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NeuRon 01-14-2013 03:23 AM

Re: Does "Icing" the kicker really work?
Ask Pete Carroll how he feels abot icing a kicker now

Unreal. They would have won that game... DUMB

Ubiquitous 01-14-2013 04:19 AM

Re: Does "Icing" the kicker really work?

Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1780956)
Ask Pete Carroll how he feels abot icing a kicker now

Unreal. They would have won that game... DUMB

Don't let that take away from Russell Wilson playing like a ROCKSTAR:noon:noon:noon

jonumberone 01-14-2013 04:26 AM

Re: Does "Icing" the kicker really work?

Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1780956)
Ask Pete Carroll how he feels abot icing a kicker now

Unreal. They would have won that game... DUMB

FWIW, that timeout came well before the snap of the ball, and so did the whistle.
I think when it was snapped, and subsequently kicked, the center, holder, and kicker were well aware that it was a "practice try". :2

SvilleKid 01-14-2013 05:56 AM

Re: Does "Icing" the kicker really work?

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1725444)
What does work is getting the timeout called only for the kicker to miss and be granted the timeout, only then to go on and kick the game winning FG.

Which is what happened on the Falcon's/Seahawk Game with 8? seconds left yesterday. What was a hoot on that game was watching Pete Carroll strut and fuss around the sidelines like he didn't know who called the timeout, when the cameras clearly showed him telling the ref "timeout" right before the snap. Atlanta kicker missed that kick. But he made the kick on the second try after the timeout, and won the game for Atlanta. It clearly put Seattle out of the playoffs! And it was a 49 yard kick, with under 10 seconds. Pretty much as high pressure as it gets! Against Pete Carroll. Couldn't happen to a more deserving coach (not team). In my opinion, of course!

OLS 01-14-2013 06:21 AM

Re: Does "Icing" the kicker really work?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1725404)
Icing doesn't work. I have read many articles where in fact, not icing the kicker usually works in favor of the team who didn't call a time out.

I tend to believe THIS. I think they have always said kickers are mini-mental cases to begin with.
If the kicker KNOWS there is a timeout remaining, and he is going through his routine, RIGHT UP TO
SECOND that ball is snapped, the kicker is waiting for the whistle to blow, and NOT thinking about the kick.


To me it's like running to set up play action. You HAVE to run now and again to make the play action a viable
threat. I see not calling that timeout most of the time as a strategy. Provided of course that you occasionally
DO call one. ;)

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