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GTsetGO 07-16-2015 07:09 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
cut about 1/4" off of the neck hole so that my big noggin could fit in. taped the visor in temporarily just to take a pic.

GTsetGO 07-21-2015 03:14 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....

primer done

AdamJoshua 07-21-2015 03:55 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
"Isn't your head a little big to be a stormtrooper?" :lr

very cool

The Poet 07-21-2015 04:21 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
I had to trim the codpiece to get my big head in.

GTsetGO 07-22-2015 07:56 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 2045447)
I had to trim the codpiece to get my big head in.


got some work done tonight.

taped up.

first coat

tape removed

GTsetGO 07-25-2015 06:45 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
So my wife and boy have been in Maine for the past few days, so I took that time to get some work done.

bucket is getting closer to the finish line. just some detail work and then on to the weathering.

also got some work on the handplates done.

GTsetGO 08-01-2015 07:04 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
shoulder armor .

AdamJoshua 08-02-2015 12:16 AM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Looking damn good, Rob. I look forward to seeing the progress to complete.

GTsetGO 08-18-2015 09:49 AM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
little update for the masses.

stearns 08-18-2015 10:03 AM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Very cool :tu

GTsetGO 08-24-2015 07:15 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
so. got it done friday night (except for some adjustments) and went to the star wars night at the tides game saturday. stayed in costume for the entire first game and then 3 inning of the second game. 50 lbs of armor after about 4 hours starts to get a little heavy.

AdamJoshua 08-24-2015 07:23 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Very cool dude, nice job on the armor and hanging out in it that long.

GTsetGO 08-27-2015 09:34 AM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2050479)
Very cool dude, nice job on the armor and hanging out in it that long.

thanks. I am really proud of house it turned out. Got a few things that need to be tweaked.

GTsetGO 11-01-2015 02:50 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
latest update on my armor. I am trying to get the last piece done (shoes) so that I can submit for my 501st approval. started with a pair of champion athletic shoes. made and template, cut it out on pleather and glued it on.

GTsetGO 12-07-2015 06:11 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
received word from the 501st today that I am approved.


longknocker 12-07-2015 06:15 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Looking Good!:D:tu

AdamJoshua 12-07-2015 06:20 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Congrats, Rob! Haha not to be too big of a nerd, but that is pretty cool man! :tu

Dave128 12-08-2015 08:43 AM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Very cool. Nice job.

shilala 12-08-2015 12:46 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Bad. Ass. :tu

stearns 12-08-2015 12:56 PM

Re: Well, this is where my cigar budget has gone....
Awesome, love he updates. Pretty damn cool :tu

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