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pnoon 10-03-2012 09:19 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1727149)
Troublemaker!!! :r :banger

How so, Cliff? :sh

SvilleKid 10-03-2012 09:23 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1727154)
How so, Cliff? :sh

LOL! messing with you, Peter. I figure anytime someone throws out a temp or a humidity number, then we will see at least 15 or 20 different numbers thrown about.

On a serious note, I too agree that 75% is too high (Now I'm probably a trouble maker too!!):D

pnoon 10-03-2012 09:25 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1727156)
LOL! messing with you, Peter. I figure anytime someone throws out a temp or a humidity number, then we will see at least 15 or 20 different numbers thrown about.

On a serious note, I too agree that 75% is too high (Now I'm probably a trouble maker too!!):D

You're right about the various preferences. I was just trying to help.
And you did a wonderful job busting my stones. :tg

SvilleKid 10-03-2012 09:29 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1727157)
You're right about the various preferences. I was just trying to help.
And you did a wonderful job busting my stones. :tg

I only jumped in and made a post so I could see how my new avatar looked. I really don't care about humidity. I usually just hang a piece of paper towel in the humidor. If it flaps freely when I open the door, it's too dry inside. If it is dripping water, then it's too wet. It's worked so far!! ;)

MarkinAZ 10-03-2012 09:30 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?
bishes... I was just :dr again at Cliffs avatar pic;)

Lucky_Hippo 10-05-2012 12:27 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?
I've never froze cigars but have read lots of post on both sides. I've luckly never had a bug problem myself (knock on cedar) but I guess after an attack I'd probably change routes and start freezing incomming sticks.


shilala 10-05-2012 01:36 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?
My basement is 63* year round, I can't find a reason to bother.

dubleuhb 10-14-2012 09:31 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?
Never froze any cigars. Mine are stored in the basement where it gets about 68 max in the summer and will slowly fall to maybe 58 at the lowest by mid winter.
Cigars on deck are in the den, gets warm in the summer but in the 12 years I have lived here never had a problem, could be I'm lucky, dunno.

Wharf Rat 10-15-2012 05:55 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?
As a point of reference, I once got a tour of JR's main distribution warehouse (Burlington, NC). They have a walkin freezer large enough to wheel a pallet into. But, it's not even close to be able to handle their volume. They said they rely on their vendors to deliver beetle free cigars. The freezer is for cigars outside of their normal sources, such as a closeout.

The only time I had beetle trouble was when I bought some sticks from a roller in Ybor City. But since then I freeze everything...

JenksAnejo 10-15-2012 06:07 PM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?

my bed room gets hot in the summer, but i try too keep mu humi at 75 deg. give or take 5 deg, and at 75% humidity
Do you ever have problems with your cigars going out?

Retiredguy 10-18-2012 08:54 AM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?
I have nothing against freezing, but so far I haven't had the need to do it. Knock on wood.

gorob23 10-18-2012 09:16 AM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1726848)
I did for a while, but haven't frozen anything for years. Keep my house at 71-72* tops, and have never had an issue.

we may need heat that up in January...

Rob ;s

icehog3 10-18-2012 11:21 AM

Re: Do you freeze your cigars?

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 1735297)
we may need heat that up in January...

Rob ;s

I have lots of sweatshirts for you, I must not overheat my babies! ;s :lr

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