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BlindedByScience 03-04-2012 04:52 PM

Re: Divorce
Q: Why is divorce so expensive...??
A: Because it's worth it...!!

Hang in there brother....sounds like the pattern is clear and you're on to better times...!!

ysr_racer 03-04-2012 04:52 PM

Re: Divorce
I never knew the meaning of happiness until I got married, but by then it was too late :noon

jluck 03-04-2012 06:14 PM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1581244)
Looks like we have a new Smitty.

:r I think I pee'd a little....

backwoods357 03-04-2012 10:00 PM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 1581271)
I'm already peeling the potatoes. :)

Do you have a license for that peeler (and any peel suppressor that might be attached)?

bobarian 03-04-2012 11:50 PM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 1581271)
I'm already peeling the potatoes. :)

We have a no concealed peeler rule at our herfs! :banger

dwoodward 03-05-2012 12:23 AM

Re: Divorce
Better off without her. If you're the one making the money, who is she to say how you spend it? Afterall, what kind of woman doesn't let her man have his hobbies.


REV 03-05-2012 03:35 AM

Re: Divorce
i have to say that if anyone woman gives a man the " its (inanimate object) or me" speech, it def wasnt meant to be. real love doesnt have boundaries.

so on behalf of men everywhere,

i would also like to give you your nuts back and reinstate your man card.

irratebass 03-05-2012 03:54 AM

Re: Divorce
You're still my hero.

Zanaspus 03-05-2012 09:13 AM

Re: Divorce
May I just say that if you need someone to cook and clean since you have that room, I'll apply for the job. :r

deaster25 03-06-2012 08:34 AM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by Zanaspus (Post 1582149)
May I just say that if you need someone to cook and clean since you have that room, I'll apply for the job. :r

You might have some competition for that job. :r

shilala 03-06-2012 08:56 AM

Re: Divorce
I listened to that "do that and I'll divorce you" crap for lots of years. I finally got the papers and little plastic arrows that showed her where to sign. :tu

Sam Leccia 03-08-2012 03:06 PM

Re: Divorce
great story.

awesome room.

cjhalbrooks 03-08-2012 03:44 PM

Re: Divorce
my wife once told me its earther the cigs or me... i said looks like you have your mind made up. SO if YOU want to stay with me dont ever say that again

KidRock 03-08-2012 04:36 PM

Re: Divorce
you are the man no doubt...way to stick to your guns bro

14holestogie 03-08-2012 04:39 PM

Re: Divorce
The potatoes are ready! :)

dwoodward 03-08-2012 05:07 PM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by cjhalbrooks (Post 1585740)
my wife once told me its earther the cigs or me... i said looks like you have your mind made up. SO if YOU want to stay with me dont ever say that again

Very witty, I am so stealing that if the "your stuff or me" comment ever comes along.

I'm going to stick that into the depth of my long term (or maybe short term) memory.

cjhalbrooks 03-08-2012 05:08 PM

Re: Divorce
Just be ready to hold your ground..

dwoodward 03-08-2012 05:11 PM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by cjhalbrooks (Post 1585812)
Just be ready to hold your ground..

I've let girls go in the past for trying to change who I am.

No woman will ever change who I am, I'm sure I will have no problems standing ground if the issue ever pops up.

replicant_argent 03-08-2012 06:11 PM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1585813)
I've let girls go in the past for trying to change who I am.

No woman will ever change who I am, I'm sure I will have no problems standing ground if the issue ever pops up.

You may want to try an actual woman instead of a girl. They are often quite a bit more mature.

Believe it or not, people can change, sometimes even for the better. If you are unlikely to ever change, you have stagnated as a person and I wish you luck.

That being said, there are just as many insane women out there as men. Don't ask me how I know.

Hell, you can ask Tom. He may even give you her number.

icehog3 03-08-2012 06:23 PM

Re: Divorce

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 1585847)
you may want to try an actual woman instead of a girl. They are often quite a bit more mature.

Believe it or not, people can change, sometimes even for the better. If you are unlikely to ever change, you have stagnated as a person and i wish you luck.

That being said, there are just as many insane women out there as men. Don't ask me how i know.

hell, you can ask tom. He may even give you her number.

666. :)

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