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newlifetaxidermy 10-23-2009 05:24 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

I hate to continue the hijack, but I must say this about the B&M in question. First, the owner and guys that work there are very friendly and knowledgeable. Second, their selection is the best of any B&M in the USA....and I'm not kidding. Third, when they put on an event, it is first class all the way. My only gripe is the making extra money off taxes thing. I hope they will stop that....I would certainly spend a great deal more of my cigar budget there.


We now return to our regularly scheduled program.

tobii3 10-24-2009 07:42 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Y'all mean THESE??



Yup.....Seen 'em!!!

RightAJ 10-24-2009 08:45 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
You suck Tobii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh I'm going crazy I think! Damn you Pete Johnson

Footbag 10-24-2009 08:49 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
Those are some scary looking smokes!

Reverend Mike 10-27-2009 08:04 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by marge796 (Post 610735)
Whatever happened to people doing the right thing because, it's the right thing to do?

I think some of the responsibility has to fall back onto Mr. Johnson to make sure his customers aren't being taken by greedy B&Ms and vendors. It really takes away from the enjoyment of the hobby.



P.S. I'll be staying away from the madness that the Drac has created.

Explain to us what is "the right thing" here? Should I sell my four boxes -- 2 of each -- to one guy? I don't think that's right at all. Should I sell individual sticks to people that call-in from three states away to buy that one single cigar and will never buy anything else from me? What's "the right thing" when you get 46 total cigars and you've got people from all over the country calling and wanting "all you have?"

I'm selling one each of the Drac and Boris to people that buy ANY box of Tatuaje -- P Series included. I'm keystoning them and selling them at the proper price. If that's not fair or "right", no one will buy them and I'll be stuck with them I guess.

poriggity 10-27-2009 08:57 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Reverend Mike (Post 620380)
Explain to us what is "the right thing" here? Should I sell my four boxes -- 2 of each -- to one guy? I don't think that's right at all. Should I sell individual sticks to people that call-in from three states away to buy that one single cigar and will never buy anything else from me? What's "the right thing" when you get 46 total cigars and you've got people from all over the country calling and wanting "all you have?"

I'm selling one each of the Drac and Boris to people that buy ANY box of Tatuaje -- P Series included. I'm keystoning them and selling them at the proper price. If that's not fair or "right", no one will buy them and I'll be stuck with them I guess.

I think it's wrong of you to be selling them like that. Just my opinion, but no one should be forced to buy ANOTHER tatuaje product just to have a chance at ONE cigar... To be ultimately fair, I would think they should go on the shelf when you are "supposed" to start selling them. Sell them at MSRP, and when you run out, you run out. Just my thought, but I am sure I'll be told that I'm wrong on this one. In my eyes, forcing a customer to buy something else in order to buy ONE of each limited edition cigar, is thievery.

chenvt 10-27-2009 09:13 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620420)
I think it's wrong of you to be selling them like that. Just my opinion, but no one should be forced to buy ANOTHER tatuaje product just to have a chance at ONE cigar... To be ultimately fair, I would think they should go on the shelf when you are "supposed" to start selling them. Sell them at MSRP, and when you run out, you run out. Just my thought, but I am sure I'll be told that I'm wrong on this one. In my eyes, forcing a customer to buy something else in order to buy ONE of each limited edition cigar, is thievery.

I think he's saying you can buy a box of boris and drac for every box of another tatuaje.. but yeah, then it becomes a money thing where those with more limited buying ability have zero chance at this shop.. Accessibility is what's lacking when there's policies like that in place.. what if someone just wants to buy 1 of each to try out or save for a special occasion?

poriggity 10-27-2009 09:17 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
I read it as he is selling 1 STICK of each to anyone that buys a box of another tatuaje product. Yet another reason I am leaving all tatuaje products for everyone else from now on. Lots of other great smokes out there that I don't have to fight for.

chenvt 10-27-2009 09:25 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620448)
I read it as he is selling 1 STICK of each to anyone that buys a box of another tatuaje product. Yet another reason I am leaving all tatuaje products for everyone else from now on. Lots of other great smokes out there that I don't have to fight for.

If that's true, that's about the most obscene way of trying them out that I've heard.. Buy a whole box to be ABLE to buy a stick? egads

poriggity 10-27-2009 09:31 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
I don't know if its true, but it wouldn't surprise me. There are other retailers doing the same thing. This is one of the main reasons I am swearing off tatuaje's. I don't care how good they are. Any retailers that force you to buy other boxes of tatuaje products for the chance to buy dracs... They lost my business. New Havana lost my business for the way they held the scavenger hunt and pulled boxes OUT of people's carts WHILE they were in the midst of checking out... I've got a list going of retailers I now refuse to shop at.
.. I am probably over reacting, but so be it.

KDKLOSS 10-27-2009 09:49 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620462)
I don't know if its true, but it wouldn't surprise me. There are other retailers doing the same thing. This is one of the main reasons I am swearing off tatuaje's. I don't care how good they are. Any retailers that force you to buy other boxes of tatuaje products for the chance to buy dracs... They lost my business. New Havana lost my business for the way they held the scavenger hunt and pulled boxes OUT of people's carts WHILE they were in the midst of checking out... I've got a list going of retailers I now refuse to shop at.
.. I am probably over reacting, but so be it.

I don't blame Pete Johnson or Tatuaje I blame the retailers. I'm sure Pete never told any retailer to rip off their customers by making the customer buy a whole box of Tats just to be able to buy one single Drac or Boris stick. Pete made cigars and shipped them to retailers. From there he has no control over how they are sold. My local retailer did the honorable thing by selling 3 of each the Drac and Boris per customer on a first come first serve basis and I have not heard one complaint about them yet. Unfortunatly some of these retailers must have been used car salesmen in other lives because they handled this whole situation poorly. Personally I'd write off these retailers before I'd write off the cigars. I can buy the same cigars I like from different places without having to set foot in the door of this creaps shop. And to top it off he used his first post on the board to wine and try to gain sympathy or to justify his actions. Hey I don't have many posts on here but I can sleep at night knowing I'm not ripping people off. If he thinks for a minute we would ever believe that he would be stuck with the Dracs or Boris he's lying to himself and quite franky it's insulting. My suggestion to him would be to close up shop if he feels it's ok to treat his customers that way.

Darrell 10-27-2009 09:54 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
This whole situation is whack. No matter who is to blame.

poriggity 10-27-2009 09:56 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
While I agree with part of what you are saying... and I have met Pete, and think he's a good guy, I think his business practices leave a lot to be desired. I thought the way that New Havana handled their "scavenger hunt", by pulling boxes of dracs out of people's shopping carts, as they were checking out, was royally JACKED. The thing that made me boycott Tatuaje was the fact that Pete was on the phone with Dan at New Havana monitoring this scavenger hunt the whole time, so he knew what was going on, and supportive of it.

There have also been quite a few retailers that are REQUIRING that each person buy a box of some other Tatuaje product, before you are even allowed to buy 1 drac or boris cigar. To me, this is highway robbery. Every place I have seen has jacked up the price on each box of tatuaje, as well as the cost of the drac and boris themselves, simply to make money. Obviously Pete is ok with this as well, or he'd pull the tatuaje account or at least the limited edition stuff from these retailers.

There are also retailers that are putting together 3-4 cigar sampers that include 1 drac and 1 boris, and charging $100-$115 for each sampler. IMHO, this is complete thievery. Pete knows this is going on, and allows it. These are all reasons I have decided to boycott certain retailers, as well at Tatuaje Cigars as a whole.

montecristo#2 10-27-2009 10:29 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
This has been an interesting process, that is for sure. I have had an easier time getting more limited Tatuajes than these. Mark at Tower was selling the Cohetes (only 150 or so boxes) and they lasted longer than these, the T110's where there was also less than 200 boxes as well.

Is there a right way or wrong way to sell these, probably. Has this situation opened my eyes to a couple of retailers most definitely.

Have I learned something from this experience, yes. Treat the retailers you use with respect and loyalty and they will treat you the same way.

I do not blame a shop I have never bought from for not selling these to me out of the blue. If they save them for locals who support and keep the shop running, more power to them. All I ask is an email to let me know that is the case. Also, if a shop starts a list and tells people they will be getting a box, they should stick to that (luckily that did not happen to me).

I usually buy from several shops, from now on I will probably stick to a handful (3-4) even if they are 10 dollars more expensive.

cort 10-27-2009 10:45 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
I thought cigars were supposed to be a relaxing hobby:confused:

All this Tat drama is crazy. Sorry to everyone who got jerked around by these clowns. How good can the damn cigars be?:tf

poriggity 10-27-2009 10:53 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Cort (Post 620546)
I thought cigars were supposed to be a relaxing hobby:confused:

All this Tat drama is crazy. Sorry to everyone who got jerked around by these clowns. How good can the damn cigars be?:tf

I had a friend tell me he smoked a drac today, and thought the Conoju was better. That right there tells me that the hype is way over played.

Mike-823 10-27-2009 10:56 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620486)
.....I thought the way that New Havana handled their "scavenger hunt", by pulling boxes of dracs out of people's shopping carts, as they were checking out, was royally JACKED....

Every place I have seen has jacked up the price on each box of tatuaje, as well as the cost of the drac and boris themselves, simply to make money....

"Every place" you saw "jacked" up the price? You sure about that?

I mean, since you mentioned NHC, you're obviously aware of them and the dracs... They didn't raise the price on the drac or boris 1 cent above MSRP. You still sure about "every place" you saw?

duckmanco 10-27-2009 10:58 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Cort (Post 620546)
I thought cigars were supposed to be a relaxing hobby:confused:

All this Tat drama is crazy. Sorry to everyone who got jerked around by these clowns. How good can the damn cigars be?:tf

This sounds wrong I know.... but at some point, its rolled up fermented leaves.... and this is coming from someone who f*cking loves cigars, but, as with ANYTHING, there comes a time where diminishing returns takes effect. While I haven't had these cigars, I'm thinking this is one of those times.

chenvt 10-28-2009 05:26 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
What's with all these 1-posters hopping in here?

poriggity 10-28-2009 08:06 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Mike-823 (Post 620556)
"Every place" you saw "jacked" up the price? You sure about that?

I mean, since you mentioned NHC, you're obviously aware of them and the dracs... They didn't raise the price on the drac or boris 1 cent above MSRP. You still sure about "every place" you saw?

Ok, well, since I never found a box of dracs or boris on New Havana's site, how would I know what they are priced at? Perhaps I over exaggerated. I am sure there are some retailers selling at MSRP. But there are also a lot of retailers that are gouging.

chenvt 10-28-2009 08:08 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620816)
Ok, well, since I never found a box of dracs or boris on New Havana's site, how would I know what they are priced at? Perhaps I over exaggerated. I am sure there are some retailers selling at MSRP. But there are also a lot of retailers that are gouging.

Point, Poriggity!

pfm721 10-28-2009 08:12 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620816)
Ok, well, since I never found a box of dracs or boris on New Havana's site, how would I know what they are priced at? Perhaps I over exaggerated. I am sure there are some retailers selling at MSRP. But there are also a lot of retailers that are gouging.

Emerson sold them online yesterday at MSRP. But yes some are taking advantage.

chenvt 10-28-2009 08:26 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
Like with all places, it varies.. I got on the wait list from one of the 13 retailers.. gave up with the search with all the stupid games, facebook signups, etc.. Then the wait list one called and said it was $188 plus shipping.. above retail.. Then just yesterday a BOTL told me about a tinderbox that was selling them at MSRP..

It's similar to Opus experiences.. the B&M down the street gets opus every year.. but rather than sell them at MSRP, they sell them 40% markup.. I saw that, never been back since

poriggity 10-28-2009 08:29 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by pfm721 (Post 620826)
Emerson sold them online yesterday at MSRP. But yes some are taking advantage.

II heard a rumor that they were selling them at MSRP, but I also heard they sold out in like 20 minutes LOL...

poriggity 10-28-2009 08:31 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by chenvt (Post 620847)
Like with all places, it varies.. I got on the wait list from one of the 13 retailers.. gave up with the search with all the stupid games, facebook signups, etc.. Then the wait list one called and said it was $188 plus shipping.. above retail.. Then just yesterday a BOTL told me about a tinderbox that was selling them at MSRP..

It's similar to Opus experiences.. the B&M down the street gets opus every year.. but rather than sell them at MSRP, they sell them 40% markup.. I saw that, never been back since

Exactly. I refuse to shop at any retailer the plays games with these limited release smokes, or price gouges. There's a reason I shop at places like . Mike is a good guy and won't price gouge.

chenvt 10-28-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620850)
II heard a rumor that they were selling them at MSRP, but I also heard they sold out in like 20 minutes LOL...

Hey all these retailers that are making you pay more in one way or another for dracs and boris' know that anyone selling htem at MSRP are going to sell them first.. and then when there's few places left, that's when they know the huddled masses will come

poriggity 10-28-2009 08:42 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
Yeah and thats sad. Its also my main reason for not buying any Tatuaje products. Pete is keeping tabs on his retailers and knows what they are selling these cigars for. The people who are gouging are still being allowed to do so, with no repercussions.

RightAJ 10-28-2009 09:32 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by chenvt (Post 620847)
Like with all places, it varies.. I got on the wait list from one of the 13 retailers.. gave up with the search with all the stupid games, facebook signups, etc.. Then the wait list one called and said it was $188 plus shipping.. above retail.. Then just yesterday a BOTL told me about a tinderbox that was selling them at MSRP..


tmoney2007 10-28-2009 09:38 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
Whatever dude, get all butt hurt because of a cigar that was supposed to create a rare *exciting* situation in the industry.

Choose to have fun with the situation and you will...

Choose to get pissed off and that will happen too.

tobii3 10-28-2009 09:49 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by chenvt (Post 620847)
Then just yesterday a BOTL told me about a tinderbox that was selling them at MSRP.

No kidding??

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Drac's at a TinderBox last night.... I guess it's pretty serious.

(my apologies for ruining the Ferris Bueller quote)

Brooks W 10-28-2009 09:49 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620553)
I had a friend tell me he smoked a drac today, and thought the Conoju was better. That right there tells me that the hype is way over played.

Oh, cmon, really? Based on one person?

Based on what **I** know, the Cojonu series is NOT better then the Drac, not by a long shot...

(but I do love a good Cojonu 2003 :)

~ brooks

chenvt 10-28-2009 10:00 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 620953)
No kidding??

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Drac's at a TinderBox last night.... I guess it's pretty serious.

(my apologies for ruining the Ferris Bueller quote)

I don't know if you know this tobes, but I'm kind of a big deal

(no apologies for ruining the Anchorman quote)

chenvt 10-28-2009 10:01 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by RightAJ (Post 620925)

btw, does anyone have Adam's address? If so, PM it to me

poriggity 10-28-2009 11:37 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 620955)
Oh, cmon, really? Based on one person?

Based on what **I** know, the Cojonu series is NOT better then the Drac, not by a long shot...

(but I do love a good Cojonu 2003 :)

~ brooks

Yes, really. Its a guy I trust, and know his tastes. If he says the Cojonu is better than the drac, than I am pretty positive that's how I'll feel, as we have the same tastes in cigars. As far as "having fun" with the hunt for drac's and boris, thats great. If you guys can have fun with it, go for it. I just can't really agree with the price gouging going on from SOME retailers, and the games going on from SOME retailers. IMHO, the most FAIR way to deal with the Drac/Boris situation is to put them on the shelves or website, and put them up for sale, AT MSRP plus taxes, and sell them till they are gone. First come first serve. Thats just my opinion, and I am pretty sure it's not the popular one.

pfm721 10-28-2009 11:44 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620850)
II heard a rumor that they were selling them at MSRP, but I also heard they sold out in like 20 minutes LOL...

Yeah they were gone in a hurry

Brooks W 10-28-2009 11:46 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 621125)
Yes, really. Its a guy I trust, and know his tastes. If he says the Cojonu is better than the drac, than I am pretty positive that's how I'll feel, as we have the same tastes in cigars. As far as "having fun" with the hunt for drac's and boris, thats great. If you guys can have fun with it, go for it. I just can't really agree with the price gouging going on from SOME retailers, and the games going on from SOME retailers. IMHO, the most FAIR way to deal with the Drac/Boris situation is to put them on the shelves or website, and put them up for sale, AT MSRP plus taxes, and sell them till they are gone. First come first serve. Thats just my opinion, and I am pretty sure it's not the popular one.

Have you smoked a Drac yet, and do you plan on trying to get one to try, to see if you feel the same way after you taste it?

Just wondering :)


njstone 10-28-2009 11:48 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 621125)
Yes, really. Its a guy I trust, and know his tastes. If he says the Cojonu is better than the drac, than I am pretty positive that's how I'll feel, as we have the same tastes in cigars. As far as "having fun" with the hunt for drac's and boris, thats great. If you guys can have fun with it, go for it. I just can't really agree with the price gouging going on from SOME retailers, and the games going on from SOME retailers. IMHO, the most FAIR way to deal with the Drac/Boris situation is to put them on the shelves or website, and put them up for sale, AT MSRP plus taxes, and sell them till they are gone. First come first serve. Thats just my opinion, and I am pretty sure it's not the popular one.

As many people will attest, you can't judge a cigar based on 1 stick. Especially 1 stick smoked OTT--the only option when smoking a Drac this week. I am certian that your friend did not like the Drac he smoked as well as the Cojonu's he's smoked. But again, judging that one 1 OTT stick that your friend smoked is, in my opinion, not enough to call the Drac release "all hype" or whatever. No offense, just my opinion.

I've had 1 Cojonu '03 and one '06, and though they were good, I felt they weren't worth the coin to me. But again, that's 1 stick. I have 2 more of each I believe, so I'll reserve judgment. I've learned that my palate can't always be trusted, especially during cold season like now.

Oh, and as far as your opinion on the Drac sales ... that's FAR from an unpopular one, actually. Many have said exactly what you have. I have actually "discussed" it with Pete in another forum, and have heard that he's taking a version of one of my ideas to heart for next year's release. Essentially--exactly like this year's with one major addition: a huge extra allotment (666 or 1300 boxes) to be sent to one store, earmarked for phone/internet orders. This will keep the shops happy while also making the collectors/hardcore fans/brand supporters happy as well.

acarr 10-28-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by njstone (Post 621148)
As many people will attest, you can't judge a cigar based on 1 stick. Especially 1 stick smoked OTT--the only option when smoking a Drac this week. I am certian that your friend did not like the Drac he smoked as well as the Cojonu's he's smoked. But again, judging that one 1 OTT stick that your friend smoked is, in my opinion, not enough to call the Drac release "all hype" or whatever. No offense, just my opinion.

I've had 1 Cojonu '03 and one '06, and though they were good, I felt they weren't worth the coin to me. But again, that's 1 stick. I have 2 more of each I believe, so I'll reserve judgment. I've learned that my palate can't always be trusted, especially during cold season like now.

Oh, and as far as your opinion on the Drac sales ... that's FAR from an unpopular one, actually. Many have said exactly what you have. I have actually "discussed" it with Pete in another forum, and have heard that he's taking a version of one of my ideas to heart for next year's release. Essentially--exactly like this year's with one major addition: a huge extra allotment (666 or 1300 boxes) to be sent to one store, earmarked for phone/internet orders. This will keep the shops happy while also making the collectors/hardcore fans/brand supporters happy as well.

Now going full circle, will the collectors and hardcore fans want them if there are 2500 boxes of them:confused:

njstone 10-28-2009 12:09 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 621174)
Now going full circle, will the collectors and hardcore fans want them if there are 2500 boxes of them:confused:

heck yea! I want a Drac box just as much as a Frank box, and there are twice as many.

In point of fact, though, what Pete might do is have only a certian number of the collector's coffins (maybe 1300 again) and have most of the boxes shipped to B&Ms be simple 10-count cedar boxes. This makes a LOT of sense to me, since most B&Ms are just braking the boxes up for singles anyway. Send each shop 1 nice collector's box, and the rest plain 10-count boxes.

End result: more sticks than this year, but roughly the same amount of boxes.

chenvt 10-28-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by njstone (Post 621201)
heck yea! I want a Drac box just as much as a Frank box, and there are twice as many.

In point of fact, though, what Pete might do is have only a certian number of the collector's coffins (maybe 1300 again) and have most of the boxes shipped to B&Ms be simple 10-count cedar boxes. This makes a LOT of sense to me, since most B&Ms are just braking the boxes up for singles anyway. Send each shop 1 nice collector's box, and the rest plain 10-count boxes.

End result: more sticks than this year, but roughly the same amount of boxes.

that's a hell of an idea, making both sides happy

RightAJ 10-28-2009 01:17 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
I like those ideas guys good thinking!

On a side note I just had one place call me back and said they wanted $100 for a 2 pack... I told the guy I got a whole box for $170 and he just mumbled about rarity. That is crazy, it is a $13 cigar and it should stay that way. I can understand maybe taxes or something jumping it up a buck or two but $37 more than MSRP??? That is stupid


poriggity 10-28-2009 01:40 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 621145)
Have you smoked a Drac yet, and do you plan on trying to get one to try, to see if you feel the same way after you taste it?

Just wondering :)


If I stumble upon a shop that has a drac or boris sitting there, untouched and at MSRP, I MIGHT grab it just to smoke one and see what my thoughts are, but I won't be making any special phone calls to try and procure any. You are correct though Brooks, I SHOULD smoke one, and form my own opinion on it.

poriggity 10-28-2009 01:41 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by RightAJ (Post 621297)
I like those ideas guys good thinking!

On a side note I just had one place call me back and said they wanted $100 for a 2 pack... I told the guy I got a whole box for $170 and he just mumbled about rarity. That is crazy, it is a $13 cigar and it should stay that way. I can understand maybe taxes or something jumping it up a buck or two but $37 more than MSRP??? That is stupid


I don't understand even marking it up a buck or two. MSRP is MSRP. The whole point behind Pete's Monster series is the #13. To add to that.. $100 for two sticks is just plain STUPID. I would NEVER pay $50 for something that's going to become ash... No matter HOW good it was.

RightAJ 10-28-2009 01:55 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 621335)
I don't understand even marking it up a buck or two. MSRP is MSRP. The whole point behind Pete's Monster series is the #13. To add to that.. $100 for two sticks is just plain STUPID. I would NEVER pay $50 for something that's going to become ash... No matter HOW good it was.

Totally agree. The only exception may be a Dunhill or Davidoff vintage CC but even then not sure I'd wanna shell out $50

Brooks W 10-28-2009 02:13 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 621335)
To add to that.. $100 for two sticks is just plain STUPID. I would NEVER pay $50 for something that's going to become ash... No matter HOW good it was.

LOL you are talking to the wrong guy!



poriggity 10-28-2009 02:22 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 621386)
LOL you are talking to the wrong guy!



Yeah, I know how you roll Brooks! I read your blog all the time! l I think you are definetly filling a niche that needed to be filled! Very cool that you focus on rare or expensive sticks. Wish I could afford to do that LOL!

Brooks W 10-28-2009 02:41 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 621397)
Yeah, I know how you roll Brooks! I read your blog all the time! l I think you are definetly filling a niche that needed to be filled! Very cool that you focus on rare or expensive sticks. Wish I could afford to do that LOL!

Wish I could too :)


poriggity 10-28-2009 03:35 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 621429)
Wish I could too :)


Well, you make it look easy!

Starz26 10-28-2009 04:49 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date

Originally Posted by poriggity (Post 620462)
New Havana lost my business for the way they held the scavenger hunt and pulled boxes OUT of people's carts WHILE they were in the midst of checking out...

For the record NHC did not PULL THEM OUT of the carts. The goal of the hunt was to randomly place them within other Tat products. Inventory of 1 box at a time. It would appear for a minute or so and then dissapear and reappear somewhere else.

The site has real time inventory. What happened is people posted the link to the product thus bypassing the need to Hunt for it. The allowed many people to get them at the same time. the real time inventory took over and ensured that you did not place and order for something that was not available.

The idea for this hunt gave everyone a fair shot and was supposed to make it fun. Of all the ideas that are out there with the current release, I think this was the most creative. I give Dan props for that. Also, one he realized what was going on he took steps to fix it by changing the product code so that you could not just refresh your screen.

So before you go spreading bad blood toward a retailer that has a great reputation, please think a little about what may be going on. Dan and Pete both had the best interests in mind. The fast moving resources of the internet forums took over and botched the execution.

chenvt 10-28-2009 06:21 PM

Re: Tat Drac: Shipping Date
botched execution seems to be a theme..

And was the "scavenger hunt" based on random luck whether or not one would appear? Why not do a lottery and save people the time? Oh yeah, so there can be some additional sales from folks looking around.. Smart from a business standpoint

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