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OLS 07-11-2013 07:01 AM

Re: My Fourth of July disaster.
Yeah, the T.M.I moment and my general anti-fairer-sex rant was pretty over the top.
In general, one has to be ever-amazed that they even stay around us with all of our
various noises, smells and habits. I think it is more than fair to say we are as bad or worse,
but my feeling is, and I may be wrong, when it comes down to costing the couple money
that would have been easily avoided, its usually the woman that causes it.

1.) I knew that light meant there was a problem, but I thought maybe it would flash if it got really bad.

2.) Honestly, its ALL PAPER, how come I can flush this and not that?

3.) Feel free to add your own here.

pektel 07-11-2013 07:46 AM

Re: My Fourth of July disaster.
110% agreed. When she and I first started living together, her car died while pulling in the driveway. And wouldn't start again. I figured no biggie, probably alt or battery. Nope. I pulled the oil dipstick. Bone dry. Not once did I think that a driver - male or female - did not regularly check their oil.

Months later, we were in some argument, and she blamed the engine failure on ME, saying "it's the MAN's job to check the oil." I told her, "Fine. It's a WOMAN's job to clean, do dishes, and laundry." She just said "OKAY!" And that was the end of it.

And I haven't washed an article of clothing since. I think I came out ahead, though sometimes I do help with cleaning and dishes.

dijit 07-11-2013 07:53 AM

Re: My Fourth of July disaster.

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1858986)
Sounds like something from one of the Vacation movies. Hope things work out and it ends up costing less than anticipated.

Sounds like a Christmas story, complete with Bumpus' dogs. In July. Hope the damage recovery didnt hit you too bad.

racerX 07-11-2013 08:53 AM

Re: My Fourth of July disaster.
It isn't the situation, it's how you handle it that matters. You showed great emotional intelligence. 4 stars for you. Start planning next years 4th (1st anniversary poop party). Well done sir, well done.

pektel 07-11-2013 09:59 AM

Re: My Fourth of July disaster.
Well, just got the call. Wet wipes being flushed will cost me just a tad south of $3000.

Honestly, I was expecting half that. And hopefully, the gf will take my advice from here on out.

Ha, I had to laugh at that last sentence.

OLS 07-12-2013 05:58 AM

Re: My Fourth of July disaster.

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1860052)
And I haven't washed an article of clothing since. I think I came out ahead, though sometimes I do help with cleaning and dishes.

Well "Mr. Its Good To Be The King", you DID just spend your 4th of July mopping up $hI+, lol.
So not SO far ahead....;)

pektel 07-12-2013 07:38 AM

Re: My Fourth of July disaster.
Touché, sir. :r

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