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KidRock 10-21-2013 11:20 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
what did you think of the burned bodies at the end? not suprised but my gut was telling me who ever burned the bodies is also feeding the zombies.

dgold21 10-21-2013 06:13 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1892128)
what did you think of the burned bodies at the end? not suprised but my gut was telling me who ever burned the bodies is also feeding the zombies.

Hmm, I was kind of leaning towards possibly Carol as the arsonist...she's kinda become more the "protect the group at ALL costs" advocate recently...and the girl as the one who was feeding the walkers on the perimeter...too many things don't add up either way yet though...

Blak Smyth 10-22-2013 05:34 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Nice to have Rick back, he was an important character to the show.
Hoping for the group to have to move due to water contamination, need some new scenary.

The part with the fence was dumb, he didn't need to sacrifice the pigs either as the zombies where following him in the truck already. I don't know if the pigs where contaminated but I would think quarantine would have been a better option, can you imagine how amazing bacon would be in that setting? It would have only taken a couple of minutes to kill all those zombies at the fence line without letting them horde up. Just my thoughts. I did like the ending of the last episode with the burned bodies. Also plenty of good gore this week but some of the zombies head shots looked very CG'd

GTsetGO 10-27-2013 08:14 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
well now carol.

KidRock 10-27-2013 09:13 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 1893890)
well now carol.

I was not suprised she did it. However, I do not think Rick will say anything. I loved this eposide.

dgold21 10-27-2013 10:24 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by dgold21 (Post 1892185)
Hmm, I was kind of leaning towards possibly Carol as the arsonist...she's kinda become more the "protect the group at ALL costs" advocate recently...and the girl as the one who was feeding the walkers on the perimeter...too many things don't add up either way yet though...

Damn, I called it...

Blak Smyth 10-28-2013 05:10 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by dgold21 (Post 1893934)
Damn, I called it...

Dead on! :tu

GTsetGO 10-28-2013 07:39 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1893915)
I was not suprised she did it. However, I do not think Rick will say anything. I loved this eposide.

i was just surprised in the fact that it was easy to call. there was no real twist to figuring out who did it and it didn't take 3 episodes to learn it. :D

massphatness 10-28-2013 08:22 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
How the hell does Tyreese make it out of that walker hoard? C'mon man - a little unbelievable.

Although the dead rising as walkers - totally believable!

elderboy02 10-28-2013 08:26 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1894000)
How the hell does Tyreese make it out of that walker hoard? C'mon man - a little unbelievable.

+1. That was crazy.

I guess Herschel will be dead soon.

kelmac07 10-28-2013 08:35 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Tyrelle all of the sudden turns into a badass? Carol is now a murdered? Rick is still a bit of a puss? You Glenn won't a cure is coming. Not sure I'm liking how this season is turning out so far.

kelmac07 10-28-2013 02:02 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1894005)
Tyreese all of the sudden turns into a badass? Carol is now a murderer? Rick is still a bit of a puss? You know Glenn won't a cure is coming. Not sure I'm liking how this season is turning out so far.

Damn early morning fat fingers.

elderboy02 11-04-2013 04:47 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I think I am just about done with The Walking Dead. Last night was extremely boring for me. I fell asleep once and had to rewind it. Too much cheesy crap in it.

jonumberone 11-05-2013 05:55 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1894000)
How the hell does Tyreese make it out of that walker hoard? C'mon man - a little unbelievable.

The show is definitely getting a little stale.
They used the same miraculous escape tactic last season with the Governor.

And what's with all the sympathy for the walkers?
Giving them names, having that little girl talking about them being the same people only "changed" ?
Seems like a recycle of the original Herschel storyline; when he was keeping walkers in the barn to maybe save them.

I fully expect an episode where they portray the survivors as the bad guys and the walkers as good.

kelmac07 11-05-2013 06:02 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I'm with the group here...getting really stale. And I agree with all the walker empathy all of the sudden...WTF??

Rick kicks Carol out...does that mean that he grew his nuts back?

Blak Smyth 11-05-2013 06:07 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Does Carol find the Governor now and join them?

big_jaygee 11-05-2013 06:08 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
i remember when i would watch it with the commercials (live) and not worry about anything else....on Sunday i was flipping back and forth between the football game and think i missed most of Walking Dead....the way the show was going , i don think i missed anything.

irratebass 11-06-2013 04:03 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I'm sick of Tyreese being soft, I understand he's in pain about that girl (her name escapes me...sorry Tom I know that was your gf) but he was one of my favs in the comic coz he was such a badass.

Yes this last ep was boring, I did like Darryl getting up in Bob's grill that was awesome.....Rick kicking Carol out was surprising, does this mean that Darryl will leave to find her?

Hershel and Glenn need to go.....just coz I want some changes that will shock people.

kelmac07 11-12-2013 11:22 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
This past weeks episode was a little better...but not much. Knowing the Governor is lurking outside the prison should make it interesting. Still waiting for Rick to tell Darryl that he kicked Carol out.

irratebass 11-13-2013 05:23 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
After this past episode I take back what I said about Hershel, he was the man!

Yawn....the Governor......hopefully Michonne catches him off guard and kills him then we can move forward, but I have a feeling they are going to drag this out again.

Anyone watch Talking Dead? Someone brought up a possibility of Bob being a spy for the that would be interesting.

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