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timj219 09-26-2014 06:16 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
I do love me some Liga 9. They are a bit pricey but well worth the money IMO. Still, I'm always a sucker for a good value so thanks for the heads up I'm going to give these Genesis a shot. Thanks for the review.

Big Maduro 09-28-2014 11:37 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
I love the Liga, but my wallet won't let me smoke them often. I just smoked my first Genesis this weekend. Very nice cigar. Much the same profile you described. Nice review even if I missed it earlier.

longknocker 09-29-2014 04:15 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
Oh, Great, Another Stick I Need To Try.:r:D I Always Thought The Liga #9's Were The Ultimate Stick.:dr

dave 09-29-2014 08:20 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
I came across some Genesis robs in the bottom of the cooler last week. Not sure how old, but more than a year, I'm certain. They were much better than I'd remembered. Much smoother than when I'd first received them.
Coincidentally, I had an LP9 toro a week ago that was at least two years old. It was flat a bit boring, to tell the truth. I wouldn't have thought to compare the two before just now reading this thread, but, honestly, the Genesis was a more satisfying cigar. I won't say that price wouldn't have been in the back of my mind and affected my assessment, is now something for me to think about. I still have at least one of each from those same vintages - I may have to contemplatively smoke them back to back....or together? of these days.

Flynnster 09-29-2014 09:12 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
Just bid on a few of these based on this review!

CubanStocked 09-30-2014 10:28 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
I literally bought about 4 boxes of liga 9 double coronas last week...surprised to see them at my cigar shop...let alone 4 boxes. I shot in the dark about buying all 4 (thinking he wouldnt) but he was open to the idea and did the sale! Paid $325/box which is cheaper then anywhere else i've found (everyone online is usually out of stock) ...only problem is, Its still a pricey stick to smoke everyday...tryna pawn some off to my fellow BOTL...shouldnt be hard

czerbe 09-30-2014 11:15 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
Everybody is entitled to their own Wrong opinions Daniel LOL I kid to be honest the #9 isn't my favorite LP stick I love the T52 over the 9. I do really like the Genesis. Nice topic debate!

ApexAZ 09-30-2014 01:03 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
I've never had a Genesis. I love me some no. 9 though. I must try! Thanks for posting your review!

weems 10-22-2014 08:18 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
I have about 4 of these left, never had a #9 but probably one of my favorite smokes.

badbriar 10-23-2014 08:12 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
IMHO, the No.9 is a much superior cigar in every way. Kinda like comparing the Nica Libre to a Padron... Not even close. Still, the Genesis and Nica Libre are good cigars in their own right! :2

baust55 10-24-2014 09:50 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
I am really CHEAP ! EEERR ummm I mean THRIFTY ! I will probably never get to taste a Liga#9 but I did score about six promotional samplers from CI that had Ramon Bueso Genesis The Project toros in them so they were $1 a stick .............tasty Thrifty .


dave 10-24-2014 09:52 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project

Originally Posted by weems (Post 1994370)
I have about 4 of these left, never had a #9 but probably one of my favorite smokes.


weems 10-24-2014 02:00 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1994607)

lol, I meant to say never had a #9, but the genesis is one of my favorite smokes. :sl

longknocker 10-30-2014 03:08 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
Smoked The GTP James (Porch Dweller) Bombed Me With Because Of This Thread Several Days Ago. Thanks, Brother!:D:tu I Was Very Impressed!:dr I Thought The GTP Was Smoother With More "Spice" Than The LP's I Have Smoked. The LP's Have More Pepper If You Like That Profile. I Will Definitely Put The GTP's In My Rotation! Thanks For All The Input, My Friends!:tu

Porch Dweller 10-30-2014 06:13 AM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project

rr_coyote 11-01-2014 08:59 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
Haven't had a #9 yet, but I also love me a Genesis. Awesome awesome cheap stick. I've heard them to be compared more to an Undercrown.

Xolotal Mungin 11-04-2014 09:20 PM

Re: Liga Privada #9 vs Genesis The Project
Yup to the Genesis. Best value ever. Rich, dense stick. And they do age well. Only smoked 2 #9s, so can't really comment but I did wonder if they had gotten kind of flat from being hoarded too long.

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