Originally Posted by OLS
(Post 1828148)
I listened to the arguments on the Newshour last night and in the end it left me feeling like
we SHOULD swallow hard and start paying taxes. I had many years of free internet business
and would not mind paying taxes if it kept my town or city alive with businesses. They
talked about a huge problem with a55holes in this new smartphone world who go into shoe
stores, try on shoes, get them fitted by a clerk, find exactly what they are looking for,
then waste all the store's time by saying 'No Thanks', and just ordering the 5hit online in the
car outside the store. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should.
But then again, the world's full of a55holes and always will be. EVERYONE in this country
is wondering where the jobs are, why has our country taken a nose dive off the economic cliff.
Greed and stupidity. Wanting everything, but not willing to do the hard part of keeping
an economy moving. It's like that 'story' told in a thread this month about the "green generation".
No perspective, no shame, so common sense.
All that said, if the policing agency just turns into another IRS, what did we gain?
And another good point made up above here in the thread, What about the giant
increase in road use by all the delivery trucks Amazonning that crap to your house?
Your roads are torn up, just like the ones in my city. And in Memphis we are on a
25 year paving cycle. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS! That's a generation. And with less and
less money on hand every year because more and more people get brave enough to
enter their CC# online, it gets worse and worse. You are seeing it happen right in front
of your face and you still want to keep on with no taxes? I got an advisory from Amazon
2-3 months ago saying that they had not given the info to Tennessee, BUT that I had
$500 dollars+ worth of internet buys I owed state sales taxes on. I went to the state
site and paid it, it was something like 35 bucks. I got my printed receipt and was happy
and satisfied to have done it.