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Commander Quan 04-07-2009 04:51 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
It would be a Guantanamera Cristal. That's all they are good for right?

WildBlueSooner 04-07-2009 04:58 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by JPH (Post 325285)
Why do you all always make me want to spend my money on things I dont need??

I found myself browsing the web site going "Ok...I can spend this"... Then reality hit...this IS ANOTHER HOBBY.... I already:

collect/smoke cigars
smoke /collect pipes
hunt (squirrel,rabbit,deer,turkey,duck,geese)
fish (both standard and fly)
roast coffee
collect guns/ammo
semi connoisseur of booze/wine/beer

Now this.....NO SIR's..I'm sticking to BIC as long as possible.

Quan and Prof with your supple faces...LOL

Oh come only live once ;)

macpappy 04-07-2009 05:10 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Glad I don't have to shave anymore.

nozero 04-07-2009 05:31 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by AllOGistics (Post 323754)
I recommend the Merkur HD.

This is where I got mine. Lee's

Thanks for this! I just ordered:
1 x DE Blade Multipack
1 x Col. Conk Sampler

40 blades 10 each of various brands and 4 soaps. I like this, now I can try them all to see what I like the best!

WildBlueSooner 04-07-2009 05:32 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 325388)
Thanks for this! I just ordered:
1 x DE Blade Multipack
1 x Col. Conk Sampler

40 blades 10 each of various brands and 4 soaps. I like this, now I can try them all to see what I like the best!

Nice..I dont think I am far behind you! Will be placing my order soon.

Commander Quan 04-07-2009 06:03 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Nice choice I have the Heavy Long Barberpole and it is my favorite of the 6 razors I have.

bookman 04-07-2009 07:10 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Ypu guys ever shop at they have lots of olde tyme barber shoppe stuff. Pretty nice! they have like 40 diff kinds of clubman after shaves!

cricky101 04-08-2009 04:19 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by AllOGistics (Post 323754)
I recommend the Merkur HD.

This is where I got mine. Lee's

I hate you all for making me take up another hobby! :D

And of course, I just placed my order .....
  • Proraso After Shave Balm (3.4 oz. Bottle)
  • Proraso Eucalyptus Shaving Cream (5 oz Tube)
  • Basic Double Edge Razor and Brush Set (includes the Merkur HD, Vulfix 660 Pure Badger brush, metal razor/brush stand, and selection of blades)

Hopefully this will be a good place to start.:tu

Commander Quan 04-08-2009 04:52 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
This sounds like a very good start.

When you guys get your new Merkurs do yourselves a favor and throw out the one blade that they come packaged with. Merkur Blades are not looked highly upon and the ones that are packaged with the razors are especially bad.

AllOGistics 04-08-2009 06:01 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by cricky101 (Post 327016)
I hate you all for making me take up another hobby! :D

And of course, I just placed my order .....
  • Proraso After Shave Balm (3.4 oz. Bottle)
  • Proraso Eucalyptus Shaving Cream (5 oz Tube)
  • Basic Double Edge Razor and Brush Set (includes the Merkur HD, Vulfix 660 Pure Badger brush, metal razor/brush stand, and selection of blades)

Hopefully this will be a good place to start.:tu

That's a good place to start! I use the HD, and I really like it. I guess this is a different kind of hill we helped push you down. :dance:

The Professor 04-08-2009 06:06 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 327069)
This sounds like a very good start.

When you guys get your new Merkurs do yourselves a favor and throw out the one blade that they come packaged with. Merkur Blades are not looked highly upon and the ones that are packaged with the razors are especially bad.

Yeah. Definitely don't use it to shave -- or any Merkur blade, for that matter. I learned the bloody hard way.

I did save the blades and used them for scraping up paint and finishing paint trim. :r

WildBlueSooner 04-08-2009 06:51 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 327163)
Yeah. Definitely don't use it to shave -- or any Merkur blade, for that matter. I learned the bloody hard way.

I did save the blades and used them for scraping up paint and finishing paint trim. :r

:r well at least they are not a complete waste!

uncballzer 04-08-2009 08:09 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 327069)
This sounds like a very good start.

When you guys get your new Merkurs do yourselves a favor and throw out the one blade that they come packaged with. Merkur Blades are not looked highly upon and the ones that are packaged with the razors are especially bad.


Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 327163)
Yeah. Definitely don't use it to shave -- or any Merkur blade, for that matter. I learned the bloody hard way.

I did save the blades and used them for scraping up paint and finishing paint trim. :r

Which double edge blades do you guys prefer? Got a linky?

AllOGistics 04-08-2009 08:42 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Try West Coast Shaving. I like both the Feathers and the Gillettes. Here are some sample packs you could try. This is usually where I get my blades.

Commander Quan 04-08-2009 10:08 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
The Feathers are good, actually they are great, almost like a beard eraser. However they are too expensive IMO. I use the Red Box Personnas, I find they are almost as sharp and just as comfortable as the Feathers, and they are CHEAP, $10 for 100. At that price I use one blade for 2 shaves and replace it, so the blade never really gets dull. I would have to shave with a feather 7-10 times to get the same cost per shave.

AllOGistics 04-08-2009 10:16 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 327597)
The Feathers are good, actually they are great, almost like a beard eraser. However they are too expensive IMO. I use the Red Box Personnas, I find they are almost as sharp and just as comfortable as the Feathers, and they are CHEAP, $10 for 100. At that price I use one blade for 2 shaves and replace it, so the blade never really gets dull. I would have to shave with a feather 7-10 times to get the same cost per shave.

That's good to know! I haven't tried those blades yet. My next round of buying blades I might have to give those a try. Thanks for the tip.

100th post! I know some of you are pushing into the thousands, but I'll take this as a small milestone. :dance:

The Professor 04-09-2009 05:39 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 327597)
The Feathers are good, actually they are great, almost like a beard eraser. However they are too expensive IMO. I use the Red Box Personnas, I find they are almost as sharp and just as comfortable as the Feathers, and they are CHEAP, $10 for 100. At that price I use one blade for 2 shaves and replace it, so the blade never really gets dull. I would have to shave with a feather 7-10 times to get the same cost per shave.

See ... and my only regret is I didn't get any RBPs in my sampler pack. It was actually a gift from my wife and she got the smaller sampler rather than the huge one.

That said, you can pickup Feathers on eBay for $34/100 pack. More expensive than the RBPs; but a helluva lot cheaper than any other online store.

Starscream 04-09-2009 07:08 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner (Post 323707)
Anyone know where to find a good double edge razor for a good price. I think I might try a "real wet shave". I already have a good brush and some good after shave...just need a good razor and a good cream!


Originally Posted by AllOGistics (Post 323768)
I forgot to mention. Sometimes you can find good deals on ebay.


Originally Posted by bookman (Post 325578)
Ypu guys ever shop at they have lots of olde tyme barber shoppe stuff. Pretty nice! they have like 40 diff kinds of clubman after shaves!

Be wary of these internet sources. I hear their product quality is not as good as buying them from a B&M.

Commander Quan 04-09-2009 10:10 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Razor blades are the opposite of cigars :rolleyes: all the best ones are from online retailers. I've never found any blades in the stores that are decient. Unless you need to scrape paint.

WyGuy 04-09-2009 02:18 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
After reading this thread and then looking around at B&B I decided to give a DE a try. Picked up a Merkur 37C and a sampler pack of blades. Hopefully, I end up hating it because if I do like it, it's just another slope to fall down :).

cricky101 04-11-2009 09:55 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Had my first ever straight razor shave yesterday.

I was in downtown St. Paul running a couple of errands after work, and walked by a mens shop called Heime's Haberdashery.

I'd never been in the shop before, but saw through the window they had shaving supplies - and all this recent talk of shaving made me curious - so I stopped in.

Turns out they had an old-school barbershop as well, so I sat in the chair for my first straight razor shave and loved it.

That place is definitely the equivalent of a man spa.

12stones 04-12-2009 08:40 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I'm on my second week with a straight razor and have been hanging out at It's definitely a great feeling having such a great shave and the routine that goes with it is very relaxing. I'm still working on technique and getting that bbs, but I definitely look forward to shaving now. I used to hate it so much.

Speaking of which, it's time to go shave.

Commander Quan 04-21-2009 11:46 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Did any of you guys get the chance to try out the new razors?

krevo 04-21-2009 12:38 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
lol who would've thought yet another gently activity would be discussed at a cigar forum?

I currently use an Art of Shaving kit (I'm on my 2nd one now) I personally hate buying Mach 3's and have reduced myself to just buying a new razor with the two cartridges because it's cheaper than buying 4 freakin' singles.

I'm gonna check out the Merkur HD. :tu

skullnrose 04-21-2009 01:10 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I've been at it 2 weeks now Merkur HD 38C. Tried the derby blade first as I heard they were forgiving I ordered 100(bad move if anyone wants to try them let me know) They are not a bad blade but I got a much better shave with the personnas(sp?) I used the feather blade today and it's sharp!

As far as Soaps and creams go I'm loving the Tabac so much I almost hate to try another but I bought so many i'll have to. I'm using the Porasco preshave cream putting it on before I shower and between that and the steam from the shower It really opens up the pores. I have been finishing up with a cold water rinse and Thayers witch hazel That is until I tried the ALUM BLOCK now this is a must ! After you shave run the block under cold water and rub over you face stops razor burn and any bleeding from small nics. For a larger nic use a Styptic pencil dries sorta white but stops the bleeding fast.

I finish with a spash of Pinaud Clubman and Nivea extra comfort balm.

All and All I look forward to shaving now and trying the new Razors,Soaps,Creams,Sticks,Aftershaves,Blades.

Badger & Blade Is the shaving equivalent to the Asylum. I never knew there could be so much to learn about the simple task of shaving. It's like smoking a drug store brand cigar someone might be enjoying it but you want to let them know there is so much more out there to try.

Hope you can make heads or tails of this post.

Commander Quan 04-21-2009 01:16 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I must be weird because I am not a fan of alum at all. Every time I use it, the skin on my neck gets super red and irritated.

The Professor 04-21-2009 03:18 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 348295)
Did any of you guys get the chance to try out the new razors?

I've used it a couple of times. I'm gonna use another the rest of the week; but my initial thoughts aren't super positive. To me, it's now quite as sharp as the Feather and tugs at my beard a little. That said, it's a lot more forgiving than the Feather. :r Too early to render a verdict, though ... so I'm gonna keep slicing and dicing. :D

SilverFox 04-21-2009 03:47 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I have all kinds of new goodies showing up in the next day or so. My first reason for going to a double edge was I am sick and tired of paying for those damn cartridges.

Plus I used to use a brush and mug and I miss the ritual of getting a shave ready and done.

I went with the works
Taylor Of Bond Preshave
Kent/Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap
A 25 blade sample pack including Merkur, Astra, Feather, Derby and Wilkinsons
An Edwin Jagger Classic Razor
And a new badger

Looking forward to getting the package

AllOGistics 04-21-2009 03:51 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 348624)
My first reason for going to a double edge was I am sick and tired of paying for those damn cartridges.

That's one of the main reasons I started looking for alternatives. I'm glad I found it and won't look back. Looks like you have some nice stuff coming. Enjoy!

bigswol2 05-04-2009 05:37 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
All of this shave talk has me interested. I went over and joined badgerand blade. Who wants to do a trade? I don't have a DE razor, many soaps or creams. I'll do a really nice cigar trade for a made up starter kit if anyone is interested.

gnukfu 05-04-2009 08:18 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I use disposable razors from a mega pack from BJ's and some Edge shaving cream - that's it to maintain my mega good looks!

krevo 05-11-2009 01:54 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I ended up with a Weishei Gillette remake first, then a Merkur HD not a week later.

I'm currently using the Merkur HD, Derby Extras/Personnas + D.R. Harris' Arlington shave cream, with CO Bigelow's Bay Rum AS balm from B&BW.

I've got some Proraso in the mail though, as well as few Trumpers samples I've tried.

GreekGodX 05-11-2009 06:10 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
anybody have any experience with other triple milled tallow soaps?? I want to try tabac and saw that someone on here had it. Looking for opinions on other Tallow soaps... I looked on BadgerandBlade and saw their reviews/recommendations, but wanted to see what you guys had to say..

MedicCook 05-11-2009 06:53 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I ended up shaving the other day. Took a long time and had to do it in 2 different shifts. My razor was screaming at me when I was done.

jjirons69 05-11-2009 07:21 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Costco and the 50 Gillette value pack. Edge Gel and Edge aftershave. 2 minutes with a sink full of very warm water. Ta-Da, baby's ass!

No f'ing way I'm using a straight razor! Yikes. Same reason I don't ride a horse and buggy to work, they invited something better. ;)

BlackDog 06-09-2009 01:45 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
1 Attachment(s)
I joined B&B a couple days ago after I decided to quit with Gillette cartridges. I'm "blackdog1101" over there.

I've purchased a Merkur 1904, an Edwin Jagger Best Badger brush, and for fun bought 2 older Gillette's, a "Slim" adjustable and an "Old Style" from the 1920's. I plan, at least for now, to just use drugstore type pucks of soap like Williams or DVH. I've got a blade sampler pack on order.

Gotta be careful or I'll get "Razor Acquisition Disorder." :D

Merkur 1904

Edwin Jagger Best Badger

Gillette "Slim"!BTkggUgBGk~...fqrSQ~~_12.JPG

And the 1920's "Old Style"

rizzle 06-09-2009 02:22 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by TRicker (Post 323434)
= I have a Vagina

I use bic disposable razors and hot water. Nothing else. Thats how a real man rocks it!!


Waynegro1 06-09-2009 02:43 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 322698)
Gillete Fusion razor.
Silver-tip shaving brush.
Pre-shave oil
Art of Shaving shaving cream for sensitive skin.
After shave balm

After a hot shower I apply the oil all over the shaving area. Foam up brush liberally with cream and apply. The shaving brush is almost like a little massage for your face, and the silver tip is so soft that it just feels great and makes the tedious chore of shaving that much more plesant for me.

Shave with the grain with light pressure starting with my sideburns and cheeks.

Neck comes next, again with the grain.

Under the nose is taken care of with the single blade portion of the Fusion, the rest of the moustache area is take care of by the 5blade side

The chin area I leave for last so that the foam has time to soften the stubble that much more.

Any missed spots I dab on some more foam and shave across the grain.

Rinse with warm water, then with cool water to close the pores

Apply after shave balm

I get most of my supplies from the Art of Shaving. I have very sensitve skin on my face and get razor burn very easily, espically on my neck. Yeah, some of the stuff I buy is a little pricey, but I feel its worth it to not have razor burn and ingrown hair.

Here are thier tips for a perfect shave


It's as if I wrote this myself. :tu

shilala 06-09-2009 03:33 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I use a fusion, too. Just changed after 30 years of the same thing.
I just open my mouth and go right around the hole. Ain't no thing.
I stick it in my ears and up my nose, too. Works pretty good.
Hey, on the back of the five blade side there is a single blade. That might help. :tu

Commander Quan 06-09-2009 04:42 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Black Dog, Congrats on joining us wet shavers. Once you use is let me know how you like the slim. I have a Fatboy that does nothing for me I'm not really a fan of the Gillette Twist To Open heads I think they are to big and bulky for me. My Super Speed and Lady Gillette is a little better but not much. The Merkur 39C is my daily razor.

12stones 06-09-2009 08:30 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I gave my strop to my uncle, so now I need to buy another one. Forgot they were a little pricey when I was being so generous. He was excited, though, so it was worth it.

Started using Tabac cream and have liked it so far...

BlackDog 06-18-2009 08:14 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Well I've been shaving for about a week now with the new DE stuff, and so far haven't cut off my head. Actually, it's been going really well. No cuts, a few weepers, and a nice smooth face. So far it's been enjoyable to shave with the DE gear, soap and brush.

One thing I've found that's nice: Nivea Extra Soothing Balm / Sensitive Skin. Most Walgreen, Revco, CVS type drugstores carry it for about $6.50 per bottle. It's very soothing on the face, and has no alcohol. I hate the burn from alcohol based aftershaves.


skullnrose 06-18-2009 10:56 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I have been using the Nivea shave balm recently works great. Also I just started using a Mama bears soap called Awakenings Glycerin Shave Soap 100% Natural
100% natural soap with Peppermint, tea tree and menthol... Not for the faint of heart.... Love it as a change of pace but Tabac is still my go to shave cream.

Commander Quan 06-19-2009 07:03 AM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
I am so jealous of you guys that can shave with soap.I have very hard water and soap just doesn't work for me. A water softener is on the list but unfortunately there are other more important things on the list too.

BlackDog 06-19-2009 03:06 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
Commander, our water is both softened and filtered. Once you have soft water you'll wish you had made the jump sooner. It's much nicer for washing, shaving, bathing, etc. It's also much better for your home's plumbing.

Commander Quan 06-19-2009 04:57 PM

Re: Shaving Facial Hair
There was one in the house before I bought it but the house was not properly winterized and the head cracked, I don't know if it's even worth fixing or just replacing the whole thing, right night it's been disconnected and is sitting in my basement.

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