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icehog3 06-06-2014 08:35 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1967148)
I smoke to enjoy and relax. In a car, I only do it on my longer trips and when I am alone.
So, to answer the question; No, I am not an oblivious smoker.

Sure you are. ;) :r

Ashcan Bill 06-06-2014 11:57 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
Oblivious is pretty much a life style for me.


massphatness 06-07-2014 04:38 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
A Spanish aristocrat takes time out of his day to smoke a cigar, relax and enjoy it? Go figure. Not everyone won the sperm & egg lottery and can afforded the luxury of time.

My preference is to smoke in a relaxing environment as I enjoy the chance to savor a cigar and focus on the experience. Some time by the fire pit or on the trail with my dog is optimal, but those opportunities don't present themselves on a daily basis. However, like Tom said, I do smoke when I drive. I look forward to having a cigar on my 45 minute commute home each day. It gives me something to focus on besides the chunk of my life spent cooped up in a vehicle simply driving. I may not enjoy the cigar as much as I do in more relaxed environs, but it adds value to my day & I still enjoy it.

So while I would prefer the genteel lifestyle that would afford me two or more hours of cigar smoking relaxation time each day, I am an oblivious smoker largely by necessity.

TXSmokey 06-07-2014 07:21 AM

Re: Are you, like me, an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by RWhisenand (Post 1967112)
I can't help but find it ironic that he smokes during a bullfight, but considers Americans less civilized then Europeans.

agreed, that's why I love to see when the bulls get lose and go up into the stands, or gores the bull fighter.

I usually smoke on my deck, in the mornings when i'm off, and in the evening. I also like to smoke while watching movies at home.

Subvet642 06-07-2014 09:05 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1967110)
I was just watching an hour-long documentary called The Havana: Cigar Of Connoisseurs (2005). It's a good documentary and it's free if you're an Amazon Prime member. In any case, on the program they interview a number of habanos dignitaries, one of which is Jose Luis Vilallonga. I had to Google him. He was a Spanish aristocrat and bit-part actor who co-starred with Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. He passed in 2007. Anyway, he had this to say about cigars...

"I smoke two cigars a day. One after lunch, and one after dinner. Sometimes when I go out at night I smoke another one. Three altogether. But, I never never smoke when I'm out on the streets. I never smoke driving a car. I smoke, like many other Spanish do, during the bullfight, which is barbaric, because you don't savor the aroma or taste the cigar." He goes on to explain that he smokes at the bullfights simply because it's tradition.

The documentary immediately cuts to a scene in Cuba of a man puffing away while driving a car. The posh sounding narrator says, "Almost everybody smokes cigars here, whatever the time, whatever the place."

Toward the end of the documentary, Vilallonga continues, "The Americans are what I call oblivious smokers. Oblivious smokers, because they smoke in the streets. They smoke when driving a car. They don't have this european sense which is more civilized, really. Smoking a cigar is like taking a break in the day. I sit here and, three-quarters of an hour, an hour, I smoke a cigar."

This got me thinking. I want to know how it is for you. For me, if I didn't smoke on the streets, it would cut my cigar smoking in half. And, as it is, it's difficult for me to make time for a cigar. I don't smoke inside my home either. Perhaps that's part of it. I guess I admire this guy. If I could sit everyday for an hour after lunch and an hour after dinner and smoke in my opulent living room, I suppose I would. So, are you guys like me, or are you guys like Jose?

We're a busy people, we've got stuff to do:

Steve 06-07-2014 09:24 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1967224)
A Spanish aristocrat takes time out of his day to smoke a cigar, relax and enjoy it? Go figure. Not everyone won the sperm & egg lottery and can afforded the luxury of time.

My preference is to smoke in a relaxing environment as I enjoy the chance to savor a cigar and focus on the experience. Some time by the fire pit or on the trail with my dog is optimal, but those opportunities don't present themselves on a daily basis. However, like Tom said, I do smoke when I drive. I look forward to having a cigar on my 45 minute commute home each day. It gives me something to focus on besides the chunk of my life spent cooped up in a vehicle simply driving. I may not enjoy the cigar as much as I do in more relaxed environs, but it adds value to my day & I still enjoy it.

So while I would prefer the genteel lifestyle that would afford me two or more hours of cigar smoking relaxation time each day, I am an oblivious smoker largely by necessity.

Well said

icehog3 06-07-2014 10:36 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1967224)
I do smoke when I drive. I look forward to having a cigar on my 45 minute commute home each day. It gives me something to focus on besides the chunk of my life spent cooped up in a vehicle simply driving. I may not enjoy the cigar as much as I do in more relaxed environs, but it adds value to my day & I still enjoy it.

Word. :)

renoles576 06-07-2014 10:55 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
Seems like I'm with the majority here - I smoke outside, front yard or back, and I'm usually sitting and watching the world go by...sometimes with a book, but more often a cup of coffee and some relative silence.

shilala 06-07-2014 12:04 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
I don't smoke around folks where they might be annoyed.
That said, I'll smoke anywhere so long as I'm not violating directive #1 up there.
Smoking a cigar is always an event to me, but so is every single minute of my life. I don't waste a one.

CigarNut 06-07-2014 01:24 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1967281)
I don't smoke around folks where they might be annoyed.
That said, I'll smoke anywhere so long as I'm not violating directive #1 up there.
Smoking a cigar is always an event to me, but so is every single minute of my life. I don't waste a one.


:tu :tu

airtrade 06-07-2014 04:22 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
I like relaxing and taking time with it. Watching the world go by my porch.
Sometimes scrolling through this forum.

MoTheMan 06-07-2014 04:57 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
I pretty much smoke in the car (have an ozone machine to tae out the smell), in the yard, and sometimes when out & about shopping. I do keep an eye out though, 'cause if I'm in too much if a public place, I will likely find objectors to my smoke . . . and, well, you know how it gets here in the Socialist Republic of California . . . !

Steve 06-07-2014 05:38 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1967281)
i don't smoke around folks where they might be annoyed.
That said, i'll smoke anywhere so long as i'm not violating directive #1 up there.
Smoking a cigar is always an event to me, but so is every single minute of my life. I don't waste a one.


mahtofire14 06-07-2014 06:02 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
Usually the only place I'm smoking is on the course, in the cigar shop, on the boat, or on my deck. So I doubt I'm annoying anyone. Other than my Fiance, that is........:gary

montecristo#2 06-07-2014 08:47 PM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
When I was in grad school I used to smoke while I walked to work. Now I only smoke when it is me time. So I guess I have changed.

If I am walking alone I can enjoy a cigar, but not as much when I am walking the dog. I tend to smoke fastest and do not enjoy it as much.

Dude Here 06-08-2014 07:18 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
I used to try and smoke several cigars a day, pretty much if I had to do anything outside (yard work, walk, grilling etc.) However, I slowly realized that I was smoking just to smoke and not really enjoying the experience of having a cigar.

Lately, I've only been having a couple of cigars a week and have been really using that time to just sit back and relax.

Remo 06-08-2014 07:29 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
Not oblivious, I usually plan my smoke and time :tu

ColdCuts 06-08-2014 09:28 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1967152)
A stroll in a park with a cigar is a rare pleasure.
Probably soon to be banned.

Here in NYC, and a bunch of other municipalities around the country, it's already been outlawed. Thanks to Michael Bloomberg, smoking has been banned in all NYC parks, beaches, and pedestrian plazas since 2011. :bs

longknocker 06-08-2014 09:39 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?
I Smoke Occasionally On The Golf Course, But Mostly In The Evening On My Patio To Relax & Wind Down After Work. I Never Smoke In The Car Or While Walking In The Neighborhood.:tu

ColdCuts 06-08-2014 09:44 AM

Re: Are you an "oblivious smoker"?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1967281)
I don't smoke around folks where they might be annoyed.
That said, I'll smoke anywhere so long as I'm not violating directive #1 up there.

I aspire not to annoy anybody, genuinely. But I live in a very densely populated area and I do all of my smoking outside. So, try as I might, someone is bound to catch a whiff of my cigar. ;s

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