Re: Tea Parties
Originally Posted by BigAl_SC
(Post 341398)
How right that is... I even had a lady (30ish) that at the tea party on Wednesday told me she was 'not paying taxes but got a refund' I politely asked if she would give me an income range she was in and she said single and making in the 80's. I explained that she did pay taxes and a heck of a lot of them. She just deposited her money in an non-interest bearing account the gave her a small portion of her own money back on April 15th. I told her to look at her return to find the true amount she paid in. I hope she does because my rough guess would be 12 to 15k.
This is one of the biggest problems we have to overcome in order to avoid turning into the Soviet Union; ignorance. So many people have no clue what our constitution says, what rights they have, that we live in a republic not a democracy, how our socialist progressive tax works, or how quickly socialism can kill a thriving county's spirit.
Entitlement is out of control too. People think it's the government's job to provide housing, transportation, college education, healthcare, garaunteed employment, and money during retirement. I'm sorry but that's not what made our country great. Opportunity and Freedom is what made our country great. People have been dying to get here for over 200 years because of the freedom to enjoy the fruits of their own labor; not so they could become dependent and let the government provide for them. If people wanted that they could stay in the USSR, Cuba, China, or Europe.
Don't believe the myth that socialism or communism can eradicate poverty. The Soviet Union proved that. Cuba is a fine example now. It doesn't eradicat poverty, it multiplies poverty. Rather than having a small percentage of the population in poverty, 90% of the country is piss poor. Even today large portions of the former Soviet Union still do not have indoor plumbing. My wife lived there for 6 years and you wouldn't believe the stories she can tell.