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shark 01-16-2015 03:51 PM

Re: Opus X Question
My pet peeve is when I find a lot of them in stock, but they're marked up wayyy high, like starting at 20 bucks or so for a really small ring gage like a perfexcion#4. Smokey's in Royal Oak, MI is notorious for that.

As for shops setting aside HTF sticks for good customers or for their buddies. It's their shop, their rules I guess. I get regular discounts at the main B&M that I patronize, and they waive the 10 dollar minimum for CC purchases for their regulars, too. And I agree that being a special customer goes beyond just dollars and cents. You do agree that most owners of B&M shops are just as much a part of the whole BOTL/SOTL community as we are, right?

JohnnyFlake 01-16-2015 05:12 PM

Re: Opus X Question

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2012777)
I don't know what you heard but it was college and it was only once, maybe three times, but that was it!

Seriously though my local B&M will let me know when they have 'special' items coming in or a heads up on events before they are advertised, I'm not in there every day but I am friendly with the owner and guys that work there, I always make sure to buy a couple sticks when I'm in or I'll bring them a CC now and then, surprisingly they don't have a lot of access to those (at least not these guys) so they are always greatly appreciated. So I agree with the disagreement there are many different variables to take into account.

I'll even give an example, when the FFPs were the "in" stick, I asked about them and was told they didn't have any left but their other store might have a couple and was told he would check when he was there the next day. I didn't really think much of it, I didn't expect him to remember because again I'm not an every day or every other day customer, yet a few days later when I went back he had one behind the counter for me and even gifted it to me.

Oh and if you all find yourselves in the San Diego area, might I suggest Churchill's Cigar Lounge :tu :)

Well, it sounds like you have an "IN", so to speak, with your B&m. Good For You! Stay with them and you should do well.

stevef2005 01-16-2015 06:57 PM

Re: Opus X Question

Originally Posted by shark (Post 2012785)
You do agree that most owners of B&M shops are just as much a part of the whole BOTL/SOTL community as we are, right?

I know the guys at the B&M I frequent are. I usually catch at least one of the guys in there on his day off enjoying a stick or two shooting the **** with everyone.

DaBear 01-16-2015 07:41 PM

Re: Opus X Question

Originally Posted by PCaponi (Post 2012656)
I really enjoy an Opus. I keep about two dozen around. I like to let them age for at least two years. Down my way they are tough to come by. I know of only one B&M that gets them and the owner hides them for his close friends. I stopped in one day and saw one of the employees smoking one. When she asked if she could help me I asked for some Opus. She couldn't hide it fast enough!

The one thing I'd keep in mind in that situation is that a lot of us have our own collections of sticks and it may be something from a personal stash, especially if its not in Opus season. That said, every market is different and in some markets Opus sell super fast, and in others(like our own), they sit for ever. We just sold our last from the pre-Christmas shipment today, and I've seen at other shops(McCranie's location by Lake Norman comes to mind) they'll have Opus at regular old SRP and its just sitting there half full at out of season times. It also could be something that was sitting for ages and not moving and the owner let the employee buy up the last of it just to get it off the shelf. I've had that happen with half a box of Dirty Rats once. They sat on our counter for over a month half full and the bossman let me take the remainder(no discount of course so it doesn't hurt him).


Originally Posted by shark (Post 2012785)
My pet peeve is when I find a lot of them in stock, but they're marked up wayyy high, like starting at 20 bucks or so for a really small ring gage like a perfexcion#4. Smokey's in Royal Oak, MI is notorious for that.

This absolutely kills me when I see it. Seeing retailers online trying to sell Angels Share Robustos for $560 a box(~$19 a stick) when they SRP for $12-13 is super frustrating.

Flynnster 01-16-2015 08:05 PM

Re: Opus X Question
DaBear, how large of a store do you work at? I always wonder if that makes a difference in what cigars they can get from manufacturers.

DaBear 01-16-2015 08:21 PM

Re: Opus X Question

Originally Posted by Flynnster (Post 2012819)
DaBear, how large of a store do you work at? I always wonder if that makes a difference in what cigars they can get from manufacturers.

Ehhh, probably around 1500ish facings, probably more if anything since we went to the bin system. It plays a part somewhat as companies will want to reward the shops that buy more from them or carry the entirety of their lines, but sometimes how long that shop has been around can play a larger part. IIRC I remember hearing Padron has a few accounts still from when they were first hitting the market and those guys get massive discounts on their orders, I think I remember hearing that they stopped raising prices after a certain date for those handful of retailers as a thanks for being around forever.

WhiteMamba 01-16-2015 09:18 PM

Re: Opus X Question
There is a super old shop here in Terre Haute that always has Opus. I was told they were one of the first around to carry them so they seem to always have them. Plus they are hidden in the bottom of an aristocrat so you're not gonna happen upon them unless you look hard.

shark 01-17-2015 07:39 AM

Re: Opus X Question
It was really bad when OpusX was first released. Finding a few singles was very difficult, and being able to score a sealed box of them was nearly impossible, unless you were in good with a retailer.

wdwkelly 02-12-2015 06:06 PM

Re: Opus X Question
I buy opus x when i see them, at least a few each can never have too many.

wdwkelly 02-18-2015 03:19 PM

Re: Opus X Question
The B&M i use always has Opus X and the price is where it should be. I.E. Here in Ohio a Robusto is 13.99...I think that is VERY reasonable. My Fav. is the xxx they run 12.99
Angel Share there now...not sure of vitola...but i got a few on hold.

thecatch83 03-02-2015 02:55 PM

Re: Opus X Question

Originally Posted by Zane (Post 2008245)
Opus are becoming easier to find. My B&M always has some. Usually the Angel Share goes quickly. I find they need at least a year.

or five.....I have Opus sticks that have been resting for years and are delicious when the hot pepper subsides and turns to a creamy coffee. OP yes you should grab a couple and sit on them. Most discount them as overpriced and cultish, but I contend that they are delicious when given time to mellow out. Power Ranger Belicoso's and Perf 2's are my favorite.

badbriar 03-02-2015 09:26 PM

Re: Opus X Question

Originally Posted by JohnnyFlake (Post 2008331)
That's a very good price for a belicoso. Don't pass up the chance, get as many as you can afford. Give the Petite Lancero a try if they have any.

Agree! I just saw those Belicosos at 19.99 this weekend. Only the coronas were 12.99!

Are these stocks worth the premium price?

thecatch83 03-03-2015 12:46 PM

Re: Opus X Question can always use another fiver for the humi.

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