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Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
:D |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
I got tons of stories I could tell!
First week at my new dept. get a call of two b/f's in a car that had a gun. Saw the car, turned around, stopped them. Pulled gun out and ordered out of the car, detained them, no gun, oh well, the driver had no driver's license so she went to jail. Then they file a complaint on me for pulling my gun on them. Idiots. Or how about the idiot who ran from me on a motorcycle at 120 mph with a passenger on the back that was 13 years old! Found that out afterwords that the passenger was the magistrates daughter! :jd The operator got 6 months in jail. The funny part is while he was in jail his cycle got repossessed since he could not make the payments! And last but certainly not least. I was breaking up a fight outside the bar. This woman punched a guy in the face right in front of me after I annouced that I was the police and to stop fighting. Took her to the ground. Started to place handcuffs on her and got blindsided by a drunk patron that had come out to see what the fight was about. Clocked me in my jaw. Dropped the girl ran inside after the guy who just committed a felony by hitting me and grabbed him. Beer bottles flying off the bar and my backup comes screaming in and tries to taze the guy just as he's about to hit me again. One hits and one misses so we pile drive the guy into and off of the pool table to the ground. Search him and find green leaf. Ha, now two charges. A-hole. Then his brilliant defense attorny asks me to lower his charge to a misdemeanor because his client wants to go to college and get a job. I said well I'll lower it from a 4 year felony to a 2 year felony but not to a misdemeanor. Attorney said my client was drunk he didn't know you were a cop. I called :bs and told him that I was in full uniform in a clearly marked police vehicle that was parked out front with the lights on. Idiot. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Things People Do That Amaze You....
Become a moderator on a open forum and a whole new door of crazy opens up :r |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
http://frederictonultimate.com/wp-co...fist-shake.jpg |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
I heard about this guy who bought a bunch of forums and tried to mash them into one big one and make everyone the same with a ton of advertising everywhere. Then got pi$$ed when people voiced their displeasure! I heard that was pretty amazing.
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
The Mexico emmigration lady "amazed" me and my wife last week.
She "amazed" me when she ripped my passport cover in front of my eyes and then proceeded to tell me it was invalid because it was now mutilated. Her manager then "amazed" me even more when I asked to speak with him and he proceeded to rip several more pages before telling me He'd "let me go on if I gave him a secret favor of 200 dollars American." Yep, they amazed me so much I nearly sh*t my pants. Let's just say the wife and I are very happy to be home, and even more satisfied to enjoy the views stateside from now on. It was an award celebration trip for her sales figures. Next year we'll take the money. ;) |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Was this going in or coming out? I forget the process and who checks who into and out of the US. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
people who place bombs and plan terrorist attacks out of religious motives.
Amsterdam escaped a terrorist attack today, a certain area of the city has been evacuated this morning and several arrest have been made. It has to be very serious before the Dutch government decided to clear an area. Among the people (all muslims with Maroccan roots) is a family member of one of the Madrid terrorists. It seems pretty serious and I am pretty shocked. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Advise for those who travel: My wife made photo copies of our passports the day before we left so we had direct proof of before and after the incident on hand. I'd suggest doing this and also leaving a copy with family, just in case. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
When I bid a job, then my dick ass service advisor sells the parts but not the labor. so far he has cost me 7 hours this week. I just dont know what the hell he is thinking.
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Tonight I was trying to parallel park my car, clearly slowing down, with my turn signal on, when I come to a stop and put it in reverse I notice a young female driver had pulled right up on my bumper. The car behind her had stopped far enough back to let her back out of the way and let me quick pull in and park, but instead she waits until the next lane was open and then proceeds to honk at me and quick swing around me giving me a dirty look. I guess brake lights and the turn signal weren't enough warning for her :bh
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
See... he gets it BAO! |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
People that speak of unthawing some meat from their freezer for dinner.
WHAT??? Yes, that is what many people say around here. They unthaw all sorts of things. It is comical. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
In a little different sense...
What amazes me is people who will generously send cigars to people they have never met... People who demonstrate genuine concern for folks they only know by a screen name and avatar... People who selflessly support our troops with reminders of home while they serve so far away... These are the kind of things that truly amaze me. :tu |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Genius!! Additionally, I hear people who go (or need to go) to our employee "orientations" refer to the class incorrectly. They speak about the class afterwards/before and note it as "i have to orientate" or "now that i am orientated"... Bothers me! |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
People that have absolutely no idea where they are in relation to their surroundings.
Like the people who push a shopping cart down the middle of the path in a parking lot and then are totally surprised to see a car behind them when you pull up behind them. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
I don't see that as amazing...I see it more as the purest of the human spirit where we believe in our little community. :tu |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
What about when people get out of the shower to pee? |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Being as they're cold water heaters, or hot water tanks, or water heaters, I suppose it's just a mishmosh of all those things they hammered together. If you like unthawing stuff, rev, you'd love George Carlin's skit about getting on a plane. He says, "I'll get IN the plane. Let Evil Knievel get ON the plane." :r |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
I always love it when people complain about cops doing their jobs.
"WTF man, i just got a ticket for doing 61 in a 35, F'in pigs have nothing better to do than give out BS speeding tickets." |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
I was amazed that Lisa said "Yes" when I proposed....:dance:
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Those who look out for others and are bound up in a community, are those who have risen (been raised) above the natural inclination to selfishness. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Me and my SO once bought some meals to go since we were going out of town to the desert, just to spend some time outside the city. When we arrived I opened my burger, and guess what, it was missing the meat....:mad: man, Ihad to eat a lettuce sandwich with fries.... there has not been 1 time at the local mcdonalds that we had a perfect order... |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
I'm surprised this hasn't become more of a bad driver bashing thread. I could write for hours about stupid things people do that amaze me, but it's the random acts of kindness and selflessness that actually amaze me more. We get bombarded with news about so many stupid, selfish people every minute of every day (the latest that really made me sad was the guy who proposed to his 17 year old girlfriend at Chilis just a few weeks after his 5 year old daughter disappeared, WTF?) that I often forget that there are good people out there... |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Saw one today....
At my local fast food morning stop...(cough cough Mickey D's cough cough) I was waiting in line at the drive thru during change over. This is where they change from breakfast to lunch and service times generally slow down. I live that. 12 minutes in line yesterday, but I digress. Today, a car whips out from behind me and pulls alongside another car in line. They proceed to have a conversation, while the second car is at the speaker!! 4 minutes, a couple of hinks and an FU, she finally pulled away so the guy could place his order. Uh, hello? ever heard of a cell phone?:r |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
The 40 year-old manager of one of our local Mickey D's recently won the Ray Kroc award for managerial excellence. His quote in the paper: "I can say I did it, I reached the top."
Dude, your primary competition was teen-agers, and it's an award from fricking McDonald's, not a Nobel prize! :r |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
How about the guy who called to say his $20 was stolen. Went over and spoke with him in front of a known crack house. I was like dude, you were trying to buy crack. The guy was like no I wasn't. Once again had to remind him that I didn't grow up yesterday ;) Low and behold he was trying to buy crack! I told him he had two choices...go home or go to jail. Reminds me on Indiana Jones..."he chose wisely". I haven't seen him since.
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
I work as a consultant for an IT company. We recently got a new connector to our CRM software for our Smart Phones. I was the only consultant in my office that installed the very easy to install software myself. The others had our technicians do it for them. I had quite a few techs come to me and ask how these guys are selling our technology services when they can't even use a cell phone.
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
This is a rant of sorts, skip if you please. :tu
I close home loans. Borrowers do a lot of dumb stuff. First they act like they are reading the documents when they are not. I know where all the fine print is that will scare you. They never ask questions about that stuff, instead they ask about all the stuff in big bold letters. Really? It took you 17 minutes to read a page just to ask me about the bold print at the top? Next is the guy who puts his pen down after every page. Hey dummy your gonna sign your name about 86 times, do you think you can keep the pen in your hand for a minute? Nah, lets play the pick up sticks game instead. This one bothers me the most. Burping. I mean come on, you are sitting with an attorney conducting the largest financial transaction of your life and you are gonna start burping? Please, my 5 year knows better than to burp in public and you do it at the closing table? Really? Give me a break! Then they act like it is OK because they say "oh, excuse me." What it snuck up on you? AGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Back to your regular programming. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
One for the good guy (guys) column.
When someone finds out your in town and posts a thread to gather the locals for a night out of cigars, food and drink for a guy he has never even met. Then provides the smokes for the evening. And another one picks up the tab and another one makes sure you have a cigar in your hand when you leave. Then a day or so later when you ask if you can stop buy to say thank you he makes sure you have a cigar in your hand for the ride back to the hotel and his business partner makes sure you have a fiver in your hand for the long ride home. Amazing? I lived it. |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
i always post a pic of Jim Cary in Liar Liar where he is Saying, "Quit breaking the law @sshole." :D |
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
Boxes arrive at your door with fantastic cigars, humidors and top shelf booze. All from people that don't want to be known.
Re: Things People Do That Amaze You
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