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czerbe 12-03-2013 08:32 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
This is what IMHO happens when we have to much Tech.

This happened in my home town at the local mall that I go to when needed.... Maybe if we unplugged a little bit and looked up every once in a while we may actually see whats right in front of us.

replicant_argent 12-03-2013 08:52 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?

Originally Posted by czerbe (Post 1905156)
This is what IMHO happens when we have to much Tech.

This happened in my home town at the local mall that I go to when needed.... Maybe if we unplugged a little bit and looked up every once in a while we may actually see whats right in front of us.

Those fountains should be filled with beautiful lava. Aesthetically pleasing, functionally heating the mall, serving purpose to civilization by weeding out the stupid. Win/Win.
Glass 3/4 full.

Marcello 12-03-2013 09:55 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
You know it's funny, I think it's cool, and look forward to one daying seing it all about us, apart from the part where the car/shop technology addresses the lady with her name. 'Good morning Jennifer ... Welcome back Jennifer.' That I find really creepy. It somehoe crosses a line. Anyone else? I suppose I could just turn that particulary setting off.

shilala 12-03-2013 10:04 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
The one thing that I think would be a huge advantage of all this tech is to clean things up.
Especially on the road in your car. If traffic signage could be displayed on your windshield in the same kind of way we view it now, all the millions upon millions of roadside signs and reflectors could be removed, doing much to beautify our roads and highways.
It'd be a huge cost savings, too.

The problem I have with all the tech is not really the anonymity aspect, but privacy.
Nobody cares who I am unless I'm doing something that's private. This kind of tech is two-way. It comes in and goes out. It'll take kids 15 minutes to hack it, and video of any part of our lives can and will end up shared with everyone in the world against our wishes. And it ain't gonna be video of me making scrambled eggs.

replicant_argent 12-03-2013 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1905190)
If traffic signage could be displayed on your windshield in the same kind of way we view it now, all the millions upon millions of roadside signs and reflectors could be removed, doing much to beautify our roads and highways.
It'd be a huge cost savings, too.

And the gubmint, for our own good, will ~remove~ all non-compliant cars. Replacing them with the new models that are linked to our DNA. So they can see ~exactly~ where you "subversive" types are. ;) it's really "for the good of the country... and for the chilllllldrun, and the environment....."

shilala 12-03-2013 10:18 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1905192)
And the gubmint, for our own good, will ~remove~ all non-compliant cars. Replacing them with the new models that are linked to our DNA. So they can see ~exactly~ where you "subversive" types are. ;) it's really "for the good of the country... and for the chilllllldrun, and the environment....."

Oh, absolutely, Pete.
And they'll send all your traffic citations right to your cell phone. And they'll be able to smell the dead hookers in the trunk. :tf
I'll just stay home, Amazon will bring me everything I need.
Did you see the last 60 Minutes? They're working on little helicopters so they can deliver your order in under 30 minutes. If I build a conveyor from the helipad to the couch, I'll never have to move again. Nobody is gonna want to watch me stink in HD. I'll be perfectly safe. :tu

Here's that Amazon helicopter deal. It starts at 11:00, but the whole thing is very much worth watching.

replicant_argent 12-03-2013 10:22 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?

Those aren't hookers in my trunk.

replicant_argent 12-03-2013 10:25 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
I want to see the Amazon drones in MN. During the winter. Or duck season. I predict a new teenage sport.
Drone Whacking.

shilala 12-03-2013 10:27 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1905200)

Those aren't hookers in my trunk.

Pull Over.

shilala 12-03-2013 10:33 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1905201)
I want to see the Amazon drones in MN. During the winter. Or duck season. I predict a new teenage sport.
Drone Whacking.

I think they think they're pretty safe because they're only flying within a short distance of distribution centers in populated areas.
It don't see it working all that well. Jacob and Eric up the street will order a bag of chips just to throw rocks at it. Or to catch it and tie the cat to it.
I don't have a dime in it, I just want to last long enough so you and I can read the stories. And to make up new ways to mess with them and tell the kids so they can have some good, clean fun. :D
Okay, it'll be me. But keep a lid on that.

replicant_argent 12-03-2013 10:41 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
Amazon will become insolvent after the 3D printing replicators take over. Well, except for the delivery of Soma and raw material bricks to feed the printers.

shilala 12-03-2013 10:48 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
They're making a 3D printer head for my CNC machine, so I'll be able to step right in where Amazon left off, amass incredible wealth, buy their helicopters at the auction, suspend myself with bungies from said helicopters, and control the world as a giant sun-blotching stench blob in the sky.
Then I'll post video of you taking a dump on the big screen in Times Square. You'll be an instant folk hero.

replicant_argent 12-03-2013 10:52 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
I'm already an instant folk hero with ~both~ of my friends.

Izzy and Greta.

shilala 12-03-2013 10:53 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
Then we're half way there already!!! :D

dave 12-03-2013 11:10 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
I'd like to take a peak at the airspace control center for any slightly dense neighborhood. With Amazon, FedEx, Walmart, USPS, 7-11, local retail-reefer-mart, UPS, Big Brother, local pervs, papparazi, local news traffic cams, parking meter maids....... all droning in the same airspace. Gonna be nucknfutz.

replicant_argent 12-03-2013 11:55 AM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
Collision avoidance transponders, all else, at your own risk. Self regulating through expense.

Smoqman 12-03-2013 01:22 PM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?
Anonymity = Privacy......

Catfish 12-03-2013 01:55 PM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?

Originally Posted by czerbe (Post 1904875)
I often say I should have been born in the 50's, life seemed simple, easy, and you could buy CC's :) I really don't think I would want to live in a world like this

am I alone in this?

As a Florida native, I look at all those magnificent glass walls, glass this, glass that and immediately think of Hurricane Andrew coming along.

From the mid-21st century back to the stone age in less than 12 hours.

stearns 12-03-2013 02:05 PM

Re: Not sure how I feel about this?

Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 1905270)
As a Florida native, I look at all those magnificent glass walls, glass this, glass that and immediately think of Hurricane Andrew coming along.

From the mid-21st century back to the stone age in less than 12 hours.

Didn't you see they're described as "durable"? :r

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