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aich75013 09-14-2012 10:29 AM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1716294)
Right now I'm just pissed about not being able to keep my unlimited data plan by switching to the Iphone5.

Really? I have been told by AT&T reps that changing phones doesn't affect your plan.

Digs 09-14-2012 11:03 AM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions
[quote=aich75013;1716325]Really? I have been told by AT&T reps that changing phones doesn't affect your plan.[/QUOTEThats

That's odd it shouldn't change I have even added lines to my unlimited plan and it didnt change.

macsauce13 09-14-2012 11:19 AM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions
I just preordered the 5 and my unlimited plan was not changed.

357 09-14-2012 11:30 AM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by bighairlogo (Post 1716204)
my vote is for linux...i could spend months debating how awesome ubuntu is. :tu

And you could count the software releases for it on one hand. :wo


357 09-14-2012 11:34 AM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1716245)
I don't think you are asking the right questions.

First, the iPhone is one device. Android runs on many (100s) of devices. Blaming poor battery life or any other problem you are having on Android is misguided. You may want to first look at your device.

iOS vs Android is a comparison worth discussing. The iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S3 is also a comparison worth discussing.

Good points. BTW, Galaxy 3s is the fastest phone on the market right now. I have the next best thing in the LG Spectrum, although I heard one of the new Windows phones is supposed to have dual-core 2 GHz CPU with 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB storage. Sick. Notice how you never heard the CPU or RAM stats of the iPhone. That's because they dont' want to publish the fact it's slower. Nor do they talk about the resolution of the screen. At least not on the old ones. My Spectrum and the Galaxy S3 have 720P screen res on a 4.5 inche screen.

King James 09-14-2012 11:54 AM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1716245)
iOS vs Android is a comparison worth discussing. The iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S3 is also a comparison worth discussing.

Understanding what you want out of your device and how you use it is probably much more relevant to this conversation.

Correct. Comparison for finding what is the best choice for an individual is worth discussing. A pissing match between supporters of each side that ends in "the other side sux" Does not add to the conversation one bit.

Back to the question by OP.

As suggested, drop box should work, syncing pictures through itunes would work, and would involve a mass drop and upload from your android device to itunes.

Here is a link to a way to sync contacts.

357 09-14-2012 12:02 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1716294)
Yea it is and I was going to suggest it.

Right now I'm just pissed about not being able to keep my unlimited data plan by switching to the Iphone5.

You can keep unlimited data with Verizon, you just have to pay cash for your phones. No-promo pricing and you keep unlimited 4G-LTE data plan. Worth it to me. The theoritical limitation to 4G-LTE bandwidth is somewhere around 128Mb/s. Actual real world tests from 2011 found Verizon speeds near 40 Mb/s. Just a wee bit faster than 3G's rocking 5-14 Mb/s but actual 1.2 Mb/s.

GreekGodX 09-14-2012 12:18 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1716389)
You can keep unlimited data with Verizon, you just have to pay cash for your phones. No-promo pricing and you keep unlimited 4G-LTE data plan. Worth it to me. The theoritical limitation to 4G-LTE bandwidth is somewhere around 128Mb/s. Actual real world tests from 2011 found Verizon speeds near 40 Mb/s. Just a wee bit faster than 3G's rocking 5-14 Mb/s but actual 1.2 Mb/s.

$750 for a new phone is not an option. The rest of the family plan keeps unlimited while I have 2 gb cap at the same price. The next upgrade for the rest of the family will force us to change plans unless they pay out of contract price for the phone. Verizon is trying to get rid of all unlimited plans. If you google iphone5 unlimited data verizon loophole you will find a good way to keep unlimited data and get promo priced phones. I couldn't do that either because we are maxed out on lines for our family plan. Plus no dumb phones either.

$299 promo price for upgrading and $299 in 2 years is less then having to pay $1500 in 2 years. Considering I usually break the phone in some fashion before the 2 years is up I'm a slave to their terms of the contract

357 09-14-2012 12:28 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1716405)
$750 for a new phone is not an option. The rest of the family plan keeps unlimited while I have 2 gb cap at the same price. The next upgrade for the rest of the family will force us to change plans unless they pay out of contract price for the phone. Verizon is trying to get rid of all unlimited plans. If you google iphone5 unlimited data verizon loophole you will find a good way to keep unlimited data and get promo priced phones. I couldn't do that either because we are maxed out on lines for our family plan. Plus no dumb phones either.

$299 promo price for upgrading and $299 in 2 years is less then having to pay $1500 in 2 years. Considering I usually break the phone in some fashion before the 2 years is up I'm a slave to their terms of the contract

Get a less expensive phone and keep unlimited data. Not everyone can afford to be a baller. ;s

I paid $175 for my Spectrum after I took the first one swimming with me. Still have unlimited data.

King James 09-15-2012 12:25 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

mhailey 09-15-2012 01:30 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions
Go to a used phone store (or craigslist) and get a used phone for about $200 and keep the unlimited data. my wife's phone took a dive, and I bought her a used phone for cheap. No change to the contract.

I just can not get behind the whole "Apple is the end all be all of everything" craze. I've played around with the Iphone and I own a Droid X (old but still works great), and the ability to customize the android phones is a total deal maker for me. Apple controls everything.

Plus I have purchased applications for the droid, and switching to the iphone would just mean that I would have to repurchase those applications.

CRIMPS 09-15-2012 05:39 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Justinphilly 09-15-2012 05:42 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1717093)

All of that, and yet Apple and the IPhone will out sell ANYTHING Samsung puts out, ever. It's totally ridiculous.

(created on my iPhone 4S, until I get my already per-ordered iPhone 5. I know, I know, I'm an idiot)

Justinphilly 09-15-2012 05:43 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1716355)
I just preordered the 5 and my unlimited plan was not changed.

Another affirmation that you will NOT lose the unlimited data plan by upgrading phones.

357 09-17-2012 12:06 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by Justinphilly (Post 1717096)
All of that, and yet Apple and the IPhone will out sell ANYTHING Samsung puts out, ever. It's totally ridiculous.

(created on my iPhone 4S, until I get my already per-ordered iPhone 5. I know, I know, I'm an idiot)

Had to look this up and found it to be untrue...

Perhaps if you're talking about a single model then you could make that argument. Otherwise it's simply untrue. The majority of people, 80% per that article, choose not to pay for the Apple name, or can't afford to.

I remember Apple booming in the early home computing days too. Good product, nice interface, but proprietary and expensive. They refused to allow other hardward vendors to license their OS. Eventually that landed them where they are now in the computer OS market, a 4-8% share. That same thing could happen in the mobile market. I know :tf, but those who dont' learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

King James 09-17-2012 12:30 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1717801)
Had to look this up and found it to be untrue...

Perhaps if you're talking about a single model then you could make that argument. Otherwise it's simply untrue. The majority of people, 80% per that article, choose not to pay for the Apple name, or can't afford to.

I remember Apple booming in the early home computing days too. Good product, nice interface, but proprietary and expensive. They refused to allow other hardward vendors to license their OS. Eventually that landed them where they are now in the computer OS market, a 4-8% share. That same thing could happen in the mobile market. I know :tf, but those who dont' learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

If I'm not mistaken, Apple may have a small market share, but their growth is much greater than PC growth. So wouldn't the market share in itself is not be completely representative of Apple's success? I'm in no way an expert on the stuff, but just pointing out a possible argument.

GreekGodX 09-17-2012 01:20 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by Justinphilly (Post 1717097)
Another affirmation that you will NOT lose the unlimited data plan by upgrading phones.

FWIW through Verizon you will unless you do the loophole they have or buy the phone out of contract.

357 09-17-2012 01:23 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by King James (Post 1717810)
If I'm not mistaken, Apple may have a small market share, but their growth is much greater than PC growth. So wouldn't the market share in itself is not be completely representative of Apple's success? I'm in no way an expert on the stuff, but just pointing out a possible argument.

You can't argue with the money they're making. That is success in many ways. Their growth in the PC market, in the past 20 years or so, peaked around 11%. So faster growth is debatable. iPhones have spurred some to seek a similarly designed interface for its users' PC needs. That is probably a good deal of any PC growth Apple is seeing on the PC side.

It just seems tthe mobile market is a situation with a likelihood of following the same path as the PC market. The similarities are undeniable. Apple computers were IT. Graphical User Interface was born. Nobody had seen anything like it. They had some of the best applications, only written for Apple OS, like Adobe products. Apple had RISC based CPUs, far more efficient and faster than Intel's x86. They had SCSI bus controllers/HDs, much faster and more robust than IDE or Micro-Cannel. Apple even setup special discounts for schools to kids would get used to their GUI and want/buy one as they grew older. Yet Microsoft came along and licensed their OS, DOS and eventually Windows, to IBM and other hardware manufacturers. Soon, the IBM "clones" surpassed Apple's sales. Not long after they dwarfed Apple's numbers. The same principles are in place now. A very popular OS that is hardware specific is now being outsold by an OS that is licensed to dozens of hardware manufacturers who sell at a fraction of the price. Apple held so tight to their hardware, refusing to license the OS, that eventually they became a niche market in the PC world.

Blak Smyth 09-17-2012 01:30 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1717093)

The problem for me to switch to Android is that I like using the iPhone OS so much better than Android. I am seriously thinking about switching to an android with a larger screen but I can't stand the Android OS. The Droid can have all these features and the OS can derail it for me. Apple has designed a wonderful system.

kydsid 09-17-2012 02:21 PM

Re: iPhone vs. Android Questions

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1717844)
The problem for me to switch to Android is that I like using the iPhone OS so much better than Android. I am seriously thinking about switching to an android with a larger screen but I can't stand the Android OS. The Droid can have all these features and the OS can derail it for me. Apple has designed a wonderful system.

What don't you like? I have a hard time seeing differences in my ICS Android and my wifes iPhone4s. If it's just how it looks, sure its different but they both are more similar than different to me. :sh

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