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fencefixer 02-12-2012 10:04 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
I'll try the baking soda method first and let you know..

ACID - the rebirth of cigars and death of humidors :r:r:r

neoflex 02-12-2012 10:09 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
As others said try the Baking Soda and if it doesn't work just change that humidors duty to Flavored Cigars as I guarantee if you spend enough time here a 40ct would only last you a month or two anyway. Trust me!:r Find yourself a nice large humidor and have that one be strictly for non-flavored cigars. If you end of spending a lot of time here think about what size humidor you will realistically need and than times that by 4 and you should be fine for at least 6 more months.:D
I have been working at a local B&M part time a night or two a week and the problem you ran into is the exact same reason why when I have someone buying flavored cigars I always ask them if they also smoke non flavored cigars. If they answer "Yes" than I always mention that they should consider storing their flavored cigars outside of the humidor that they store their non flavored unless of course they don't mind their non flavored cigars tasting like their flavored collection. Most guys say they already do that while others thank me as they never realized or gave it any thought. The guys who never realized it I usually offer a water pillow to so they can at least move the flavored stuff to a big zip-lock or Tupperware.

dwoodward 02-12-2012 10:20 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1556906)
If you end of spending a lot of time here think about what size humidor you will realistically need and than times that by 4 and you should be fine for at least 6 more months.:D

This. You will find soon you have some favorites and 5 packs after 5 packs you buy, you'll wanna eventually start getting boxes, and that's where storage really becomes an impact. With the cost of most humidors, I almost would suggest just getting a Wine cooler or Igloo cooler right away lol. Save yourself the money in the future.

fencefixer 02-12-2012 11:05 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
I have the Treasure Dome already but I have a load of cigars coming so I was hoping to have something ready because I'm pretty sure it'll be overflowing. If all else fails I'll make a tupperdor. I don't think I'll be able to fit another 80 cigars in here:

dwoodward 02-12-2012 11:06 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
Lol fencefixer... I think it's time to get some tupperware out and get on the ball on getting a cooler lol.

fencefixer 02-12-2012 11:12 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1556941)
Lol fencefixer... I think it's time to get some tupperware out and get on the ball on getting a cooler lol.

You guys are bad influence. :sl Already checking craigslist for some old wine coolers...

SNKBYT 02-12-2012 11:12 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1556854)
ACID's.....nuff said. Burn it and chalk it up to lesson learned.


kelmac07 02-12-2012 11:16 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
Placed Acids in as 20 count desktop when I first got seriously into cigars a few years ago...tried everything, baking soda, scrubbing...still smells of it. Burn it and chalk it up to experience.

shilala 02-12-2012 11:19 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
Ya know what, I just thought of this. It's a trick I used for years when I had rental properties, it'd take smell out of ANYTHING.
I used it to destink whole apartments, especially smoker's apartments.
I'd get a gallon, set it out in dishes, close the place up, come back in a week, and every smell was gone.
With your humi, if baking soda or bleach solution don't work, get a dish of ammonia and sit it in a big green garbage bag. Open the humi up and sit it in there, too. Tie it off and come back in a week or two.
I'd really, honestly be shocked if that didn't work.
Don't use lemon ammonia, just regular ammonia. :tu

SteelCityBoy 02-12-2012 11:22 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
Keep it full of infused sticks and use it just for that purpose.....then when the ladies come over you're in great shape! :tu

Remo 02-12-2012 11:33 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy (Post 1556953)
Keep it full of infused sticks and use it just for that purpose.....then when the ladies come over you're in great shape! :tu

You, Shane and Taki heading over there? Llr

SteelCityBoy 02-12-2012 11:36 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1556966)
You, Shane and Taki heading over there? Llr

On second thought I have a better idea....send the whole thing infused sticks and all right to the front door of Mike's house! I hear those things are right up his ally! ;)

hotreds 02-12-2012 11:54 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
Just keep it for other infused sticks. Those humis are cheap enough not to worry about trying to clean it- just get another or a tupperdor or a coolerdor. I love my cheap, roomy coolerdors!

oooo35980 02-12-2012 04:49 PM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
I feel for you, my wife loves flavored cigars and keeps wanting to buy them when I'm at the tobacco shop, I only let her get one or 2 because I'm not a fan of flavored cigars and I don't want her stuff stinking up my good ones. I finally bit the bullet and bought a second Humi since mine was getting full anyways, she can put her Acids and whatever else she likes in my old one once I get the new one seasoned up.

Malazan 02-25-2012 07:27 PM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1557249)
I feel for you, my wife loves flavored cigars and keeps wanting to buy them when I'm at the tobacco shop, I only let her get one or 2 because I'm not a fan of flavored cigars and I don't want her stuff stinking up my good ones. I finally bit the bullet and bought a second Humi since mine was getting full anyways, she can put her Acids and whatever else she likes in my old one once I get the new one seasoned up.


I'm starting to have the same problem, my wife loves the infused

mojo65 02-26-2012 01:49 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by fencefixer (Post 1556902)
I'll try the baking soda method first and let you know..

ACID - the rebirth of cigars and death of humidors :r:r:r

I warned you about the acid mess to start with but you didnt listen...

fencefixer 02-26-2012 01:54 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by mojo65 (Post 1572224)
I warned you about the acid mess to start with but you didnt listen...

I know I know.. yes you did.. but DC sends love, bishes and our friends needed proof of that. :) The things we do for our friends.. ;)

hapi 02-29-2012 08:19 PM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
Ahish.. I do long time same misteak with Acid cigars in 50 cout humidor. I learn bad too.


hotreds 02-29-2012 08:38 PM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@
WAIT JUST A MINUTE! Maybe there WAS a prostitue in it! What aren't you telling us, DC? Huh? Huh?

fencefixer 03-13-2012 08:43 AM

Re: My humidor smells like *&#@

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1576791)
WAIT JUST A MINUTE! Maybe there WAS a prostitue in it! What aren't you telling us, DC? Huh? Huh?

Sorry bud, no more jokes from me.


Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1556950)
Ya know what, I just thought of this. It's a trick I used for years when I had rental properties, it'd take smell out of ANYTHING.
I used it to destink whole apartments, especially smoker's apartments.
I'd get a gallon, set it out in dishes, close the place up, come back in a week, and every smell was gone.
With your humi, if baking soda or bleach solution don't work, get a dish of ammonia and sit it in a big green garbage bag. Open the humi up and sit it in there, too. Tie it off and come back in a week or two.
I'd really, honestly be shocked if that didn't work.
Don't use lemon ammonia, just regular ammonia. :tu

Scott, you rock. This worked. Left a little dish with ammonia in it, a week later and a little bit of airing out - the stench is gone. Great trick, thanks again.

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