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cmitch 07-25-2012 08:14 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4
And they're sold out probably thanks to a few in this thread.:banger

Jonathan Drew 08-11-2012 03:09 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4
Any of you guys get your "Dirty Paws" on those UF4 or Ratzillas?


EricF 08-11-2012 03:12 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4

Originally Posted by Jonathan Drew (Post 1698206)
Any of you guys get your "Dirty Paws" on those UF4 or Ratzillas?


The sell out to fast for me to even grab a 5er!! :bh :bh

cmitch 08-11-2012 03:25 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4

Originally Posted by Jonathan Drew (Post 1698206)
Any of you guys get your "Dirty Paws" on those UF4 or Ratzillas?


Got UF 4's. I can find no sign of any ratzillas.

JenksAnejo 08-11-2012 03:41 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4
Looks like they are pretty much sold out everywhere. Hopefully they hit the secondary market soon at reasonable prices! :)

equetefue 08-11-2012 06:14 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4

Originally Posted by Jonathan Drew (Post 1698206)
Any of you guys get your "Dirty Paws" on those UF4 or Ratzillas?


Got me a pack and a half of Ratzillas and a pack of UF4's

Good stuff JD! Just bought a new bottle of ketchup for when I find me some papas fritas. Lol

kelmac07 08-11-2012 06:17 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4

Originally Posted by Jonathan Drew (Post 1698206)
Any of you guys get your "Dirty Paws" on those UF4 or Ratzillas?


Can't seem to get my hands on even one of the Ratzilla or UF4. :bh :bh

lenguamor 08-11-2012 06:44 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4

Originally Posted by Jonathan Drew (Post 1687096)

Have I ever mentioned how appreciative I feel about the opportunity you guys give DE here in Cigar Asylum? It truly means a lot to us that we are afforded the opportunity to have you fairly asses our cigars.

I just want to say "Thank You" .....!!!


You keep makin'em good. We'll keep likin'em. :ss

cmitch 10-25-2012 09:32 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4
I still have 5 UF-4's left. I'm trying to forget about them but I almost pulled one tonite. I'm going to let'em lay for another 6 to 8 months and see what I get.

DaBear 10-25-2012 09:50 PM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4
I've got but one left, that has some unfortunate wrapper damage(about a square inch of wrapper has come off at the mid point of the cigar). I ended up giving a few away, and trading a bunch away. I wasn't hugely impressed, but they were significantly better than the T52 to me, though I'm not much of a fan of the T52s.

czerbe 10-26-2012 07:26 AM

Re: Liga privada unico UF 4
Love the Dirty Rat but the Ratzillas will be near impossible for me to find although I am heading down to Delaware on Saturday to one of Gary's stores looking to pick up some more DE sticks. Hope I can find something new.

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