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bonjing 01-30-2021 09:37 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Any one have good/bad experience with quartz? We've basically decided on Cambria. More of a defaulted to Cambria as other showrooms were not available for us too look at slabs. We are going with a semi rounded edge 3/4 profile i think, maybe a waterfall or two. I've read that the rounded edges withstand chipping better. Main reason for quartz, no or less maintenance then other types of "stone." We also considered Dekton, but we are really unsure of fabricators abilities after reading some horror stories online, even ones that are certified for the material.

Wife fell in love with some real quartzite, granted I liked it too, but not $4k without install a slab, like. And needing two, I was semi successful at walking away, but damn it was pretty. The bad part was that they only had two and I was worried that if one broke during transport of fabrication we were screwed.

retired 01-30-2021 10:04 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
found this for info..$$ but looks great and durable

as long as da mama happy ..everbody happy!

bonjing 03-09-2021 01:49 PM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Well, kitchen remodel got pushed back to the 23rd. The inspector wants to come out and double check that the wall that’s coming down is in fact a non load bearing wall. I hope all goes well the whole remodel is dependent on that wall coming down. Our contractor has done 3 houses in the neighborhood (cookie cutter neighborhood) and he’s positive that the wall is non load bearing as well as two other contractors that we looked into. So fingers crossed.
As a plus side is that all our appliances are no eta, this gives us a bit more time for everything to fall into place.

One thing I do regret is I have a few, I think two, lower cabinets, I didn’t think about that lower cabinets suck, I should have had drawers or pull out shelving done.

mosesbotbol 03-10-2021 06:14 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Glad to find this thread again. We are starting on a kitchen remodel. Luckily we have new appliances. We are removing the uppers above the stove and will have a rod all the way across that wall to hang pots & pans. We moving the fridge from the wall with the stove to the opposite wall and putting a pantry cabinet next to it. Adding additional lighting and either a draw microwave or a small microwave inside the cabinet.

All of this is not 100%, but it seems like it's heading that direction.

bonjing 03-10-2021 11:20 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Good luck with your remodel Moses :gl:chr

Love your corgi by the way. We’ve been wanting one for a long time now. I tried to talk the wife into one since the shelter in place, I figured it would be a good time to bond and train with one. Plus since we were going to replace the carpet anyway no big deals on puppy mistakes.

mosesbotbol 03-11-2021 07:26 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 2214894)
Good luck with your remodel Moses :gl:chr

Love your corgi by the way. We’ve been wanting one for a long time now. I tried to talk the wife into one since the shelter in place, I figured it would be a good time to bond and train with one. Plus since we were going to replace the carpet anyway no big deals on puppy mistakes.

Thanks, I'll tell her.

If you like a lot of barking and ankle biting; get a corgi!

Corgi's are good at holding it and I would not expect many mishaps on that note.

bonjing 05-01-2021 08:13 PM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Well, we are actually starting on the 05/10, two months later hahaha. Now for some reason I am totally nervous. For months we were sure we had everything that we could covered. Now we are questioning everything, do we have enough materials, did we buy the right stuff? It's a small kitchen, and everything we have bought still seems instock, prices haven't gone too crazy, so we can get extra.

bonjing 06-02-2021 09:44 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Kitchen is/was coming along nicely! Wife took a few weeks off to monitor their progress. Contractor said they have never had anyone watch them for 8 hours a day, start to finish like she did :r. Usually it’s just a look around and leave :r. She wants what she wants.

Thought everything was falling into place, appliances except for dishwasher were delivered. The delivery guys dented the fridge and our new floor. At least the shop is trying to make right on it. Normally a new fridge is in order but looking at everything it would take at least another 6 months. So replace the freezer door and file for the dented floor and maybe some discount off or accessories. I want copper handles.

Quartz template is done and now waiting cutting and installation.

I’m so over this and at the same time excited.

icehog3 06-02-2021 10:35 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
:np ;s :D

bonjing 06-03-2021 08:47 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
2 Attachment(s)
Our old kitchen. This kitchen has served our family well. I kind of miss it.

I have no idea why it’s upside down.

bonjing 06-03-2021 08:50 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
2 Attachment(s)
Tiles and cabinetry laid out.

T.G 06-03-2021 10:39 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Awesome ceiling tiles Greg.

bonjing 06-03-2021 09:50 PM

Re: Kitchen Remodel

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 2218928)
Awesome ceiling tiles Greg.

bonjing 07-28-2021 09:25 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
2 Attachment(s)
Almost there, still missing the dishwasher.

icehog3 07-28-2021 09:38 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
That's beautiful, Greg! :tu

Next time I get there can I get some ox tails? :D

bonjing 07-28-2021 09:53 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
All that you can eat :D

icehog3 07-28-2021 10:10 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 2221160)
All that you can eat :D

:banger :noon :banger :noon

bonjing 07-28-2021 10:50 PM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
These might be a little better resolution. by Greg A, on Flickr by Greg A, on Flickr

Axeman 07-29-2021 07:19 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
Very modern and nice.
What's with that one window being lower than the other? It disrupts the symmetry of the room. I've opened up walls with odd windows to find that the framing showed even odder structure that was there before. You see that on the remodeling shows a lot. They say "Oh!" and cut to commercial. Then they come back and explain why the budget is going to be blown.

markem 07-29-2021 08:41 AM

Re: Kitchen Remodel
That's stellar, Greg! Amazing use of that space. I really like the grey theme.

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