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Bruins Fan 04-04-2012 04:40 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012
You got to be kidding...Bobby V is going to be doing a weekly TV and radio spot in NY :confused:
I can not imagine the heat he will take if he breaks a story in NY before he gives it to a Boston beat reporter?
His days are numbered already the Sox better come out of the box smoking or he will be gone at the all star break.
I already hate his guts.

Dave128 04-04-2012 06:34 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012
We'll be glad to take him off your hands.

PeteSB75 04-09-2012 10:49 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Great start to the season so far... Two three run innings by the presumed closer(s) in an 11 inning game to cap off a lovely three days in Detroit. Next, it's off to Toronto, where we can replicate last year's start...

So what, 85 wins and missing the newly expanded playoffs this season?

VTDragon 04-09-2012 02:43 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012
It's beginning to look like 85 wins may be a stretch. Pitching, Pitching, Pitching.... didn't anyone tell Ben Charrington that they needed it?

Bruins Fan 04-09-2012 03:52 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Theo left this team in shambles,signing stiffs like Crawford and Lacky, and he resigned Beckett. these three stiffs make more then some third world countries oh and throw in Dice K.
Now you have Skelator the owner that wont spend money, all he cares about is his Liverpool soccer team.
Three games in and I'm done with them,only games I will go to are the ones my wife makes me take her to,she loves Fenway.

VTDragon 04-10-2012 10:55 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Hey, they won one! Nice to see some one elses bullpen implode other than ours.

Other than the obvious fact that we severly lack pitching, the one other thing that is clear after 4 games is that this team does have a LOT of offense. Should be a lot of 8-6 or 10-9 games this year.

VTDragon 04-16-2012 08:12 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Yikes, a three game win streak with the potential to SWEEP the Rays! Who woulda thunk it! This is one of the reasons I love baseball -162 games and everything and anything can happen.

Get well Jacoby. We need you.

Bruins Fan 04-16-2012 05:32 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Assclown Valentine,is a short hair from losing the clubhouse just one week in.

TJtorpedo 04-16-2012 05:46 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1617873)
Assclown Valentine,is a short hair from losing the clubhouse just one week in.

Yeah, that didn't take him very long did it? I admit I was really sold on Bobby at the start of Spring Training, but now I'm wondering if he'll last until the All-Star break...He needs to stop yapping and concentrate on managing.

VTDragon 04-17-2012 07:35 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012

Originally Posted by TJtorpedo (Post 1617883)
Yeah, that didn't take him very long did it? I admit I was really sold on Bobby at the start of Spring Training, but now I'm wondering if he'll last until the All-Star break...He needs to stop yapping and concentrate on managing.

I agree, like recognizing that Brad was done BEFORE allowing him to walk in the winning run. That loss is all on Bobby V

VTDragon 04-23-2012 09:34 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Just when you think it can't get any worse they blow a nine run lead!

How about we just fire the bull pen and bring up the entire Pawtucket pitching staff. They can't do any worse.

The Poet 04-23-2012 02:51 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012

Originally Posted by VTDragon (Post 1623000)
Just when you think it can't get any worse they blow a nine run lead!

In over a century of play, that marked the fifth time the Yankees came back from a 9-run deficit to win a game . . . and three of those times it was against the Red Sox. :tu


VTDragon 05-08-2012 09:58 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Just when all seems lost it seems that the Red Sox have a real life phenom on their hands. Rookie Will Middlebrook has hit three home runs and nine RBIs in his first four games in the big leagues. Hooray! something to cheer about for Red Sox Nation.

Bruins Fan 05-08-2012 11:45 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
I would not get to excited yet, wait until pitchers get a book on him.
Bobby V is still an assclown.

VTDragon 05-08-2012 01:20 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1633731)
I would not get to excited yet, wait until pitchers get a book on him.
Bobby V is still an assclown.

I know, I know... but I'm grasping at straws here. Gotta have something.

VTDragon 05-25-2012 10:42 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Back to 500! Hope springs eternal.

area51 05-25-2012 10:46 AM

Re: Red Sox 2012
This is such a disappointing season so far.

VTDragon 06-13-2012 02:40 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012
OK, the time has come. Go with the young guys.
Trade Youk and Beckett for a decent starting pitcher- ANY starting pitcher. Those two are a cancer in the clubhouse. Let Middlebrook and Nava and Kalish play every day until Ellsbury and Crawford come back. Trade Aviles and Podsesnik for another starting pitcher while they have some value, (competition is good). Tell Bard his only route back to the majors is as a short reliever- forget about starting forever. As soon as Iglesias is ready- bring him up and let him prove or disprove whether he can hit major league pitching. Trade Dice K for a AAA pitcher while he has some value.
Pawtucket has the best record in the minors- let's bring some of that enthusiasm and talent up to Fenway. NOW

The Poet 06-13-2012 03:29 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012

Originally Posted by VTDragon (Post 1655797)
OK, the time has come. Go with the young guys.
Trade Youk and Beckett for a decent starting pitcher- ANY starting pitcher. Those two are a cancer in the clubhouse. Let Middlebrook and Nava and Kalish play every day until Ellsbury and Crawford come back. Trade Aviles and Podsesnik for another starting pitcher while they have some value, (competition is good). Tell Bard his only route back to the majors is as a short reliever- forget about starting forever. As soon as Iglesias is ready- bring him up and let him prove or disprove whether he can hit major league pitching. Trade Dice K for a AAA pitcher while he has some value.

And while you're at it, just torch Fenway and start over again. :r

Really, what makes you think you'd get more than a bag of peanuts for most of those guys anyway? ;)

;s , but convince me I'm wrong.

VTDragon 06-25-2012 02:38 PM

Re: Red Sox 2012
Goodbye Youk, the time had come.

Now, let's move Beckett and get back to a fun clubhouse

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