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SeanGAR 10-17-2008 11:38 AM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Between those two I prefer root beer.

Siebec 10-17-2008 11:41 AM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
What ever I am in the mood for. Mostly Pepsi.

UK Bro 10-17-2008 12:39 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 15883)
Between those two I prefer root beer.

Totally agree, cant get it over here tho!:mad: Drank loads when i was over there in August.:D

elderboy02 10-17-2008 12:41 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Coke is best with cigars. I notice an extremely weird aftertaste when drinking Pepsi with my cigars.

dunng 10-17-2008 12:48 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Coke Zero... :ss

jcarlton 10-17-2008 12:54 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I picked Pepsi because that was what I use to drink but these days when I want a soda it is a Cane Sugar Root Beer that I reach for. There is a really good one made in Durango Colorado called Zuberfizz.

FriskyDingo 10-17-2008 01:41 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
PEPSI drinker!

Can't believe it's leaning so far on the coke side. I read a study that showed more older folks (upper 30's) choose Coke over Pepsi. There must be quite a few old foggies on this board! :D

stevefrench 10-17-2008 04:10 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
The wife always buys COKE............................unless Pepsi's on sale.:D

theonlybear4CORT 10-17-2008 05:34 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I chose coke,but dr pepper FTW

Bubba - NJ 10-17-2008 08:18 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

Originally Posted by poker (Post 14145)
RC baby

I voted for Coke but I gotta agree with Poker . When I can find it , it's RC for me Baby !

Sacmore21 10-17-2008 08:27 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Coke has the definitive cola flavor, but Pepsi has a cola plus type of flavor. So, I voted Pepsi, although I can drink either.

acruce 10-18-2008 10:00 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

ucla695 10-19-2008 12:24 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I prefer Coke to Pepsi and Diet Coke to regular.

Boobar 10-19-2008 08:09 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi for me :al

Mikhail 10-21-2008 06:11 AM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Dr Pepper Is my vote, 23 flavors how can you lose!!

kayaker 10-21-2008 06:13 AM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
My mom is addicted to Pepsi, so I grew up with the stuff. I use Coke for mixing drinks, but that's about it.

macpappy 10-21-2008 08:32 AM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
RC over ice or with salted peanuts in the bottle.

By the way. Why would any intelligent person put Jack Daniels or any other good bourbon in coke, pepsi or anything other than ice and spring water?

cigarflip 10-21-2008 08:46 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Just to piss off Gabe, PEPSI!

hotreds 10-21-2008 08:52 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Things go better with

ChicagoWhiteSox 10-21-2008 09:00 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Coke for sure! Coke was the only soda my grandpa drank. I grew up with it.

awsmith4 10-21-2008 09:13 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
As an Atlanta native I am obligated to say Coke...but about 4 years ago I started drinking diet drinks and prefer Diet Pepsi to Diet Coke. Diet Mt. Dew is my favorite soft drink though

chippewastud79 10-21-2008 09:15 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

SmokeyJoe 10-21-2008 09:15 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
When given the choice... I go for Coke. :al

However, I usually drink Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke... no strong opinion on these two. :hm

awsmith4 10-21-2008 09:20 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 26465)

Hadn't seen that in years

SIMPLIFIED 10-22-2008 11:24 AM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Diet Coke

SmokingJoey 10-22-2008 11:26 AM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi, Mountain Dew if I have to choose

pmwz 10-22-2008 12:42 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
coke and its not even close

dccraft 10-22-2008 07:56 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Caffeine free diet Coke

replicant_argent 10-22-2008 08:04 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I have never heard anyone asking for a Rum and Pepsi...
Pepsi to me is like Cola, with a hint of bleach.
Hugh Hefner drinks Jack and Cokes. I call it a "Hef."

nuff said.

G G 10-22-2008 08:33 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi for me. Does anyone miss those old tall 16 ounce glass bottled pepsi's? I would love to have one of those. :D

MithShrike 10-23-2008 12:11 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Coke. Pepsi is brand x.

rrplasencia 10-28-2008 12:48 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
pepsi solo coke for mixing:al

renton20 10-28-2008 01:12 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
another vote for Mexicoke :D

punch54 11-08-2008 01:10 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
diet pepsi

stevieray 11-08-2008 01:12 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

Originally Posted by av8tor152d (Post 14114)
Coke, Pepsi just does not mix well with Jack Daniels.

...or Captain Morgans....:tu

Ron1YY 11-10-2008 05:40 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Coke all the way!!!!! I would rather drink a Hot Coke than an ice cold Pepsi any day

sofaman 11-10-2008 06:03 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Coke all the way here!

wcktalvrg 11-10-2008 06:08 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I'm a fan of Coke... Diet Coke and Cherry Coke... even liked Coke Black when it was available and MexiCoke is amazing! :D

wrench turner 85 11-10-2008 06:41 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I love the way coke fells going up your ....oh you guys are talking about the drink. :r

cbsmokin 11-12-2008 01:03 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I live in the south, you get Coke. That's it, no matter what. If you ask for a soda, or a pop you will get Coke. Heck even if you ask for a Pepsi, you get a Coke. If you don't want a coke you get sweet tea and by sweet I mean you have to drink some Coke to rinse the sweet flavor out of your mouth. The only place there is more Coke than in the south is Hollywood, and that stuff burns your nose not your throat. So, I vote coke.

GKitty 11-12-2008 01:21 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I'm a Coke fan. Always have been, always will be.

That being said, I've recently started drinking Dr. Pepper for the lower acid. I realized that if Coke can take rust of a bumper, I should probably limit how much I put in my body. I have noticed a reduction in heartburn since the switch.

Pat1075 11-12-2008 01:29 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 14151)
Coke, specifically Mexican Coke. Real can sugar rocks! :dr


Skywalker 11-12-2008 01:58 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I love Pepsi but I will cast a vote for Mexican Coke (way better than Coke)!

ambientboy 11-17-2008 04:39 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
You Pepsi lovers can take your Gurkhas and go home.

chippewastud79 11-17-2008 04:47 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

Originally Posted by ambientboy (Post 73191)
You Pepsi lovers can take your Gurkhas and go home.

You Coke lovers can take your Cremosas and Tamborils and go home :lv

doctorcue 11-17-2008 05:26 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I'm Coca-Cola `til I die!!!

688sonarmen 03-22-2009 07:53 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
First coke then rc. Pepsi is ok but it has to be ice cold. And nothing goes better with peanuts than a coke.

Sailchaser 03-22-2009 08:09 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
Diet Coke with Lime ice cold , Love the burn dwn the throat in the morning:tu

TheJ 03-23-2009 06:56 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?

Originally Posted by Fishbeadtwo (Post 14156)
Mexi Coke is the real "real thing"!!!!!!

:tpd: If the sun is out I reach for a Coca Cola Classic. Once the sun is down I add rum to it.

nozero 03-23-2009 07:00 PM

Re: Coke or Pepsi?
I voted Coke, but actually I prefer Diet Coke by far. Plain or with a shot or two of 151.

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