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Darrell 09-23-2009 04:40 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
H. Upmann Corona?

DBall 09-23-2009 04:42 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Not even close... hell, not even in the same country (literally).........


DBall 09-23-2009 04:43 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
From now on, 1 guess per person (those who guessed already can guess again).

Darrell 09-23-2009 04:45 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Is it a La Aurora?

Wraiith 09-23-2009 04:48 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
My two cents are a Casa Magna.....but now I wish I could guess more than once because I have other thoughts if that's not it!!! Damn rules :D

Doctorossi 09-23-2009 04:55 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 564592)
Not even close... hell, not even in the same country (literally).........


That's what I was gonna say. No way that's CC. Looks Dominican to me.

DBall 09-23-2009 05:24 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
time is a-runnin' out. Marca and vitola (although I may be ok with just the marca)...

(for those that don't know, marca is the brand, vitola is the size... ie: Bolivar Petite Corona)

DougBushBC 09-23-2009 05:25 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
I guess RP Sungrown Petite Corona.

coastietech 09-23-2009 05:34 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
DPG Cuban Classic?

kelmac07 09-23-2009 05:35 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

WyGuy 09-23-2009 05:35 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Illusione 68?

SmokinApe 09-23-2009 05:36 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Tat Havana IV Angels

Wraiith 09-23-2009 05:40 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 564631)
time is a-runnin' out. Marca and vitola (although I may be ok with just the marca)...

(for those that don't know, marca is the brand, vitola is the size... ie: Bolivar Petite Corona)



Originally Posted by Wraiith (Post 564598)
My two cents are a Casa Magna.....but now I wish I could guess more than once because I have other thoughts if that's not it!!! Damn rules :D

Colorado Torito?

DougBushBC 09-23-2009 05:45 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by coastietech (Post 564641)
DPG Cuban Classic?

I thought that too, but the DPG Black Corona has a pigtail

GTCanuk 09-23-2009 06:13 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
come one it is after 8:D

Barteur 09-23-2009 06:16 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by GTCanuk (Post 564682)
come one it is after 8:D


yourchoice 09-23-2009 06:19 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
I'll take a stab...Cabaiguan Guapos Junior.

coastietech 09-23-2009 06:23 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DougBushBC (Post 564652)
I thought that too, but the DPG Black Corona has a pigtail

The one I had didn't... I don't believe the Perla 1952's have a pigtail although I could be mistaken

Smokin Gator 09-23-2009 06:24 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 564592)
Not even close... hell, not even in the same country (literally).........


I am surprised... the ash looked like a CC to me. Not white enough to be a Nic Puro... Fark... I don't know!!!

wayner123 09-23-2009 07:44 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Tatuaje Havana VI Angeles

Wraiith 09-23-2009 08:57 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
What happened to 8pm?!?!!? :D

Eleven 09-23-2009 09:03 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Tat P2

ir13 09-23-2009 11:36 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Don Lino Africa

Smokin Gator 09-24-2009 04:52 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by Wraiith (Post 565005)
What happened to 8pm?!?!!? :D

Heck, what happened to last night!!!

Just messin' with you Dan:tu

DBall 09-24-2009 06:08 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
An emergency arose that made it impossible to be near my house, let alone a computer. Things are mostly back to normal now, but life is life and sh1t happens.

Anyway... here goes:

What they smoked:

Don Pepin Garcia Cuban Classic Perla

Slavac score: 9.0
Flat4boxer score: 8.9

That's the thing with NC's... few draw problems. These are very small smokes that I'll have to revisit at some point. It's been a long, long while since I smoked an NC (not because I'm a snob, I just know what I like and my collection is of mostly habanos :D). Apparently, tho these two, they are pretty damned good. I'll have to smoke one while reading their reviews to see if I can pick up on any of the same things. It's nice to see a consistent rating between both Brad and Kelly, though.

Joeseph (Coastietech) will have a 5er of these on his doorstep as soon as the postal service delivers them. I'm glad a Jets fan guessed correctly... :D

Keep em coming, guys!

coastietech 09-24-2009 06:30 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
This kicks ass... Whoo hoo!!! Thank you! :tu

DBall 09-24-2009 08:46 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Well... I smoked one. There were hints of goodness that I can't quite place but it was quite different than what i'm used to. At times I swear I tasted glue and it stayed fairly one dimensional to my palate. Eh... It wasn't horrible, just not my cup of tea.


Slavac 09-24-2009 08:58 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 565602)
Well... I smoked one. There were hints of goodness that I can't quite place but it was quite different than what i'm used to. At times I swear I tasted glue and it stayed fairly one dimensional to my palate. Eh... It wasn't horrible, just not my cup of tea.


Leave the reviews to us professionals.

AdamC 09-24-2009 09:31 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by Slavac (Post 565617)
Leave the reviews to us professionals.


DBall 09-24-2009 09:45 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by Slavac (Post 565617)
Leave the reviews to us professionals.

Damned smart-assed newbs... :p

Flat4boxer 09-24-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by DBall (Post 565710)
Damned smart-assed newbs... :p

We know what we're doing!!! Brad and I both nailed the first review AND the 2nd!! He was right thou, leave the tasting up to us pros. ;-p
Posted via Mobile Device

DBall 09-24-2009 09:57 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by Flat4boxer (Post 565729)
We know what we're doing!!! Brad and I both nailed the first review AND the 2nd!! He was right thou, leave the tasting up to us pros. ;-p
Posted via Mobile Device

Fine, fine... I'll leave you to your fun. Go smoke some cigars, then! :D

Slavac 09-24-2009 09:58 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 565734)
Fine, fine... I'll leave you to your fun. Go smoke some cigars, then! :D


14holestogie 09-24-2009 10:07 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by Slavac (Post 565736)
Roger.'s Dan. :rolleyes:

coastietech 09-26-2009 04:23 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 565475)

Joeseph (Coastietech) will have a 5er of these on his doorstep as soon as the postal service delivers them. I'm glad a Jets fan guessed correctly... :D

Received the prize that Dan (Dball) sent for my lucky guess. :r Thank you so much!!!


dogface_313 09-26-2009 04:59 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
sweet Joe

Flat4boxer 09-27-2009 06:24 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Sorry everyone, no review for me this week as I have come down with something awful.


DBall 09-27-2009 06:28 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by Flat4boxer (Post 569483)
Sorry everyone, no review for me this week as I have come down with something awful.


Get better soon, man!!!

DBall 09-28-2009 03:48 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Slavac has review #3 done, Kelly said he'll be out for a bit...

Flat4boxer 09-30-2009 12:24 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 571839)
Slavac has review #3 done, Kelly said he'll be out for a bit...

My head is out of the barrel. Review #3 is in your inbox :banger

ir13 09-30-2009 12:27 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Now we just have to :tt on Balls

Flat4boxer 09-30-2009 05:01 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by ir13 (Post 575262)
Now we just have to :tt on Balls

He's an alright guy, just slow is all :r

DBall 10-01-2009 06:36 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Slavac Cigar #3

Mystery Cigar 3
Setting: Back deck on a 70 deg night with AdamC.
Drink: Left Handed Brewery Milk Stout

Initial Impressions: This is one of the longer of the 10 cigars I was sent, however it is VERY veiny cigar, probably one of the most vein riddled I've ever seen.

Cut and pre-light draw: Hard draw but not as bad as #1.
The first 2 inches of the cigar appear supple to the touch, the rest of the cigar has periodic knots throughout, usually under the knots.

Lit easily using my tri-torch.

Draw after lighting: Difficult, but not hard. Guillotine cut. Flavors of wood and tobacco with a vaguely sweet finish that I can't pigeonhole into a particular flavor.

First Third: Tastes a bit off. Unpleasant but not horrid. Draw is tight with very little smoke. Ash is strange, very strange. Looks a bit like a series of hourglasses stuck atop each other at different angles. Developed a burn spot 1" down from the cherry which burned through. At this point I don't hate this stick, but I don't like it.
Lost ash at 1". Burn is uneven.
Flavors of wood, tar and oddly enough, faintly of freshly baked bread.
^Burn spot during First Third.

Second Third: Draw easing, smoke increasing. Flavor is more harsh, with maybe a hint of pepper? Some tar flavor building. Lost its ash again with 1" of buildup. Burn remains uneven.
Flavors remain the same though I lost the fresh baked bread component.
Toward the end of 2/3 I noticed some more harshness at the back of the palate. Cigar has begun falling apart: trying to lose the main leaf wrapper.
^Funky ash and falling apart.

Third Third: Ash lasts only half an inch at a time. More palate burn returning.
Flavors remain the same and unremarkable. Wrapper continues to disintegrate.
^Damage evident here. 3/3.

Final Impressions: This cigar lasted about 50 minutes and wasn't enjoyable for more than 2 of those.
Would I buy again: Certainly not.
Would I smoke again: I'd give this one another try to see if I got a dud, but odds are I'd pass.
Overall Rating With 10 the highest possible and 0 the baseline: 3.5/10

Final Thoughts: Look elsewhere.

DBall 10-01-2009 06:37 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Flat4boxer Cigar #3

Okay folks sorry for the delay. My head cold is finally cleared up and I was able to enjoy some cigar time for the first time in a week this morning.

Unknown cigar #3 is a light brown, firmly wrapped stick that is roughly 6 1/2 - 7" long. Small veins cover this non-oily wrapper. Overall appearance is A+.


After cutting off the end, the draw seems as if it's going to be a struggle to smoke. Not unlike Brads first cigar.


Draw is very tight and a low volume of smoke. I want to say it tastes of cedar but my newb palet knows no better so that's what I'm sticking with. The smoke is not overpowering, almost mild is the best discription.

First 3rd:

Draw continues to be tight. I get the home made draw tool out and start poking away hoping to free up more smoke. Little is accomplished so I just continue puffing away. It forms a tight gray ash that struggles to hang on. (slight breeze out today) A mouth full of smoke is hard to come by. Shame, because what I do get is very tasty. Burn is very even, no touch ups required.

Second 3rd:

The tight draw continues until finally it was as if I'd burned through the "plug". Smoke comes more freely and I really get the full taste of this stick. The dedar notes mentioned above continue and slightly mix with a woodsy flavor. A touch of leather is introduced here and there. The cigar is very enjoyable at this point.

Third 3rd:

The very smooth cedar flavor continues and the woodsy complexity seem to blend nicely as we near the finnish. This is yet another stick that I nub to the end.

Overall I have to give this cigar a 8.7/10

It would have scored a bit higher had I not run into the initial draw problem.

I would recommend this stick and will look to pick up a few to throw in the humi for later enjoyment.

DBall 10-01-2009 06:45 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
What they smoked:

2000 Partagas de Partagas #1

Slavac score: 3.5
Flat4boxer score: 8.7

Clearly... there's something going on here with these cigars. I asked Brad how he was storing them because, while it's no secret habanos have draw issues, not EVERY one should.

Turns out his humidor is around 70% (which it far too high for habanos... NCs seem to be able to tolerate high RH a bit better).

From now on, he's gonna drybox them a bit before smoking them. That should make it a little better. A bad draw can really ruin the smoking experience...

Starscream 10-01-2009 07:13 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
Love PdPs!

Smokin Gator 10-01-2009 07:18 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
I love me some PdPs as well. Almost all of my 99-00 ones have been pretty plugged. If not for a draw tool I don't think I would like them. Once you get them opened up they really shine!!

fissure 10-01-2009 07:32 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
One of my favorites also. Dry boxing these helps tremendously.

DBall 10-01-2009 07:39 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread
When I was smoking NCs, I found they smoked better in the high 60s, low 70s... I find habanos to be best around 60-65, personally.

Slavac 10-01-2009 08:21 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test Thread

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 576988)
When I was smoking NCs, I found they smoked better in the high 60s, low 70s... I find habanos to be best around 60-65, personally.

Yup. Going to drybox the remainder before I smoke'em and see if that helps. I also have a fancy dandy draw tool now.

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