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E.J. 06-03-2013 08:35 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
Not worried at all, though I only average about 4 sticks a week.

hotreds 06-03-2013 08:57 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
This has actually been discussed a fair amount. Studies(fwiw) have shown that smoking one or two cigars a day WITHOUT INHALING and WITHOUT CHEWING (holding the cigar in your hands rather than mouth between puffs) will do very little to endanger your health. That being said, everyone is different so you pays your money and you takes your chances. I AM concerned about the health risks of smoking, but I DO believe that the positive far outweighs the negative when it comes to lighting up my pipe or my cigar- AND I do follow the "rulz" mentioned above- including NOT holding my pipe in my mouth between puffs either.

icehog3 06-03-2013 10:00 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1843269)
he said that 1 cigar is like 16 cigs or something like that .

16 cigarettes that you don't inhale.

ArgusP2 06-03-2013 10:04 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
No, I don't.

irratebass 06-03-2013 10:57 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1843324)
16 cigarettes that you don't inhale.

Yeah, I just said really and that I didn't know that and let it go at that, but he is a Dr and he does smoke, so I took at face value.

Porch Dweller 06-03-2013 11:06 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1843324)
16 cigarettes that you don't inhale.

This. I once had a dentist try to lecture me about smoking; he was stunned when I told him that you don't inhale cigar smoke.

markem 06-03-2013 11:10 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
I worry about this constantly. In fact, I worry about this so much that I am a nervous wreck. The only thing that seems to calm me down is a cigar.

Seriously, cigar smokers should all realize that smoking cigars has some (most think vanishingly small) affect on health, but so does yelling at the TV during a baseball/basketball/hockey/football/futball game/match.

No one gets out of this life alive, kids, so come to terms with it and live the life you want, not the life others would have for you.

shilala 06-03-2013 11:35 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
Ever since I realized I have an expiration date, I don't really worry about much of anything.
I know if something is right or wrong, whether it's good for me or not. I generally ask others about these sort of things when I'm looking for someone to co-sign my bullsh1t, or help me justify enjoying lots more than is sensibly my due. That's cause I'm a weasel that way. :)
I found that I can smoke a few pc's a day without any negative reactions. Then I couldn't anymore, so I don't smoke that much. Others can tolerate more, and others less. They can safely figure out what's right for them.

Every second we're closer to expiring. Everything we eat, drink, breathe, or do.
If a few cigars bring joy at the end of a hard day's work, there's not a thing wrong with that, no matter what the studies say. The stress from not enjoying those cigars is likely to be equally as unhealthy.
We all need to enjoy ourselves, and there's plenty of good stuff out there to enjoy. Too much of any of it is bad for us, too little is bad for us. I can usually figure out how much is just right when I want a whole lot more, because a whole lot more ruins the fun of it. :tu

AdamJoshua 06-03-2013 11:49 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
After 30 some odd years I finally quit smoking, the only reason I quit was because I had the flu and just didn't smoke for 2 weeks, that was it I was done. After that I took up cigars, what can I say I enjoy nicotine, I have no desire to start smoking cigarettes again but I do enjoy my cigars and will keep enjoying them.

My mom was a model of health, never smoked, didn't drink, eat pretty well... she was hit and killed by a car when I was 17, hell she was even on the sidewalk when a piece of #*@* cut the corner going into a parking lot and hit her.

You never know what tomorrow will bring, if anything at all, so enjoy today.

emopunker2004 06-03-2013 12:03 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1843324)
16 cigarettes that you don't inhale.

Not to mention 16 that are void if all the nasty chemicals added to cigarettes

357 06-03-2013 12:26 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1843285)
This has actually been discussed a fair amount. Studies(fwiw) have shown that smoking one or two cigars a day WITHOUT INHALING and WITHOUT CHEWING (holding the cigar in your hands rather than mouth between puffs) will do very little to endanger your health. That being said, everyone is different so you pays your money and you takes your chances. I AM concerned about the health risks of smoking, but I DO believe that the positive far outweighs the negative when it comes to lighting up my pipe or my cigar- AND I do follow the "rulz" mentioned above- including NOT holding my pipe in my mouth between puffs either.

Hugh is right on.

I wrote a cigar related article on a website and received a few "cigars will kill you" replies. Here's a link:

Here's my reply:


We all know there are some risks involved in smoking or any tobacco use. However, casual cigar smoking is not considered a significant risk. While commenter Dr. K’s link shows some simple truths about tobacco, it contains some misinformation, it’s misleading, and it does not quantify risk. Similarly you could say driving causes millions of deaths per year. While true, this statement does not quantify what the real risks are. In fact it is often difficult to find pertinent data on cigar smoking. Most tobacco studies fail to quantify cigar smoking risks because their results are muddled with cigarette smokers who also smoke cigars, cigar smokers who use smokeless tobacco, or cigar smokers who are heavy alcohol users/abusers. However, one study is different. The National Cancer Institute did a comprehensive study of over 500,000 men studied for 12 years and concluded that smoking up to 1-2 cigars per day failed to show a significantly increased risk of cancer.

You can read the entire study itself here (Page 22 is a summary chart):

Or you can read two written summaries here:

That said, most cigar smokers I know smoke 1-2 cigars per week. Some are daily smokers but, the majority are not. I may enjoy 3 or 4 in a day but not smoke again for weeks. There is risk in everything from driving to work to eating fast food for lunch. As with many other things in life, moderation is key. I hope those of you interested in cigars will learn something from this guide. For those of you not interested, please do not take it as my recommendation to be like Winston Churchill and smoke a box of cigars a day.

...although, I'm not going to give you a hard time if you want to smoke a box of cigars per day. :ss

cben 06-03-2013 05:08 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
You never know what tomorrow will bring, if anything at all, so enjoy today.[/quote]

You hit the nail on the head Adam. My dad enjoyed his cigars and pipes to the fullist for 50 some years, He never had any health issues at all ( he's 73)
3 months ago he went to bed and woke up 1/2 hour later with a massive stroke and now lives his days in a nursing home. So with that being said, enjoy every day like it was your last.

bstarrs 06-03-2013 07:15 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
I figure it's much safer than smoking cigarettes so I'm not too worried about it. I've learned that pretty much all indulgences whether it be food, tobacco, alcohol, etc, have a negative impact on health over the long run. Might as well enjoy it while you're here though.

jjirons69 06-03-2013 07:31 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
Not at all.

See - George Burns...

ysr_racer 06-04-2013 07:52 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
Everybody dies of something, except those people that die of nothing.

Nobody gets out alive.

FUEL 06-04-2013 08:07 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1843358)
This. I once had a dentist try to lecture me about smoking; he was stunned when I told him that you don't inhale cigar smoke.

About 98% of the population...-(P

equetefue 06-05-2013 09:37 AM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???
aint that the case. This past week alone I had this very same discussion with both my neighbor and a coworker.

Sadden 06-05-2013 06:35 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by equetefue (Post 1844220)
aint that the case. This past week alone I had this very same discussion with both my neighbor and a coworker.

And myself yesterday with my father.

Blueface 06-05-2013 06:49 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1842835)
The relaxation I get from cigars reduces my personal risk of stress induced stroke tenfold....that's all I nned to know. :)


I always remind folks of Jack Lalanne.
Picture of health.
Lived to 96.
Was a promoter of juicing.
Swam tugging boats in the San Francisco Bay.
Never smoked.

In contrast, George Burns smoked 10-15 cigars DAILY for over 70 years.
Didn't exercise as walking was tough enough but always maintained his wit and lived to be 100.

Go figure.
Since I average one cigar a day, I need to kick it up a notch to reach that 10-15 a day.

Conch Republican 06-05-2013 06:51 PM

Re: Cigar health you guys ever worry about it???

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1844495)

I always remind folks of Jack Lalanne.
Picture of health.
Lived to 96.
Was a promoter of juicing.
Swam tugging boats in the San Francisco Bay.
Never smoked.

In contrast, George Burns smoked 10-15 cigars DAILY for over 70 years.
Didn't exercise as walking was tough enough but always maintained his wit and lived to be 100.

Go figure.
Since I average one cigar a day, I need to kick it up a notch to reach that 10-15 a day.

I do worry about it...and I worry about a LOT of other crap worrying will probably kill me 1st.
Carlos, I have been covering your share and mine're all set. :tu

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