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hammondc 08-31-2012 07:59 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Agree. Rough win. For some reason, Vandy ALWAYS gives them a fit. They better get it together or it will be a very long season.

Good luck Saturday.

OLS 08-31-2012 11:29 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Since no one wanted to give me any slack over a pass interference call that went uncalled
against LSU 3-4 years ago, I am gonna come down on the side of the poor Vanderbilt
Coomodores for the unbelievable missed call driving in the 4th quarter. In real time I did
not see it, in slo mo, the ref's head isn't QUITE turned enough to see it. But that was a
rob job for sure. As I told everyone when the Tigers got jacked and lost their chance
to play for it all on a similar call then, I will say that you can NEVER let your game ride on
one call. If you want to win, you have to score enough to negate any missed or bad
calls. Vandy didn't get it done. But it's a shame such a blatant hack ends up going down
in the books as a good pass defense and an incomplete pass. Congrats to the Cocks
fans, I could care less about Vandy. I do feel bad for em though.

hammondc 08-31-2012 02:51 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I agree. It should have been called. It happens every season to all teams. SC just happened to be on the good side this time.

emopunker2004 08-31-2012 10:58 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Is it game time yet?

hammondc 09-01-2012 08:26 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Good games today. I need Auburn to upset the taters and Bama to bury a fist in Michigans there.

SvilleKid 09-01-2012 01:22 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Georgia had a 100 yrd kick return. Doesn't look like the new touchback and kickoff rules slowed down their run back action.

SvilleKid 09-01-2012 01:29 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Any consensus on which game to watch this afternoon?

Options appear to be: So. Miss at Nebraska. Bowling Green at Florida. Iowa at No. Illinois. Miami at BC. Colorado State at Colorado.

Gotta say that none of these excite me

OLS 09-02-2012 07:12 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Whew, the tide raised up a snot bobble on the poor Wolverines. Almost as tough to watch as my poor old Alma Mater
Southern Mississippi getting their a55es handed to em. USM is always game, though. They really started the now
ubiquitous "ANYone, ANYtime ANYwhere" motto. They have played a tough out of conference schedule
for many decades.

hammondc 09-02-2012 08:28 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Enjoyed watching Bama curb stomp Michigan. Hey, Big 10--- Until you can provide a team that can keep up....sit down and shut up about the SEC dominating National Championships.

Good game by the Taters vs Auburn. Looks like Auburn is struggling this year.

emopunker2004 09-02-2012 08:35 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Had a good time at the gator game yesterday. Glad they won, but boy did they play like ****!

Mr. Ed 09-02-2012 09:35 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1709616)
Whew, the tide raised up a snot bobble on the poor Wolverines. Almost as tough to watch as my poor old Alma Mater
Southern Mississippi getting their a55es handed to em. USM is always game, though. They really started the now
ubiquitous "ANYone, ANYtime ANYwhere" motto. They have played a tough out of conference schedule
for many decades.

The first half of the USM game was pretty entertaining. They missed two good touchdown opportunities late in the 1st half and Nebraska (especially Martinez) proved to be too much.

Really enjoyed watching the Auburn/Clemson game last night. Probably one of the better games this weekend. 'Bama beat up on Michigan (no surprise there). I kind of wanted the Big 10 to put on a better showing though. Bulldogs, LSU, Tennessee looked good.

SvilleKid 09-02-2012 10:56 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I'm wondering how deep on the season the Michigan QB will make it? He appears to be tough, but got his bell rung hard on several plays that were not very wisely executed. Taking the chances he took (for a QB) carries a high risk of season ending injury. I appreciate that he was the one that probably stopped a TD on the interception, but he may want to practice his tackling a little (granted QBs rarely need to tackle). I was greatly impressed with Michigan's punter! Boy could launch that football.

Is it just me, or is it a little early to start pushing Hiesman candidates?

I have to say, I thought the Big Ten refs called a much better game than I'm used to seeing from SEC refs. Still too many penalties for Bama. A new year, new players, new rules in place, but Bama will need to work on reducing the penalties.

maninblack 09-02-2012 11:52 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
SEC is going to be tough again this year. Big Ten doesn't look too hot other than Ohio State. I'm a huge Husker fan and was impressed with Martinez's evolution from last year but time will tell how they end up. Braxton Miller looks amazing. He has Heisman talk all over him. But this is an SEC thread. Sorry for hijacking.

Mr. Ed 09-04-2012 11:22 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Bama #1 in AP Poll!! Is Georgia for real this year? Looking at their schedule they have a decent shot at going 11-1 heading into the SEC championship, but it's the SEC so you never know. I hope they put a whooping on Mizzou after one of their DTs said they play "old man football". I think Mizzou is going to have a rough welcome to the SEC.

Powers 09-04-2012 11:51 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Boy did Florida look sloppy, way to many penalties. I was not quoting scripture either when Bowling Green drove the field on our "team strength" defense for that first score. Positives are that Gillislee looks like the real deal and I think we made the right decision in giving Driskel the starting job.

Really looking forward to the A&M game next week. I have no idea how we will perform and I think this is a crucial moment for Muschamp. Would not be good to lose in College Station and then have to turn around and play at Tennessee.

I'm cautiously optimistic that Florida will pull out a close one and win by a field goal :tu

Powers 09-04-2012 11:54 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
And boy did 'Bama look good. Clearly deserve the #1 spot after embarrassing Michigan in front of their Mommas.

As an side, this captures the history of Kentucky football in a nutshell:


Mr. Ed 09-04-2012 12:14 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1710665)
And boy did 'Bama look good. Clearly deserve the #1 spot after embarrassing Michigan in front of their Mommas.

As an side, this captures the history of Kentucky football in a nutshell:



jsnake 09-04-2012 01:03 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Can't wait until all you holier than thou guys eat your words when MIZZOU puts a surprise whoop ass on all your teams. All you guys and your teams are cocky and have no where to go but down. Walk into the ZOU thinking you have the game won already would be a huge mistake. Missouri has no where to go but up.

North Carolina thought they were going to walk into the Independence Bowl last year and win just by showing up. Listening to the joke they call sportscasters, they dogged the crap out of MIZZOU about how tough of a loss this game was going to be because no way they were going to beat NC. By the second half the idiot sportscasters and the entire NC team had no idea what was going on or how to deal with it.

Georgia is going down in Columbia on Saturday and I will be there to enjoy every minute of it.

Missouri is 19-8-1 all time against SEC teams. This includes a very impressive 7-2 record against SEC teams in bowl games. Just recently Missouri beat South Carolina in the 2005 Independence Bowl and beat Arkansas in the 2008 Cotton Bowl.

Powers 09-04-2012 01:32 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Glad to have some input from one of the new SEC teams. Not sure where the hostility came from though :confused:

1.) How are we all "holier than thou"?

2.) Isn't every fan a homer and optimistic about their team, guess you would call that "cocky". "Georgia is going down in Columbia on Saturday" seems pretty cocky to me

3.) All our teams have nowhere to go but down? Have you ever watched Vandy or Kentucky or Ole Miss play? As a Florida fan, I think the Gators can go up considering our 7-6 record last year

4.) North Carolina is not in the SEC. But congrats on beating a basketball school

I think if you didn't come in guns blazing and managing to insult every team and fan of your new conference in a Lane Kiffin-esque manner you'd have been met with a warm welcome as a Missouri fan.

Nonetheless, I hope y'all do beat Georgia this week

PS - Here is the definition for "tact: a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense"

Mr. Ed 09-04-2012 02:10 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1710743)
Glad to have some input from one of the new SEC teams. Not sure where the hostility came from though :confused:

I think this may have ruffled some feathers:


Originally Posted by Mr. Ed (Post 1710644)
I hope they put a whooping on Mizzou after one of their DTs said they play "old man football". I think Mizzou is going to have a rough welcome to the SEC.

Sorry, I guess. :confused:

For the record, I'm not a homer of any team. I just love watching some SEC football. Best football conference in the country.:2

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