is that unless there was some breakthrough glitz to put in it it would be such a lame B grade sci-fi that it would have panned in the first week. JMO

CigarNut 12-23-2009 07:39 AM

Re: Avatar
I saw the movie in 3D on Sunday with my son and we both enjoyed it! The story was decent, if predictable -- but most stories these days have a basis on or elements of some past story or event, so there is nearly always some predictabilty. Does not bother me.

The CGI was awesome. Could they have done things differently to make it better? Sure, but I don't believe that there is any movie to date that comes close to the quality of CGI in Avatar. The 3D was also good -- again it could have been done better, but I did enjoy it.

If you enjoy a well done movie, then you should go see Avatar.

One more comment, or explanation, really. I enjoy most movies that are meant to entertain (not all, but most) because I set my expectations appropriately and don't over think them. I am there to escape, to be entertained, so I go to the movies (or read fiction) in a way that I am likely to get the most escape / entertainment value out of them.

On the otherhand, I enjoy a good documentary (e.g., King Corn -- which I highly recommend) and watch these kinds of movies with expectations that are different because they are not meant to be entertainment.

It's all a matter of how you approach things-- is the glass half empty of half full? (and full of what?? a good single malt scotch or tequila, I hope :D)

Time for a good cigar! :ss

Chris. 12-23-2009 10:03 AM

Re: Avatar
Just watched the trailer for King Corn. Looks interesting.

CigarNut 12-23-2009 11:40 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by Chris. (Post 692210)
Just watched the trailer for King Corn. Looks interesting.

If you are interested in find out just how much corn has invaded our lives, particularly since neither we, nor the cattle we live off of digest it very well then you will have your eyes opened!

goalie204 12-25-2009 07:19 AM

Re: Avatar
8.8/10 with 60,000 votes so far, can't wait to see this

mariogolbee 12-25-2009 10:59 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by Chris. (Post 692210)
Just watched the trailer for King Corn. Looks interesting.

You can watch King Corn on Netflix instant watch. Just reactivated my account with them and put King Corn in my instant watch Que.

eber 12-25-2009 11:46 AM

Re: Avatar
I saw this on Sunday and I thought it was amazing, I agree with the aforementioned 3D statements, I could do without them and the 3D kind of hurts my eyes. I can see where you can take it as a left wing agenda movie but that didn't really bother me that much.

goalie204 12-29-2009 02:45 PM

Re: Avatar
just saw this movie with the was amazing..i've never said that about a movie before...just amazing. Don't care what ppl think about the politics

gvarsity 01-03-2010 08:53 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by Chris. (Post 689394)
they have to make $500 mill to be profitable. That might take a while

1.02 billion worldwide in 17 days. Not a long time.

tobii3 01-03-2010 09:28 PM

Re: Avatar
No sh*t it's raking in $$$$$. It costs you about $50 to go see a movie nowadays. 3D tacks on additional costs as well.

Ya gotta laugh.

Think about it. you wait a few weeks and you can watch the movie at home for what, $3.95??

You don't have to deal with ign'ant retards who talk on their cell phones, talk to the screen or talk to each can PAUSE it when you need more beer (or a bathroom break) don't have to pay $5.25 for a 32 ounce Coke that costs you $0.99 at the gas station....a 24 pack of microwave popcorn costs you $5.00 at WalMart...versus a $9 bucket at the movies...

The way I figure, I have no need to ever set foot in a mugging ever again. I mean a movie theater.....:rolleyes:

pnoon 01-03-2010 09:33 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 706319)
No sh*t it's raking in $$$$$. It costs you about $50 to go see a movie nowadays. 3D tacks on additional costs as well.

Ya gotta laugh.

Think about it. you wait a few weeks and you can watch the movie at home for what, $3.95??

You don't have to deal with ign'ant retards who talk on their cell phones, talk to the screen or talk to each can PAUSE it when you need more beer (or a bathroom break) don't have to pay $5.25 for a 32 ounce Coke that costs you $0.99 at the gas station....a 24 pack of microwave popcorn costs you $5.00 at WalMart...versus a $9 bucket at the movies...

The way I figure, I have no need to ever set foot in a mugging ever again. I mean a movie theater.....:rolleyes:

While I may occasionally go to the movie theater (once every year or two), I couldn't agree with you more. For me, I've bolded what is MOST bothersome.

mariogolbee 01-03-2010 09:47 PM

Re: Avatar
There are certainly reasons not to go to the theater. I go for the experience. If it's a movie like Stepbrothers or something similar then I wait for DVD. But it doesn't matter how pimp your home system is, it just can't compete with a top notch theater.

I don't normally pay full price either. There are options such as matinee's, promotional days, and discounted tickets from Costco, jobs, or schools.

There are always gonna be issues with other people. We can only control ourselves and not others. This fact doesn't keep me away from a B&M where sommeone might be smoking a stinky cigarette or dog rocket next to me. To each his own though. Personally, the theater experience is worth it to me once every other month or so.

pnoon 01-03-2010 10:03 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 706346)
There are certainly reasons not to go to the theater. I go for the experience. If it's a movie like Stepbrothers or something similar then I wait for DVD. But it doesn't matter how pimp your home system is, it just can't compete with a top notch theater.

I don't normally pay full price either. There are options such as matinee's, promotional days, and discounted tickets from Costco, jobs, or schools.

There are always gonna be issues with other people. We can only control ourselves and not others. This fact doesn't keep me away from a B&M where sommeone might be smoking a stinky cigarette or dog rocket next to me. To each his own though. Personally, the theater experience is worth it to me once every other month or so.

You are right, Mario. Most movies are fine for home viewing.
But I seem to always have a theater seat in front someone who insists on yakking thru the movie and/or kicking my chair.

mariogolbee 01-03-2010 10:08 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 706378)
You are right, Mario. Most movies are fine for home viewing.
But I seem to always have a theater seat in front someone who insists on yakking thru the movie and/or kicking my chair.

I do hate when that happens Peter. Even though I'm fairly gentle at 6'4 a sharp look after a polite request usually helps things though. I don't mind quite as much for children's flicks though.

pnoon 01-03-2010 10:12 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 706391)
I do hate when that happens Peter. Even though I'm fairly gentle at 6'4 a sharp look after a polite request usually helps things though. I don't mind quite as much for children's flicks though.

Once again, I agree. However, I am only 5'7 so I only have the polite request and annoyed glare to work with. As for the children's movies, I expect the chatter. It's part of the enjoyment.

mariogolbee 01-03-2010 10:15 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 706403)
Once again, I agree. However, I am only 5'7 so I only have the polite request and annoyed glare to work with. As for the children's movies, I expect the chatter. It's part of the enjoyment.

Note to self: Find out pnoon's shoe size and send him some platforms and pepper spray for his movie nights.:r

pnoon 01-03-2010 10:18 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 706408)
Note to self: Find out pnoon's shoe size and send him some platforms and pepper spray for his movie nights.:r

The platform shoes would be put to good use. Guys like you always manage to sit right in front of me. ;)

mariogolbee 01-03-2010 10:27 PM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 706413)
The platform shoes would be put to good use. Guys like you always manage to sit right in front of me. ;)


spectrrr 01-03-2010 10:33 PM

Re: Avatar
I'm the type that almost never makes it to the theater. Sure, I like the experience, but I just don't have time... and generally when I do have time, no one I want to go with has time. So most of my viewing ends up being at home.

With that said, I saw Avatar last week. I'm seeing it again next week. That is a movie that will take a big hit downgrading to the small screen.

CigarNut 01-04-2010 07:46 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 706319)
No sh*t it's raking in $$$$$. It costs you about $50 to go see a movie nowadays. 3D tacks on additional costs as well.

Ya gotta laugh.

Think about it. you wait a few weeks and you can watch the movie at home for what, $3.95??

You don't have to deal with ign'ant retards who talk on their cell phones, talk to the screen or talk to each can PAUSE it when you need more beer (or a bathroom break) don't have to pay $5.25 for a 32 ounce Coke that costs you $0.99 at the gas station....a 24 pack of microwave popcorn costs you $5.00 at WalMart...versus a $9 bucket at the movies...

The way I figure, I have no need to ever set foot in a mugging ever again. I mean a movie theater.....:rolleyes:

The one catch with waiting to see movies at home is that many of the 3D movies are not released in 3D for home. The movie "UP" would be really good to see in 3D at home.

bazookajoe 01-04-2010 08:23 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 706403)
Once again, I agree. However, I am only 5'7 so I only have the polite request and annoyed glare to work with. As for the children's movies, I expect the chatter. It's part of the enjoyment.

Peter, you could douse yourself with cologne and smoke a Nub right before you go in... might create a clear zone around you. ;)

hotreds 01-04-2010 09:12 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by bazookajoe (Post 706741)
Peter, you could douse yourself with cologne and smoke a Nub right before you go in... might create a clear zone around you. ;)

Esp. a woman's fragrance!

pnoon 01-04-2010 09:15 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 706817)
Esp. a woman's fragrance!

I have my own fragrance.


CigarNut 01-04-2010 09:22 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 706822)
I have my own fragrance.


Apparently, it's either not strong enough or not reliable enough to give you some peace and quiet in a movie theater. Try adding some lentils, barley, or brussel sprouts to your diet :D

hotreds 01-04-2010 10:03 AM

Re: Avatar

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 706827)
Apparently, it's either not strong enough or not reliable enough to give you some peace and quiet in a movie theater. Try adding some lentils, barley, or brussel sprouts to your diet :D

Doused in garlic!

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