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Dave128 01-24-2013 01:38 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
Wow, Brad, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

Genetic Defect 01-24-2013 02:00 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1786080)
Coming from an expert loser. :2

Really? I don't doubt or disagree that the situation about gloves is sad and speaks volumes. But to generalize about losers only proves your ignorance.

Before she passed, I spoke to my mother often. Not daily, but multiple times per week.
My adult son lives at home because he can't find a job in the fkuced up economy. He helps with cooking, cleaning, errands, etc. and yes, his mother does his laundry.

So before you make yourself look even more stupid, I suggest you think before you post.

Well said Peter, as usual you say what I would but in a manner that is easier to comprehend.

bobarian 01-24-2013 03:02 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
Wow, just wow. Over the years I have seen many ignorant and insensitive posts but this one takes the cake. Congrats Chief!

First you eavesdrop a co-worker's personal phone call. Then you make the ludicrous jump to a critique of our society and then mock anyone who has a loving and caring relationship with their mother. And to top it off you call THEM losers. I would suggest a long look in the mirror before you post again. :bh

The Poet 01-24-2013 03:16 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
These kids today are worthless, what with their ducktail haircuts, their motorcycles, their boogie-woogie music, their sockhops 'til 10, 11 o'clock at night, their making out in the back of daddy's Hudson at the drive-in movies. The nation is doomed.

hammondc 01-24-2013 03:34 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

688sonarmen 01-24-2013 03:56 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
Ok, with all the gun posts and misdirected anger is your Avatar meant to be a warning or just a coincidence.

benedic08 01-24-2013 04:17 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
I love being a loser! :D I love my mom and dad! I guess someone is jealous mommy didnt cook or do his laundry... :D

14holestogie 01-24-2013 04:56 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
Having lost my mother 44 years ago, I'm not feeling too much like the winner the op suggests I must be. I think Brad owns some stock in :po.

I know he must feel people are just waiting to pounce on a lot of his posts, but stuff like this just makes it too simple to justify. :2

bvilchez 01-24-2013 05:06 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
losˇer noun \ˈlü-zər\

1: a person or thing that loses especially consistently

2: a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint

3: a person who is a sport clay enthusiast and does nothing on a cigar forum except rile up the members on topics he/she is ignorant on

Example of LOSER

That guy who takes really boring pictures is such a loser.
That guy is a born loser.

markem 01-24-2013 05:07 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
I think that every generation has its losers. ysr_racer (he's not a racer) is a fine example of those among his.

Personally, I think that he is a shill for craputo, but what would I know.

Scottw 01-24-2013 05:14 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1786072)
Lately I'm seeing lots of twenty-something year olds that can't function without their parents.

I work with a woman that has a 21 year old daughter (sorry no pictures). They must talk on the phone 10 times a day. The mom is here in CA with me, the daughter goes to school in Flagstaff.

The other day the daughter calls the mom and tells her, the gloves she has aren't warm enough. How do I know what the call was about?

Because I hear the mom say, "I'll go to REI after work, buy you gloves and FedEx them to you. You should have them tomorrow".

What the hell is going on in America? When I was that age, if I told my parents my hands were cold, they would say "go buy warmer gloves".

So here are ysr_racer's rules for being a loser. If any of the following apply to you, guess what, loooooser !!

Your mom makes your meals
Your mom does your laundry
Your mom is your best friend
You still live at home
You talk to your mom every day

America is in sad shape.

I'm wondering if this is the reason we see so many mass shootings by 20 year old kids, they can't function in the real world.

1:My mother and I speak daily because of her health, the fact that she lives 130 miles away and plain and simple, I love her.
2:My mother is also one of my best friends.
3: if that makes me a loser in your opinion....**** you, I bet I make more than you do you ****ing ignorant douchebag.

I bet your mom hates you.

Robulous78 01-24-2013 05:22 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
There are many things that have gone awry here...

Speaking as a 27 year old, I feel I have a unique perspective to offer to this discussion-turned-age-bashing...

I have mixed feelings about the future of MY generation (Generation Y)..

I see the difficult issues that the Generation prior to that (Generation W, derogatorily known as the War Generation ) experienced and over-came... (WWII, the Great Depression, The struggle of industrialization's impact on society)... With these troubling issues they "manned up" and pushed forward, and upon their completion their only wish was that their family be provided for and flourish... and flourish it did... Credit was given to build houses causing the boom that lead to the construction of our country, Their were many increases made to the societies well-being and quality of life during their time...

I see the generation before us (The Baby-boomers, Generation X), dealing with the difficult issues of their days (Vietnam, Cold War, Civil Rights... ect) and I feel they "manned-up" in ways that were extraordinary and revolutionary to our society... Credit cards were first made available and lent to this Generation and with them they bought new technology, which boomed at a pace that created new jobs and industries overnight... And the Baby-Boomers made the most of it for themselves...

As they began to age and have Children they have come, Rightfully so, eager to pass the torch down to us in much the same fashion as they seized it from the powers of yester-year, they want to see our generation fight and push our society further... but the world has changed since their time...

An economy that is faltering, a political atmosphere divided almost evenly between 2 evenly despicable feet-dragging parties, a credit crisis that has made lenders weary... an industrial slow-down resulting in the loss of American jobs and an unstable market-place, a war that has siphoned off excess funds and put our government into debt... all new and difficult problems that face MY generation (Gen Y)...

The world has simply not opened up for us, yet.... Gen X had the progressive movements of the 60's and 70's to establish itself effectively tearing the world open to them, Gen W was just thankful to finally live in a world not consumed with war and rest peacefully, MY generation has not had the catalyst added yet to show our true power and this is made ever so more difficult by the fact that we are often looked upon as lazy, needy, dependent losers...

In comparison to the generation prior to mine, perhaps we are more dependent then they were... its hard to afford life without work... its hard to push your way into a world that considers you a dependent... its hard to set yourself up without anything on loan... and its hard to leave a mark on a world that has become so crusted with the traditions of the past... We did not wreck this economy, others did, we did not outsource American jobs to save a dime, others did, we did not destroy the credit system by borrowing to much, others did... and now they want us to take over? so as to hold us responsible for not having dealt with these problems? that is a pass of the buck my generation is not willing to accept... IMHO :2

I still, however, hold my head up high and have not given up on those around me for the simple fact that we shall have our time in the limelight as well... the Boomer's can't hold the reigns forever, just as Gen W couldn't hold the reigns against them... Our struggle with not be one of global influence or peace (Gen W), or a struggle of youth and progressiveness (Gen X), but a struggle of morality and prosperity against apathy and complacence...

Sure, as one looks around my Generation they will see bad apples, some already rotting and some on their way to rot, but instead I see apples that haven't quite ripened into the future of our nation.... :2 I see those too scared to try to bud out as they see the mess of the current world -(Politically/Economically/Socially), I see apples that are apathetic towards finding the answers, and I see those who ultimately will if given the opportunity...

So I can agree with the OP, yes there are many of my generation still reliant upon their predecessors, but to call us losers is a vast overstatement, we simply have been stifled in our efforts to become our own... :2

PS. This is written with the utmost respect to all Generations, we all have our trials that have defined us, and we all have made the best decisions given our possibilities...

shark 01-24-2013 05:24 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
Any man who doesn't spend time with his family is not a real man---Don Vito Corleone

big_jaygee 01-24-2013 05:28 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
Guess I am a loser.l because I talk to my mom frequently when I visit she cooks for me and if its an extended visit she might throw my clothes in with theirs..... yep sounds like a loser :r :r

big_jaygee 01-24-2013 05:29 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

Originally Posted by Scottw (Post 1786396)
1:My mother and I speak daily because of her health, the fact that she lives 130 miles away and plain and simple, I love her.
2:My mother is also one of my best friends.
3: if that makes me a loser in your opinion....**** you, I bet I make more than you do you ****ing ignorant douchebag.

I bet your mom hates you.

+1 Yeah I wanted to say the same thing but you beat me to it :tu :r

Whipper Snapper 01-24-2013 06:26 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
I imagine the op either
A.) Made this post to get a rise out of folks, which he has accomplished
B.) Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and now realizes the post he made was inconsiderate and rather silly
C.) At least understands a lot of people aren't exactly happy with him for saying what he said.

And, with that being said, I do believe the thread has run its course. You're all grown men (and women) who can do what they please. But, nothing would make me happier than to just watch this thread die.


T.G 01-24-2013 07:06 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

Originally Posted by Whipper Snapper (Post 1786463)
I imagine the op either
A.) Made this post to get a rise out of folks, which he has accomplished
B.) Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and now realizes the post he made was inconsiderate and rather silly
C.) At least understands a lot of people aren't exactly happy with him for saying what he said.

And, with that being said, I do believe the thread has run its course. You're all grown men (and women) who can do what they please. But, nothing would make me happier than to just watch this thread die.


D) is a loser.

ysr_racer 01-24-2013 10:20 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1786389)
I think that every generation has its losers. ysr_racer (he's not a racer) is a fine example of those among his.

Really, that's where you draw the line?

Who's the guy under this helmet?

Genetic Defect 01-24-2013 10:31 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1786585)
Really, that's where you draw the line?

Who's the guy under this helmet?

A loser?

ysr_racer 01-24-2013 10:35 PM

Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
Not that day my friend. I've got the trophy around here somewhere to prove it :)

Seems like I touched a nerve with some of you, sorry.

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