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groogs 10-16-2008 10:28 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I smoked a cigar here and there in the late 90's and early 2000's but didn't start smoking seriously until mid to late 2005.

BagfullofPings 10-16-2008 10:42 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I have been smoking cigars religiously since Novemeber 2005. In the 90's I would smoke a cigar with my grandfather every now and then. My grandfather smoked cigars for almost 70 years. Obviously I have been around cigars my entire life.

Tw3nty 10-16-2008 11:23 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
My cigar story is broken into section. In 1992, I did an exchange program in Italy. My house father smoked Cuban cigars. His wife said he could only smoke on special occasions. I was the special occasion at least once a week. After I came home, I started smoking swisher sweets...from great to not so great. I only smoked at poker games and once every 2 months.

I then moved to California in 1995 where I got a job working in a cigar shop. I smoked regularly and sold cigars for about 5 years.

I continued to smoke until I started smoking Cuban cigars again, more consistently this time, last January.

SO, to make my long story short, I have been smoking since my sophomore year in college, 1992.

Tw3nty 10-16-2008 11:23 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?

Originally Posted by RGD. (Post 11125)
Hmmm - started smoking cigarettes back around 1968 and quit around 1994. Cigar smoking started around 1972 and still going strong - :ss


Nice..the year I was born.

WyGuy 10-16-2008 01:25 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
A little over a year now. Started cigar smoking on my 18th birthday, and have become a rather serious cigar smoker. Never got into the cheap stuff either...unlike most people my age who smoke Swishers and things like that. I have noticed an increase of people my age starting to enjoy quality cigars though.

lightning9191 10-16-2008 01:43 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I started in February of this year. I'm pretty new at this whole game. I think the BOTLs/SOTLs here have helped shorten the learning curve though. They turned it more into a learning cliff. Throw you off and see if you can fly....most of us can't fly.

Rabidsquirrel 10-16-2008 01:50 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Right around a year now.

kfish 10-16-2008 01:54 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
About 3 years ago but I only started tumbling down the slope in the last year. It may have had something to do with the discovery of a certain auction site:r

TripleF 10-16-2008 02:40 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Just about to celebrate 2 years!!! :ss Looking forward to 100 times that :ss

AriesOpusX 10-16-2008 02:42 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
About 5 years. I hadn't been such a heavy smoker until about 2005-2006 when I started buying boxes and smoking almost daily.

Genetic Defect 10-16-2008 04:13 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Fall of 99 :ss

Boobar 10-16-2008 04:17 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I started on Valentines Day 2007 when my then fiancee now my wife got me my first humidor and a sampler of cigars.

Sean9689 10-16-2008 04:30 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Seriously got into it in June 2002. I started smoking Havana cigars exclusively around May 2003.

SmokinAFuente 10-16-2008 05:31 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Started on the good ones in '92.

SilverFox 10-16-2008 05:34 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Funny someone asked me this just today and I describe it like this

Started Cigars on an occasional basis maybe 15 years ago.

On a somewhat less than regular but more than occasional 10 years ago

Semi regularly 5 years ago

Regulary 3 years ago

Passionately 2 years ago

Obsessively 1 year and counting :ss

scroggers 10-16-2008 05:40 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Started smoking regularly when a buddy and I took a trip to Okinawa. We stop every night at the local beer store and get some ORion and a couple of stogies to sit out side and enjoy. Been hooked ever since!!

barbourjay 10-16-2008 05:43 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
since 99. didn't really put much thought into it. i use to just walk into a humi and grab whatever. it wasn't until i joined my first forum that i started going after better smokes.

Bruzee 10-16-2008 06:02 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Five years.... A buddy at work introduced me. And since then, its like a sno-ball rolling down hill. :ss

White97Jimmy 10-16-2008 07:00 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
On and off since around 97. I didn't get serious until 2006. That's when you guys all corrupted me.

stitch 10-16-2008 07:06 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I started sometime around 1970 or so ... That's about 37 or 38 years ago.
God doing the math makes my brain hurt ... and looking at the numbers makes my back ache.

Neuromancer 10-16-2008 07:40 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Pipes and cigars on an occasional basis since I guess around the mid-80's when I ditched cigarettes for good...cigars on a regular basis for close to eight years and pipes again for the last three or so...

Scottw 10-16-2008 07:43 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
One here or there since I was 16.When my son was born in Sept 07, I had some leftover Montes that I didn;t give out.Sat outside one night and tried one.3 weeks later my new 100 count humidor that I bought the week before was stuffed. Someone greased my slope good.

Bubba - NJ 10-16-2008 07:57 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I started to dabble around 1993 and have gotten more serious every year . Then I found cigar forums on the internet around 2005 and it has just gotten crazy since then .:ss

acruce 10-16-2008 07:58 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Little over 2 years

King James 10-16-2008 08:01 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
has been about 3 years now

pearson 10-16-2008 08:04 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
about a year now. i started with a 20 humi then a 100 and filled those so quick i got a vino during the great target sale of June.

Cenookie 10-16-2008 09:37 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
About a year and a half seriously, before that 2 or 3 a year.

RGD. 10-16-2008 09:55 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?

Originally Posted by stitch (Post 13468)
I started sometime around 1970 or so ... That's about 37 or 38 years ago.
God doing the math makes my brain hurt ... and looking at the numbers makes my back ache.

You and me both brother . . . :ss


Pyro 10-16-2008 10:20 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I started trying different cigars around 1996. It took me one or two years until I really got hooked, by a Cuban RyJ Cedros De Luxe No. 3 from 1994. My first real humidor was a gift from my whife in 2002.

ucubed 10-16-2008 11:10 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I started smoking like the way I am since earlier this year...I've had a couple here and there couple years past

Cigary 10-16-2008 11:18 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I am well into my 40th year of cigar smoking and loving every single one of them.

awsmith4 10-16-2008 11:25 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I smoked my first cigar at 16 (1997), a CoRo (i think) with my Dad. I then would have cigars here and there but didn't really start smoking seriously until 3 years ago.

N2Advnture 10-17-2008 05:18 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 14488)
I smoked my first cigar at 16 (1997), a CoRo (i think) with my Dad. I then would have cigars here and there but didn't really start smoking seriously until 3 years ago.

LOL! My first cc was a CoRo as well in 1995. Started smoking cigars around 1989 (macanudo crystal was my first I believe), so close to 19 years now? (good god)


ucla695 10-17-2008 07:08 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I've been smoking since the mid-90s. I took a year or two off somewhere in there and then really got into it around '03/04. That's when I discovered how slippery the slope is. I've been loving it ever since.

Cigarcop 10-17-2008 09:06 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Long, long midnight shifts at work....passed the time and became an obsession....about 15 yrs now. Hopefully another 50 to go :)

VirtualSmitty 10-17-2008 09:12 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
A decade of destruction :ss

MaytagMan 10-17-2008 09:32 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
About 16ish years... wow - has it been that long?!?!?

darb85 10-17-2008 10:58 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Ive been smoking since jan 2005 so coming up on 4 years

sjnovakovich 10-17-2008 11:02 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
1972 (maybe it was '71). So long ago I barely remember.

SteelCityBoy 10-02-2011 02:53 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Not counting the black n milds I smoked in high school (cause I thought it was cool!) off and on probably since 2001. A buddy of mine loved AF hemingway's so he would always offer me one when I would be over his spot. I didn't appreciate it at the time but smoked anyway. I might have smoked 12 a year back then, now it is like 12 a week.

N2 GOLD 10-02-2011 09:48 PM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
It started back in 1996 & still going STRONG... -(P

irratebass 10-03-2011 03:38 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Started in 2006 or 2007, but didn't get serious about it till this year.

Jasonw560 10-03-2011 06:37 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Since 1987. Dutch Masters and Swisher Sweets to LGC and Fuente Hemingways. When I got married (this time), slowed down to about twice a month for 8 years (finances). Now back to once a week. Sometimes twice.

Blak Smyth 10-03-2011 07:07 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I smoked many crap sticks when I was growing up, Swishers, Backwoods, etc...
I also used to smoke BeeDees.
I started grabbing red dot cohibas on occasion over the last couple years with friends for special occasions, like my wedding or cabin trips.
I only consider myself a serious cigar smoker since the beginning of June, so I am still a huge newb. I do feel like I have progressed extremely fast due to all the BOTL here at CA. I can blame all of you for throwing snowballs at me as I stood on the tip of the slippery icy slope looking down.
Also I gotta blame my neighbors and good BOTL who showed me their humidors and inspired me to make this a full time hobby. Two of them have recently joined CA!!!
Thanks everybody, I plan to be here at CA forever! I am commited and insane!

CigarSquid 10-03-2011 07:34 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I have had 3-4 cigars in my lifetime until January this year. Now, I've hit the slope and continue to slide! FUN

Lonely Raven 10-03-2011 08:28 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
I've had about a dozen cigars in my life, and I've been "smoking" for about 4 weeks now. LOL

kelmac07 10-03-2011 08:59 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Seriously enjoying the three years now. No turning back now. :D

kaisersozei 10-03-2011 10:05 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Since the early-90's, but I took a hiatus while my kids were in their formative, questioning years and I didn't want to risk being a hypocrite. Started up again about 4-5 years ago

audio1der 10-03-2011 10:23 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Started in high scool ('93ish) but didn't get serious until '05/'06.

Skywalker 10-03-2011 10:32 AM

Re: How long have you been smoking?
Four years now!:tu

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