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badbriar 09-29-2014 08:23 PM

Re: Ronson Jet Lite Modification (2012)
Bought two Jet Lites and did the mods. First went fine without a hitch. Second was going along and the pin holding the spring/flip cover assembly fell out into the carpet. Go figure...nowhere to be seen. So, used the other short pin for that and was a pin short. Finally just used a stout toothpick and snapped it off to size. Put the beast together fine! Cool little torch lighter! Word of advice- don't turn the lighter upside down after removing the first two pins. That third one is not easy to get back in place, being under stress from the short spring! :tu

baust55 10-22-2014 11:42 AM

Re: Ronson Jet Lite Modification (2012)
cool I found a Ronson JetLite at Wal-Mart for $3.57 These are made or distributed buy Zippo .
I opened it up removed the brass limiter ring ,put the little o-ring back on.
I did not remove the pins to get at the spring ,I used a small pair of needle nose pliers to pull the spring out.
Save your receipt this lighter has a one year warranty.

stearns 10-22-2014 11:54 AM

Re: Ronson Jet Lite Modification (2012)

Originally Posted by baust55 (Post 1994286)
Save your receipt this lighter has a one year warranty.

I would guess the warranty is voided once you modify it. fortunately you can just replace it for under $4 :tu

Steve 10-22-2014 12:50 PM

Re: Ronson Jet Lite Modification (2012)

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 1994288)
I would guess the warranty is voided once you modify it. fortunately you can just replace it for under $4 :tu


baust55 10-22-2014 01:13 PM

Re: Ronson Jet Lite Modification (2012)
I read a post on another site were a guy bought a Ronson had troubles ,He called there 800# they didn't ask any questions they just sent him another one . so he said ha

Also another post were Wal-Mart exchanged for another no questions asked.

Steve 10-22-2014 01:32 PM

Re: Ronson Jet Lite Modification (2012)
My daddy always told me that just because you can do something, that doesn't make it right.


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