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Whee 01-23-2012 09:31 AM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85
I don't think the OP meant for this thread to take this turn. Can we keep it respectful here?

If you want to discuss the rights and wrong of the situation there at Penn St., start another thread.


Stephen 01-23-2012 09:33 AM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1538214)
I think you are refering to Jerry Sandusky. ;) Its unfortunate that the people Paterno entrusted to deal with an issue beyond his control failed him and the university. :td

Nah, you're kidding yourself if you believe that stank didn't envelop JoePa. I'm not tapdancing on the man's grave, far from it. The point remains that unfortunately, this has greatly tarnished his legacy and he'll forever be linked to it, fairly or no.:2

Stephen 01-23-2012 09:49 AM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 1538228)
I don't think the OP meant for this thread to take this turn. Can we keep it respectful here?

How does what I say contradict what the OP stated and was echoed throughout this thread?

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1537389)
A sad final months to an otherwise very good life.


Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1537421)
Sad that his legacy is tarnished.


Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy (Post 1537429)
Such a sad end. The entire Penn State situation was very sad all around and this just further adds to it.


Originally Posted by Mikey202 (Post 1537458)
Sad how it all went down in the end.:2

I think you get the point...I meant no disrespect, but the quote is befitting.:2

Whee 01-23-2012 09:52 AM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85
I think the ********** quote was inappropriate.


icehog3 01-23-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 1538243)
I think the ********** quote was inappropriate.


Yes, it was. And it has been deleted.

icehog3 01-23-2012 10:40 AM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85
Let me be clear here before any backlash begins.

I am not a Joe Paterno fan, nor do I defend his actions.

I deleted a comment in this thread because it was inappropriate for our forum. Period.

mash 01-23-2012 06:46 PM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85
So for those of you who are critical of what the PSU Board of Trustees did, let's hear how you would have handled it.

Young boys have been raped by a prominent and longstanding assistant football coach, serially over years. The head coach and president are fully aware of what he did, and have been for a long time. The situation has remained buried and the authorities haven't been informed of this. All of this is rapidly becoming public knowledge. You know far more than is going to be released immediately, but you know that intimate details of this will eventually leak out. You understand that the coach is a legend, and taking action against him is a very serious matter, and will be explosive. To not take action will be equally explosive.

As a director of a major college, which happens to have a top tier football program, you would.....

chippewastud79 01-23-2012 09:29 PM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85

Originally Posted by mash (Post 1538677)
So for those of you who are critical of what the PSU Board of Trustees did, let's hear how you would have handled it.

Young boys have been raped by a prominent and longstanding assistant football coach, serially over years. The head coach and president are fully aware of what he did, and have been for a long time. The situation has remained buried and the authorities haven't been informed of this. All of this is rapidly becoming public knowledge. You know far more than is going to be released immediately, but you know that intimate details of this will eventually leak out. You understand that the coach is a legend, and taking action against him is a very serious matter, and will be explosive. To not take action will be equally explosive.

As a director of a major college, which happens to have a top tier football program, you would.....

Not the way I wanted this thread to turn at all. Feel free to start your own coulda/woulda/shoulda thread. :2

mash 01-23-2012 10:02 PM

Re: Penn State legend Joe Paterno dies at 85

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1538883)
Not the way I wanted this thread to turn at all. Feel free to start your own coulda/woulda/shoulda thread. :2

It's already turned. I was simply responding to what other people have said in this thread. It was inevitable when you started the discussion that there would be strong opinions on this topic.

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