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jjirons69 10-23-2012 06:56 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
I have a HUGE American stamp collection. Worked on it for nearly 20 years, plus my mom had always worked at the PO. Haven't done anything with it for 10 years though. Got many totes full, all categorized. It fits my anal personality. I collect foreign currency mainly from folks I know that travel. Got a cigar box full of bills and coins from all over the planet. Also collect logo golf balls and old balls I've come across over the years. Over the past 5 years I've collected various nice doctor and dentist bills. lol

T.G 10-23-2012 07:06 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...

Originally Posted by DMK (Post 1737894)
The reason I asked about insulators is, today I was servicing a sump pump in a very seldom visited basement under an old abandoned powerhouse at work.
As I stepped down off the ladder into the ooze... I found a bunch of old porcelain insulators from the high voltage lines that use to feed the powerhouse.

If anyone wants ones like this, let me know.

That would make a perfect cigar rest for the new Nub 4" x 250 ring gauge cigar.

MajorCaptSilly 10-23-2012 07:08 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
Pillsbury Doughboy stuff......really.


pektel 10-23-2012 07:16 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1737840)
Serious? Me too. Are you on Autogeek?

Yessir, though I haven't bought any new ones (any major ones) since I started buying cigars lol. I was a regular member of detailingbliss until ownership changed hands. Now I'm a not-so-regular poster on live2detail. I detail on the side, but really only vehicles that I can have for as long as need be, and only because I enjoy it. I don't think my back/bones/muscles could take the beating of doing it as a trade.

My weapon of choice is the Makita 9227. Got one for free, so cant' complain. I have a 3" extension with a 3m backing plate. Also have a rubbish boy's 3" backing plate for harder to polish areas. And down to a 75mm backing plate for spot polishing. Haven't really bought anything for polishes other than Menzerna as they work excellent for me. I have some Scholl's to try out though.

Favorite waxes... depends. RBOE is my favorite for looks, but application is kind of a PITA. It's look rivals Vintage, but at a fraction of the cost. Otherwise, I use Supernatural. I have a pot that was signed by Dom and PJ, to me:

Nice to see another detailer over here. I have been meaning to get back into the hobby. :tu

larryinlc 10-23-2012 07:26 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
I collect old American pocket watches and search the country over for the best examples I can find.

Fordman4ever 10-23-2012 07:49 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...

Dave128 10-23-2012 07:54 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
I'm working on a collection of shot glasses and golf balls.

RobR1205 10-23-2012 08:03 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
Rocks, gems, and stones!

sikk50 10-23-2012 08:25 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
I've collected a lot of different things, but given up on most of them. For a while I collected lots of shot glasses. Then I collected a certain type of paintball gun do to its revolutionary changes to the industry. Now, I just started collecting Harley poker chips, I'll probably stick with this collection. Also thinking of starting to collect vintage ashtrays.

E.J. 10-23-2012 09:53 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...

Originally Posted by Cville Cigar (Post 1737824)
I have a few, along with railroad spikes and arrowhead, and ashtrays.

My grandfather was a railroad guy.....

Have a golf one as well, but it is at the office....

Starscream 10-23-2012 11:06 PM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
I used to collect comics. Now I'm working on adding to my NES/SNES library.

Stinky 10-24-2012 12:30 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
Books on the subject of cigars. Have over 70 titles now. Read them all too! :)

themoneycollector 10-24-2012 12:31 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
I still collect coins and paper money from over the world.

Also used to collect comic books and comic cards.

cobra03 10-24-2012 12:40 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
Ive been into collecting beer tap handles for a while now.

Subvet642 10-24-2012 06:21 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
Fountain pens, absinthiana, some baseball cards (a few autographed balls, bats, etc.) and fedoras.

cjhalbrooks 10-24-2012 06:53 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
I collect things that i have used or gotten during my deployments. I have coins, books, newspapers, flags, and a piece of U.R. like from the bible.

iaMkcK 10-24-2012 07:02 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
Like someone else said: Debt.. But uhh, honestly... Nike Shoes... And most recently.. Cigars.. And more debt.

drjammer 10-24-2012 07:32 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 1737889)

Amen to that!!

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1737890)
Sadly, bb cards are not of great value unless you have a VIP rookie card or mint cards from before 1960.

With the insert craze starting in the 90's, the bottom has fell out for most cards. I wanted to sell off most of my pre-1980 hockey and baseball cards at a local shop, the guy said they were worth around $600 but offered me $30 what a joke.

OLS 10-24-2012 08:00 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
let's see, no ACTIVE collections anymore, after my dad died of cancer, I looked at his life, and what he did
on Saturday at least twice a month. He would go down to Salvation Army, Amvets and a few other
thrift stores in NO and just go over EVERYTHING, and he had a stunning collection of great old tools when
he died, and I kept many of them. But I saw the whole 30 year process as an ignoring of the hard and fast
rule, "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU". So live life, save money, pass it on. Now, did I fully LEARN anything?
Not really. But I DID stop all of my own collections. Holding onto the ones I like and feel will benefit someone

Star Wars Action Figures - all still in the packaging, but 2nd generation items, NOT the
1st edition stuff that is so valuable. But nice one day to pass on to some relative, or Skywalker,
Mardi Gras Doubloons - 3-4 binders full of em dating from the early 60s. Most not worth
a ton of cash, but a real icon of the past now mostly absent from parades.
CIGAR LIGHTERS - For some reason, (well, I KNOW the reason), I have been stockpiling a lot of lighters lately, logo stuff, unique stuff. I won't make it to 2015 with them, but for now I have em.

OLS 10-24-2012 08:10 AM

Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1737903)
That would make a perfect cigar rest for the new Nub 4" x 250 ring gauge cigar.

Adam, I couldn't give you rep pernts for it, it turned me away, but I DID catch this one.
Very nice, and I am a man that prides myself in being able to identify fine comedic
thinking.....well, comedic until the launch party for it, anyway.

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