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ChicagoWhiteSox 01-12-2014 08:45 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1922694)
Grandy's a nice player, but overpaid for a team with 3 CFs. And Robbie's a nicer one to whom the Yanks would have given $24 M a year . . . but for 7 years, not ten. Remember, Cano fired the most mercenary agent in sports, Scott Boras, to go to somebody even more mercenary, Jay Z.

But of course, you'd know nothing about that, as the Black Sox have always kept all their players. :D

No, I get it, the yanks are frugal and didn't want to spend the money! Seriously, you think they didn't sign Cano because of 3 extra years?

The Poet 01-12-2014 08:47 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1922699)
No, I get it, the yanks are frugal and didn't want to spend the money! Seriously, you think they didn't sign Cano because of 3 extra years?

You're right, I'm nuts. ;)

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-12-2014 09:32 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1922703)

I don't get it, the article is claiming that since the Mariners got a "roughly" 2 billion dollar tv deal over 17 years, they were able to outbid the Yankees for Cano? I don't buy it and I certainly wouldn't underestimate your Yankees financial abilities. I'll be honest and say I don't know the full terms of the Yankees tv deals, but I'd venture to say that it's a fairly large revenue stream for them, certainly close to what the Mariners get over 17 years. What about other revenue streams? Tickets, apparel, advertising, sponsorship, premium seating, radio deals, ect... Plus ownership capital contributions.. Yankees did not get outbid by the Mariners for Cano. I'm still left wondering why they didn't resign.

AdamJoshua 01-12-2014 11:37 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1922689)
I think originally they were making a case that if he was suspended for over a year they could void his contract and there would be no more payments, interesting that it ended up being 161, one game LESS than a full season.

Maybe Jeter will move to third so a younger prospect can come up and play short :r Just kidding we know that will never happen.

What i heard before was wrong, I was wrong, it's 162 plus the playoffs if the MFYs make it, so we'll see what they do now.

icehog3 01-13-2014 12:22 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
I heard a report that Arod would be surrendering approximately 22 of his 25 million dollar salary for 2014, so there must be some loophole that he still gets 3 million without playing a single game.

How will he ever survive on only 3 million dollars? :r

The Poet 01-13-2014 08:19 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1922743)
How will he ever survive on only 3 million dollars? :r

It's a struggle, believe me.

And I never said the Yankees could not afford to outbid the M's for Cano if they wanted to. I said they didn't want to. They have had enough of huge long-term contracts hanging around their necks, and they have had enough of paying other teams' freight through the luxury tax. The Yanks were also blindsided a bit by Cano, and thought they were in preliminary negotiations when Robbie suddenly jumped the Yankee Clipper for another shipful of sailors. But why are you obsessing over the money, which was NOT the issue? It was the 10 years that was the sticking point, not the cash, and Cashman (who for some strange reason seems to believe he knows Robbie Cano a bit better than the Mariners . . . or you) balked at the prospect of committing to an additional decade with an infielder who's already 31 . . . and who, good as he is psssst, don't tell anybody has a few holes in his game.

Did the Yanks make a mistake? Maybe. Time will tell. One thing's for sure though. Sign him or not sign him, they were gonna get criticized for it either way. They are the Yankees, and that's what people do.

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-13-2014 04:54 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1922780)
It's a struggle, believe me.

And I never said the Yankees could not afford to outbid the M's for Cano if they wanted to. I said they didn't want to. They have had enough of huge long-term contracts hanging around their necks, and they have had enough of paying other teams' freight through the luxury tax. The Yanks were also blindsided a bit by Cano, and thought they were in preliminary negotiations when Robbie suddenly jumped the Yankee Clipper for another shipful of sailors. But why are you obsessing over the money, which was NOT the issue? It was the 10 years that was the sticking point, not the cash, and Cashman (who for some strange reason seems to believe he knows Robbie Cano a bit better than the Mariners . . . or you) balked at the prospect of committing to an additional decade with an infielder who's already 31 . . . and who, good as he is psssst, don't tell anybody has a few holes in his game.

Did the Yanks make a mistake? Maybe. Time will tell. One thing's for sure though. Sign him or not sign him, they were gonna get criticized for it either way. They are the Yankees, and that's what people do.

Never said it but certainly implied it:r "Yeah, the Yankees are always frugal when it comes to buying players."
You're right, I'm nuts.


If I'm Yanks and money really isn't an issue, why not just look at it this way: 7 year deal for $34 million a year? Just write off the back end of this contract..

Granderson signed for 4 years, $15 million a year. Certainly a re-signable contract I think.

I do think Tanaka will likely end up in NY, either there or LAA. LAD don't need pitching, also Kershaw causes problems down the road if they have both him and Tanaka to deal with.

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-13-2014 04:55 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
In other news, A-Roid files suit against MLB and the union. Seeking to vacate ban for 2014.

AdamJoshua 01-13-2014 05:08 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1922949)
In other news, A-Roid files suit against MLB and the union. Seeking to vacate ban for 2014.

No surprise here at all, Aroid needs to be on the front page and on tv as much as possible, since he will never make the "800 HR Club" now, this is his only option to feed his enormous ****ing ego. I do love the fact that the union at least tried to stick up for him (even though you know they are shitting their pants over this mess and the longer Aroid drags it out the worse it is for other players as well), they said it was unfair of baseball to be part of the interview, yet so was the arbitrator as well as Aroid's own lawyers.

I can't wait till he's just an old memory, it's funny the loathing some have for him, he who could well be known in the future as the biggest cheater in the history of MLB.

AdamJoshua 01-13-2014 05:25 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
In the end, he thinks he's bigger than the game. That's his biggest mistake.

icehog3 01-13-2014 07:46 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1922958)
In the end, he thinks he's bigger than the game. That's his biggest mistake.

Don't hate the game....Hate the playa. :D

AdamJoshua 01-13-2014 07:53 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
"NEW YORK -- In the final analysis, the arbitrator found the word of a "drug dealer'' to be more credible than that of Alex Rodriguez."

That about sums it up :r

dman4505 01-14-2014 03:23 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1922371)
Hoping we field a MAJOR LEAGUE TEAM this year and not another AAA one.

Only Triple A team playing in the majors resides on the north side of Chicago at Clark & Addison.


icehog3 01-14-2014 04:43 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by dman4505 (Post 1923347)
Only Triple A team playing in the majors resides on the north side of Chicago at Clark & Addison.


They won more games than the White Sox. Marlins and Astros too, for that matter.

The Poet 01-14-2014 08:48 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1922780)
The Yanks were also blindsided a bit by Cano, and thought they were in preliminary negotiations when Robbie suddenly jumped the Yankee Clipper for another shipful of sailors.

Did the Yanks make a mistake? Maybe. Time will tell. One thing's for sure though. Sign him or not sign him, they were gonna get criticized for it either way. They are the Yankees, and that's what people do.


Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1922947)

If I'm Yanks and money really isn't an issue, why not just look at it this way: 7 year deal for $34 million a year? Just write off the back end of this contract..

Granderson signed for 4 years, $15 million a year. Certainly a re-signable contract I think.

Do you only read those parts of posts that suit you? :r The Yanks might have payed Cano more per year than Seattle had Jay Z and Robbie given them the chance. As for Grandy, I hope for Mac's sake that the Mets get their money's worth, since the Yanks did not the last 2 years. Last season he only played 61 games, batted .229 with 15 RBIs. He did have a good 2012 regular season, when he earned his $10 M (not $15 M in '12), but went a sterling 3 for 30 in the post-season.

Then there remains the fact that, with the signing of Cano by Seattle and Grandy by the Mets, folks like you are criticizing the Yanks and talking as if the Yankees had a march stolen on them and blew it big time. On the other hand, had the Yankees signed Cano and Grandy to the exact same contracts as they got in Seattle and Queens, folks like you would be criticizing the Yankees for overpaying for two more aging players in an attempt to purchase another championship. Don't bother to deny it . . . I've seen it too often before. It does not matter what the Yankees do, people will find fault regardless of which way they go.

And finally, there's this: Brother, I have no problem whatsoever believing you know a great deal more about the White Sox than I do. Can you perhaps entertain for a second the wild thought that I might know just a teeny-tiny bit more about the Yankees than you? :D

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-14-2014 09:31 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
You're right, I criticize every move they make:rolleyes:

And no, I won't entertain that wild idea;)

If the Yankees sign Tanaka, count on me posting here that they overpaid. If they don't, count on me posting that they missed the boat! :r

AdamJoshua 01-14-2014 09:35 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
So an interesting side note to this, so Aroid passed 12 or so random tests, now you start looking at all of the player, people like Chris Davis who out of no where hits 33 HRs a year ago and 50+ last year, when in the previous SIX years he hit around 45 TOTAL HRs ... makes you stop and think. To be fair in a couple of those years he played very few games, but his HR per AB went through the roof. In 115 games, the 3 yr period before his "break out" HR seasons he hit a grant total of 5 HRs.

The Poet 01-14-2014 09:44 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1923522)
You're right, I criticize every move they make:rolleyes:

And no, I won't entertain that wild idea;)

If the Yankees sign Tanaka, count on me posting here that they overpaid. If they don't, count on me posting that they missed the boat! :r

I believe every one of those statements. :tu


dman4505 01-15-2014 09:47 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1923383)
They won more games than the White Sox. Marlins and Astros too, for that matter.

That may be but I still think they're not much better than a lot of AAA teams, and I've been a fan since 1972. They may have a few good players on the roster but I don't see any real superstars that's going to get them to the playoffs much less ever win a championship any time soon.


icehog3 01-15-2014 10:39 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
I understand the general sentiment, Don, but it you follow baseball realistically, the Cubs or any MLB team would beat an AAA team 19 times out of 20. JMHO.

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