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ApexAZ 10-17-2014 10:41 AM

Re: Estate Pipes

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 1993282)
Maybe we could see pictures when you're done?

^^ this!

mahtofire14 10-17-2014 02:55 PM

Re: Estate Pipes
Of course. I should have it by the end of next week. I hope I can figure out how to really clean this out from all the advice on the site. My novice eyes think it's in pretty nice shape.

Subvet642 10-17-2014 09:49 PM

Re: Estate Pipes

Originally Posted by mahtofire14 (Post 1993353)
Of course. I should have it by the end of next week. I hope I can figure out how to really clean this out from all the advice on the site. My novice eyes think it's in pretty nice shape.

The advice here has been working pretty well for me. I'm sure it'll be great!

mahtofire14 10-22-2014 01:30 AM

Re: Estate Pipes
So here is the Gresham Giant estate that I recently bought on eBay. It is said to be a Comoy's second. It is in pretty good shape. It needs to be reamed and I need to clean and polish the stem. But other than that it seems to be in relatively good shape structurally. It is taking a salt bath now and will hopefully help with some of the cake. Now I just need to get a reaming tool. Any advice is welcomed.

WaRevo 10-22-2014 12:38 PM

Re: Estate Pipes
Very nice looking pipe indeed. Congrats hope it is a great smoker

mahtofire14 10-23-2014 11:48 PM

Re: Estate Pipes
The pipe stem looks a little oxidized and also smells kind of bad. I've seen people use an oxi clean type chemical as well as bleach. What do you guys prefer? I don't have a buffing wheel so an option with the least amount of buffing needed is probably what I'll go with it it still is effective.

Subvet642 10-24-2014 10:29 AM

Re: Estate Pipes
I also collect fountain pens, and many very old pens are made of ebonite, vulcanite or as we call it BHR. I've used bleach on these with excellent results. It leaves it a matte black that can be polished easily by hand with some lightly abrasive polish; I use Simichrome. Check it often when in the bleach.

mahtofire14 10-24-2014 09:56 PM

Re: Estate Pipes
Thanks Darren. When you are buffing it are you using a cloth or rag or paper towel? Total noob here when it comes to this.:sh

Subvet642 10-24-2014 10:02 PM

Re: Estate Pipes

Originally Posted by mahtofire14 (Post 1994726)
Thanks Darren. When you are buffing it are you using a cloth or rag or paper towel? Total noob here when it comes to this.:sh

Old t-shirt. Paper towels are abrasive. :D

mahtofire14 12-18-2015 03:53 PM

Re: Estate Pipes
I've been looking to add to my collection and am looking at estate pipes again. Have bought one off of that one online auction site, and cleaned it up and have been very happy with it. Now that I'm looking again, what are some things you look for in an estate pipe that tells you it's a quality pipe vs. a cheapo? Or must have features that an estate pipe needs to have for you to pull the trigger?

mahtofire14 03-04-2016 10:53 AM

Re: Estate Pipes
What do you guys know about Comoy Everyman pipes. Just picked one up on an auction site. I have a Gresham Giant which is a Comoys second and I love how that smokes. It needs some work but I think it'll look great once it's all cleaned up.

MarkinAZ 03-04-2016 11:29 AM

Re: Estate Pipes

Originally Posted by mahtofire14 (Post 2077903)
What do you guys know about Comoy Everyman pipes. Just picked one up on an auction site. I have a Gresham Giant which is a Comoys second and I love how that smokes. It needs some work but I think it'll look great once it's all cleaned up.

Here's a couple of web pages to peruse Pete:

And, you can always contact Comoy at the above web page to inquire as well. Hope this helps out...

BamBam 08-13-2016 09:50 PM

Re: Estate Pipes
I have around 40 pipes, and I would confidently say all but 3-5 are estates. Once you learn how to refurbish them and do some repairs, the floodgates open.

Sancho 10-02-2016 08:11 AM

Re: Estate Pipes
The reamers with the fixed diameters work better for keeping the cake evenly distributed around the bowl. The adjustable three flute reamers are cheaper and work okay but will oval the bowl out if you're not careful

The pocket reamers, 2 flute are only useful as conversation pieces or to keep in your kit. You do not want to team a bowl with one of these more than once.

I've probably got 30ish pipes, only two were bought new and one was made by me. The remainder were states of varying degrees, they all needed some amount of rehab to look and perform their best.

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