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oooo35980 04-10-2012 02:36 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
I hear ya, I've occasionally rolled my eyes and passed over a cigar because of the name or packaging. Swag, MUWAT, and Zulu Zulu are three that I have avoided off the top of my head. I ended up trying the Zulu Zulu because of a good review though. Once you get past the artwork it is a really good Cigar.

So I guess I agree with you but I wouldn't let my feelings stop me from trying a cigar if I heard it was really good from a friend, or thought I would like it for some other reason.

the jiggler 04-10-2012 02:48 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
For the record, I am totally in the smoke what you love camp. JD actually recommended this board to me on that basis when I met him at event here in Charlotte. So I would never encourage or discourage someone on a particular stick because of what I thought of the name.

Second, I don't expect my quirks to make sense to everyone and fully acknowledge that there is no rhyme or reason to why I am ok with some names and not with others.

Third, I did not do a good job clarifying that I wasn't really talking about over priced marketing hype either. In general I don't buy things for labels, but again if you do and that's your thing, then good on ya.

One of the really cool things about this whole hobby is that the aesthetics of a cigar can be appreciated on so many different sensory levels. One I was trying to explore by starting this thread was the name. Whether it be the sound, spelling, connotation, denotation, definition, whatever... We can discuss all day how much we should let it affect us, and whether that degree is good or bad or indifferent. I was just sharing that it does affect me, sometimes. I'm okay with it. I'd never put it on anybody else or pass judgement on them in any way for seeing or not seeing/understanding my quirks. I was just wondering if anybody else had any of their own they'd like to share.

neoflex 04-10-2012 02:53 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
Let's face it if your not going to buy a cigar due to gimmicks your choices will be very slim as every cigar seems to have some story behind it. Some more well known than others but let's face it, most NCs have some kind of background story to them. Some are just more known and promoted than others.
I personally would never count a stick out due to it's name or band but everyone is different and what I choose to do others might not. That's what makes us all different. By choosing to not smoke things due to their names and conflicting with your religious beliefs is your decision and there will still be plenty of sticks to choose from if you eliminate those smokes. I personally look at it as marketing and marketing only.

keith_mahoney 04-10-2012 03:23 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

Originally Posted by landhoney (Post 1612332)
:sh:confused::sw Huh?

I apologize. I was trying to be witty. You should read that as "rapidly imbibing 40 ounce bottles of malt liquor while having unprotected sex with people unknown to me".

shilala 04-10-2012 04:36 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
I'll absolutely avoid a cigar or a line because of the bands, name, or person behind the cigar.
Conversely, I'll try a cigar because of the band, the name, or the person behind the cigar.
I've tried many sticks time and time again because they're just plain beautiful with beautiful bands and everyone loves them. I'll try to force myself to like them. It never works, but at least I've tried.
I've also avoided cigars because of their presentation. If the box and band are lousy looking and falling apart, or the same band has been recycled for umpteen blends, I just think the maker doesn't care. Of course, he may just want to let the cigar stand on it's strength as a cigar.
Bottom line, if a cigar doesn't appeal to me, I'm not gonna smoke it. I don't need to, there are way too many excellent cigars out there to bother with spending money on something that I probably won't enjoy.
If a brother insists and thinks I'll really enjoy something, regardless of what I think, I'm going to try it. There are many, many friends here who's opinions I value greatly, and I've got enough sense to set aside the negative feelings I've gotten from marketing in order to give something a try.
Most times I'm very pleasantly surprised.

HollywoodQue 04-10-2012 05:46 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1612404)
I would buy a cigar named Goat Turds even if they tasted bad, simply on principle. :D

I just so happen to have a box of GT's Tom, when should I send them?

cjhalbrooks 04-10-2012 08:44 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
I have to say that i have tried alot of cigars in my last two or so years. I have tried everything from ACID to Cubans. I have my likes and dislikes. I really dont like to judge a book by its cover.

With this being said i was worried about the ACID line. I mean not to have more than one oppion. But the name really turned me off. I have to say i finally broke down bought some. I really didnt enjoy them at all. But hell who am i to tell a guy that has been in the cigar bussnes longer than i have been alive that i dont like his cigars.

In the END of my statment. SMOKE WHATEVER YOU LIKE AND ENJOY.. Icehog you need to write a review on the Goat Turds who knows maybe i will try one lol.

ApexAZ 04-10-2012 08:59 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

Originally Posted by keith_mahoney (Post 1612321)
Ha, I actually have a negative feelings about MUWAT ever since I first saw it. It just comes across as a stupid gimmick trying to cash in on kids thinking it's so cool to be gangsta.
Cigars bring peace and relaxation to my mind. I like to read a book and sit back and sip on some whiskey and water not slam some fotey's while raw-dogging some randoms.

I smoke them because I think they taste good. It's one of the few really large ring cigars I smoke regularly. I agree that the name is somewhat of a turn off though. That's kind of how I feel about the One Shot One Kill. Silly name, but great cigar.

Bill86 04-10-2012 08:59 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1612371)
Relax Josh, Bill didn't say _why_ he had no interest in the MUWAT, it might have nothing all to do with the name. All he did say that the name alone wouldn't convince him to buy it.



Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1612387)

Honestly, the biggest complaint I've heard about the MUWAT isn't the name, it's the size, 60rg, that turns people off.

Definitely that.

The OP asked if people felt the same way about flashy names and who wouldn't want to buy them because of that.

So I basically replied "me". There is no name they could put on a cigar that would make me purchase it immediately. I buy what interests me flavor wise. If there's a review that sounds like something up my alley I'll buy it.

Skywalker 04-10-2012 09:09 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
I just really like the sound "Arganese" makes off of my tongue!:D

lenguamor 04-10-2012 09:48 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
A cigar line or a brand with a stupid ****ing name will definitely put me off. I might try it at some point if it crosses my path, but I won't seek it out.

And the simple fact is that a lot of those lines with awful names aren't marketed for me; they're aimed squarely at someone else. The whole JdN "strong as balls" thing is one example.

I am secure in myself as a cigar smoker of almost 40 years; I don't need a nudge from the Marlboro man of the new millennium...I know what I like, and I don't really care what anyone else thinks of it either.

gbum 04-10-2012 09:54 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
I do understand what Craig felt,
I am a Muslim and its forbid me to eat pigs.Even to touch a pig,i need to do set of cleaning steps...
So,even though LP flying pig of ffp is not associate with pig at all but just name,i still feel weird to buy and smoke it... Yes its so tempting after various review on how good it is...but i do feel weird... maybe thats what we call a taboo...

But i do bite the marketing hype sometimes like nub and room 101... hell,i still a noob..hehe...

to conclude that... yes ..i do understand why some people try to avoid to buy or smoke certain cigar just because of their name and brand...

they have their own reason and who we are to dictate them?

again the jewel phrase "smoke what u like,like what u smoke" :)

pnoon 04-10-2012 09:58 PM

Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

Originally Posted by gbum (Post 1612713)
I do understand what Craig felt,
I am a Muslim and its forbid me to eat pigs.Even to touch a pig,i need to do set of cleaning steps...
So,even though LP flying pig of ffp is not associate with pig at all but just name,i still feel weird to buy and smoke it... Yes its so tempting after various review on how good it is...but i do feel weird... maybe thats what we call a taboo...

But i do bite the marketing hype sometimes like nub and room 101... hell,i still a noob..hehe...

to conclude that... yes ..i do understand why some people try to avoid to buy or smoke certain cigar just because of their name and brand...

they have their own reason and who we are to dictate them?

again the jewel phrase "smoke what u like,like what u smoke" :)

Wise words, Asyraf.

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