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AdamJoshua 10-08-2016 09:52 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
Hey don't piss him off, I was hoping to get a discount on one. :lv

Cigar Fan 29 10-08-2016 11:11 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
I just Googled Shuriken Perfect Draw and found it. That isn't even close to what I mentioned. There is no "t" in PerfecDraw, and it's all one word. I took your advice and googled the Shuriken. Please take my advice and Google PerfecDraw. You'll see the huge difference.

If you're going to count my posts, just count the ones where I comment -- replying to your comments doesn't count! LOL!

Anyway, yes, I'll try to find the new members section you suggested. Thanks.

Porch Dweller 10-08-2016 11:24 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
Sorry and thanks for the clarification, I found the site. Google kept trying to force the results to be for "perfect draw". So it's not a cutter, it's basically a drawpoker with a small drill bit at the point. An interesting concept.

Cigar Fan 29 10-08-2016 11:45 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
Hey Porch Dweller -- thanks for directing me to the new guys area. I started a thread, but I wanted to post some photos. But it asked me for a URL. My photos are on my computer. Is there a way for me to post photos from my computer files?


Porch Dweller 10-08-2016 11:57 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by Cigar Fan 29 (Post 2103618)
Hey Porch Dweller -- thanks for directing me to the new guys area. I started a thread, but I wanted to post some photos. But it asked me for a URL. My photos are on my computer. Is there a way for me to post photos from my computer files?


If you look at the upper left of the web site you should see a link called "User CP". Click on that. When the next page opens up, look on the left side for "Pictures & Albums". That'll take you to the section of the site where you can upload pictures and then share them in posts.
I prefer to upload to Flickr and share the link from there.

Cigar Fan 29 10-08-2016 12:33 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
Thanks! I'll give it a try.

Don Fernando 10-09-2016 12:30 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2103575)
If you are referring to the Shuriken, I have used it, and I was not impressed. :2

That thing didn't work at all. wasted 30 bucks on it, could have bought 4 great cigars for that money

icehog3 10-09-2016 02:51 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 2103696)
That thing didn't work at all. wasted 30 bucks on it, could have bought 4 great cigars for that money

I got 2 or 3 of them for free. They are sitting in a drawer, don't wanna curse anyone else with them. :r

Cigar Fan 29 10-09-2016 04:59 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2103713)
I got 2 or 3 of them for free. They are sitting in a drawer, don't wanna curse anyone else with them. :r

The PerfecDraw is entirely different. Took two years in engineering and manufacturing development. Long story.

Anyway, I'd really like your feedback. take a look at the videos at

It just launched, but there's already been a few video reviews. Those links are also on the site.

Lemme know your thoughts.



Just so ya know... This is me. Just sayin'...

icehog3 10-09-2016 06:06 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
Based on the videos, seems like it could be superior to the draw tool I use now. It has some ridges for cutting, but doesn't seem as intricate as yours, Rod.

mahtofire14 10-09-2016 08:49 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
I use a V cut over a traditional cut on every standard cigar (non torpedo). I find it to be a much cleaner cut with minimal shredded tobacco ending up in your mouth. Doesn't affect flavor or draw for me. I have a large tabletop cutter with two regular cuts and two v cuts all inline with one blades. Just make sure you have a nice sharp blade, same as any other cutter.

Don Fernando 10-10-2016 03:52 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by Cigar Fan 29 (Post 2103722)
The PerfecDraw is entirely different. Took two years in engineering and manufacturing development. Long story.

Anyway, I'd really like your feedback. take a look at the videos at

It just launched, but there's already been a few video reviews. Those links are also on the site.

Lemme know your thoughts.



my initial thought when I saw the video's on your site was "damn, what a missed opportunity in the design". You could have made it so much more versatile

MarkinAZ 10-17-2016 11:56 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by BlackDog (Post 2100864)
For those who use them, why do you prefer a "V" cut to a flat cut?

Pretty much has been the flat cut for me. Used a V cutter a couple of times at the local B&M, but have simply stayed with a flat cut. I have a punch cutter that I do use from time to time on the robustos for variety.

And, early on in the 90's, I'd use a number 8d carpenters nail for my "perfecdraw":tu;)

ky70 10-18-2016 01:13 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
Up until a month ago, I've straight cut 95% of the time. When I did vcut, it was with a xikar and it does a decent job of cutting most cigars but the recess is somewhat shallow which sometimes leads to a v cut not deep enough on some cigars. No biggie, but it would require me to cut 2 or 3 times on some cigars to get the depth I want.

I picked up a Colibri v cutter about a month ago and now have been going with a v cut almost exclusively because I love the deep v the cutter gives and I have had great success with getting the right draw with one cut and have not had any wrappers damaged, even if somewhat dry.

OnePyroTec 10-22-2016 05:45 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut
I started smoking cigars in the 80's. I was always a typical flat cut kind of guy. Everywhere you went, you would be given a regular single blade flat cutter. I did try a bullet punch for a while, but everyone who borrowed it would tap out the cutting and ruin the blade!

Eventually I purchased a Xikar dual blade in the 90's and Marc gave me a Palio at a SoCal herf. Fast forward to today, my son has be gifted my original Xikar, my Palio cutter sits in my pick-up as back up (when I leave behind my V-Cutter) or loaner, and I use & have used for the last year or so a Xikar V-Cutter. Dion G. has a table top V-Cutter on his counter and I use it every time I go to Fumare in got me hooked on V-Cuts so I purchased the Xikar V-Cut from him since I could not carry a table top cutter everywhere. YES, I use it on all sizes including Torps/Figurados.

edit for the offshoot part of the thread: I do not use a tool other than a trash can for a plugged cigar.

tsolomon 10-23-2016 07:19 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 2105133)
edit for the offshoot part of the thread: I do not use a tool other than a trash can for a plugged cigar.

This is also my approach to plugged cigars. I have tried dry boxing for weeks/months and have used cigar drills and pokers with very little success. :2

Don Fernando 10-24-2016 03:23 AM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2103575)
If you are referring to the Shuriken, I have used it, and I was not impressed. :2

Admiral ....


I thought I got rid of my Shuriken, hadn't seen it for over a year and thought I gave it away. Just opened the bottom drawer of my desk, and what do I see? That $30 piece of useless crap! I blame you for mentioning it :sl

Yamasa 12-13-2016 06:59 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by Cigar Fan 29 (Post 2103722)
The PerfecDraw is entirely different. Took two years in engineering and manufacturing development. Long story.

Anyway, I'd really like your feedback. take a look at the videos at

It just launched, but there's already been a few video reviews. Those links are also on the site.

Lemme know your thoughts.



Just so ya know... This is me. Just sayin'...

I use a similar device that is a shop tool.
It is an oxy/acetylene torch tip cleaner hand held mini drill.
The bits are not as long, and it does not draw any tobacco out because I have only used it during the smoke, not before. It simply pushes a hole through the tobacco.

longknocker 12-13-2016 08:02 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by Cigar Fan 29 (Post 2103722)
The PerfecDraw is entirely different. Took two years in engineering and manufacturing development. Long story.

Anyway, I'd really like your feedback. take a look at the videos at

It just launched, but there's already been a few video reviews. Those links are also on the site.

Lemme know your thoughts.


Just so ya know... This is me. Just sayin'...

Just Ordered One. Will Post My Thoughts When I Use It A Few Times. Thanks!:tu

longknocker 12-23-2016 06:41 PM

Re: "V" Cut vs. Flat Cut

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 2110473)
Just Ordered One. Will Post My Thoughts When I Use It A Few Times. Thanks!:tu

Used It, Tonite!:tu Different Than Other Draw Tools. Very Sharp & Well Made. Actually Pulls A Small Amount Of Tobacco From The Cigar & Opens Up The Draw Nicely. A "Winner", IMO.:tu

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