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SvilleKid 10-14-2008 11:23 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by poker (Post 3431)

I really appreciate the link. However, I suffer from a state that is backwards in many ways, One being that they still have dry counties, and thus do not allow shipment of Alcohol into the state. as expected, the site shows they will not ship to Bama! Got a sister in Tennessee (unless they lose home to the economy), so I might be able to have it shipped there. Don't know if I can trust her to keep bottle sealed til I can get it, though:r

DrDubzz 10-15-2008 05:31 PM

Re: nice rums?
HC7 and Flor De Cana 7,12,etc years

Resipsa 10-15-2008 05:59 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 3253)

I'm with Sean, excepting the Havana Club the Santa Theresa is the best rum IMHO.

gorob23 10-15-2008 05:59 PM

Re: nice rums?
:cYou don't DRINK Rum but I do....and yes you have my attention :tu


The Korean 10-15-2008 06:04 PM

Re: nice rums?
One of these days I am going to break down and search to find one of these rums. I haven't had much luck yet.

slimm 10-15-2008 06:21 PM

Re: nice rums?
Havent tried any of these yet. I will find the ron zacapa. I have had a few bottles of Ron Del Barillito gold star that was good.


Parshooter 10-15-2008 06:54 PM

Re: nice rums?
1 Attachment(s)
RZ XO, 25 year old :dr

Neuromancer 10-15-2008 06:57 PM

Re: nice rums?
Ron Zacapa 23 Anos and Diplimatio Exclusiva Reserva...

SeanGAR 10-15-2008 07:07 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by RGD. (Post 3539)
Sean - can you find this down there around Radford? Can't up here in NOVA but my daughter is down there in Radford so she could grab me some if it's available.


Wife is Venezuelan .... I bought this one in Venezuela for some ungodly amount of money at the time ... 15-20 bucks I think ... when you realize drinkable anejo runs 3-4 bucks a fifth, the Diplimatico I see people liking here around 7-8, and gasoline is 12 cents a gallon .... thats a lot of money.

Short answer, no, we can't get that one here in Radford.

If there is a trip to Venezuela at Christmas, I'll smuggle you back one - I think we were 4-5 bottles over the limit last time, whats another bottle?


Mark C 10-15-2008 07:44 PM

Re: nice rums?
I've got a bottle of the Santa Teresa, either got it here in MD or Florida, can't remember.

Nobody mentioned Pampero yet? That's another nice Venezuelan rum, should be pretty readily available too. I think it's similar to Zacapa, but not quite as sweet. I like it better.

Ron del Barrilito 3 Star is one of my all-time favorite rums. I like the dry, lighter style of Puerto Rican rums, this is the best I've had so far.

Rhum Agricole - Neisson, St James, La Favorite, Rhum Clement... all are great, and very different from every other rum you'll ever try. You owe it to yourself to pick one up if you come across it.

El Dorado 15 yr - Great cigar rum, smokey, heavy, full-bodied, stands up well to a heavy smoke.

Gosling's Black Seal - Cheap, available everywhere, delicious. Don't ever buy Meyer's Dark when Gosling's is sitting nearby.

Angostura 1919 & 1824 - I'm really liking these both a lot lately. The 1824 is a little more complex, the 1919 screams 'vanilla', but both are the drier style that I tend to prefer.

Pyrat XO - Not bad, but I have a hard time getting paste the citrusy/orange flavor. Almost seems too 'orangey' to be real. Great on ice though.

10 Cane - Only buy it on sale, but it makes a helluva mojito.

Of the sweet rums, I think I like Diplomatico a touch more than Zacapa, though they're awful close. Can't ever find Zaya (any Zaya), or Centenario in MD.

I'd love to get my hands on some HC, that's one that ain't exactly common around here. Maybe next trip overseas.

Now that there's a rum thread, someone needs to invite Che over here :)

Ms. SeanGAR 10-16-2008 12:00 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 3253)

That's my man...

Wingfan13 10-16-2008 08:42 AM

Re: nice rums?
I have been looking for Ron Zacapa for months now and cannot find it. I finally found a bottle of Zaya. I like that a lot.

groogs 10-16-2008 11:09 PM

Re: nice rums?
Seeing all these pictures is making me :dr. I need to stop spending all my money on cigars and start buying more Rum.

Wanger 10-17-2008 06:25 AM

Re: nice rums?
My favorite at the moment is Zaya. I just wish I could compare the Guatemalan with the Trinidadian stuff. I've had both, and liked both, but really don't knwo what the difference was, as it was months between the time that I had them. Even my wife (not a rum drinker) will drink Zaya neat. :D

I've also had and liked Ron Matusalem Clasico.

HC 7 is another good one. Though I have had it side by side with Guatemalan Zaya, and preferred the Zaya. Just suited my palate better.

I know that I'll need to try some of the others that have been listed here, too

rizzle 10-17-2008 07:25 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 3253)

I'm with you brother. I have all the ones in my rotation that Kelly posted but the Santa Teresa is my fave. Good taste my man.:ss

barbourjay 10-17-2008 09:16 AM

Re: nice rums?
ron zacapa all the way. there is a local shop that pretty much has everything. i still need to try the HC15. it's so easy to just go to the store and pick up a bottle of zacapa though that i never really run out.

darrell, if you keep not having any luck i'm sure we could figure out something.

Mark C 10-18-2008 08:56 AM

Re: nice rums?
I poured some of the Santa Teresa last night, with a Famous Nic 3000, was a good night! Forgot how good that rum was, thanks for reminding me!

Dgar 10-18-2008 01:56 PM

Re: nice rums?
Recently tried the new Zaya, I never had the older version, but I was surprised how sweet it was, lots of vanilla... I liked it, but I have a serious sweet tooth, ask my dentist.

Another rum I enjoy is Saliors Jerry, a little SJ with coke and a wedge of lime on a sunny day at the pool.... nice.

Mark C 10-18-2008 03:53 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Dgar (Post 18693)
Another rum I enjoy is Saliors Jerry, a little SJ with coke and a wedge of lime on a sunny day at the pool.... nice.

:tpd: That's good stuff, I prefer SJ over Captain Morgan.

DMK 10-18-2008 04:11 PM

Re: nice rums?
I assisted in the death of a bottle of Havana Club the other night, my usual is Appleton's. The Zaya sounds promising,Gotta get my hands on a bottle....

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