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Starscream 12-09-2011 07:16 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497799)
Very true Andy...Pujols has a chance to be the greatest to ever play the game (offensively) and to do that in one place (ala Tony Gywnn) is honorable. But in todays age of free agents and crazy-a$$ contracts...I KNOW I'd take the money. And by the way, Mets and the word dynasty hardly go together in the same sentence. :r :r :r

Would you really take the money over more enjoyable working conditions, Mac? I'd take a job that offered slightly less money for a job where I felt more comfortable, at home, enjoyed a bit more, and felt the most welcome at.

kelmac07 12-09-2011 07:16 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1497816)
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. :D
When Albert hits more homeruns than other Teams in the league, ala the Babe, we can talk about that.
Although, with the Mets lineup, it's not as unrealistic as it sounds ;) :r:r

Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Barry Bonds all played for more than 1 team.

Come on Dom...when the Babe played...noone else was hitting HRs. Not even a fair comparison. But I gotta "toot" that Yankee horn. And I see there is no mention of that 315 right field fence that the Babe used to hit 'em over. :D

kelmac07 12-09-2011 07:18 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1497820)
Would you really take the money over more enjoyable working conditions, Mac? I'd take a job that offered slightly less money for a job where I felt more comfortable, at home, enjoyed a bit more, and felt the most welcome at.

$ 4-6 million a year is a tad more than "slightly more". Now if we are talking a few thousand dollars, probably not...but millions???? I'd be a Los Angeles Angel. :r :r

jonumberone 12-09-2011 07:21 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497821)
Come on Dom...when the Babe played...noone else was hitting HRs. Not even a fair comparison. But I gotta "toot" that Yankee horn. And I see there is no mention of that 315 right field fence that the Babe used to hit 'em over. :D

Regardless of my Yankee bias, Babe Ruth is the greatest offensive player in the history of the game!
The fact that he was hitting homeruns when nobody else was only strengthens a case, that doesn't need to be made!

jonumberone 12-09-2011 07:22 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497824)
, probably not...but millions???? I'd be a Los Angeles Angel. :r :r

I could probably get you to wear a Yankee hat for a Maduro! :rolleyes: :D

kelmac07 12-09-2011 07:22 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1497816)
Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Barry Bonds all played for more than 1 team.

I don't think you can call Bonds a legend (not with the steroids **). Babe, Mays, Aaron :tu :tu

jonumberone 12-09-2011 07:24 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497831)
I don't think you can call Bonds a legend (not with the steroids **). Babe, Mays, Aaron :tu :tu

Probably right, I was just including the top HR hitters :tu

kelmac07 12-09-2011 07:24 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1497830)
I could probably get you to wear a Yankee hat for a Maduro! :rolleyes: :D

I love my maduros...but no way in hell am I putting a Yankees hat on. :r :r :r

I laughed so hard that I HAD to include that line in my signature.

Starscream 12-09-2011 07:26 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1497816)
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. :D
When Albert hits more homeruns than other Teams in the league, ala the Babe, we can talk about that.
Although, with the Mets lineup, it's not as unrealistic as it sounds ;) :r:r

Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Barry Bonds all played for more than 1 team.

Ruth and Mays were traded (Ruth before he was established, and then again in 35 after he was through). Same for Mays. He was traded after he was washed up. In both cases the ownership should have showed some loyalty to these guys. Shame on them for trading them away after they gave so much (yet it was time for them both to retire). Aaron was released from his contract. Bonds was legit when he left Pittsburgh, but he wasn't a legend who played for 11 years with one team before he went to San Fran. It's the 11 year thing with one team being the best that I had a problem with.
If Pujols only played with the team for 4 or 5 years, then I would understand.

jonumberone 12-09-2011 07:27 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497834)
I love my maduros...but no way in hell am I putting a Yankees hat on. :r :r :r

You enjoyed your time up north! :D

kelmac07 12-09-2011 07:28 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1497843)

I might be sitting on the couch...but I still have on a Mets hat. :D

Starscream 12-09-2011 07:30 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497824)
$ 4-6 million a year is a tad more than "slightly more". Now if we are talking a few thousand dollars, probably not...but millions???? I'd be a Los Angeles Angel. :r :r

$21 million a year or $25.4 million a year. That's not that big a difference when you compare working conditions and legacy. Lower it down to $21,000 and $25,400. Now if it were 21,000 and 30,000, then I'd take the raise. But otherwise I'd stay where I was wanted, loved, and felt comfortable.

Starscream 12-09-2011 07:31 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497834)
I love my maduros...but no way in hell am I putting a Yankees hat on. :r :r :r

I laughed so hard that I HAD to include that line in my signature.

You must spread some reputation around before giving to kelmac07 again.

kelmac07 12-09-2011 07:33 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1497850)
$21 million a year or $25.4 million a year. That's not that big a difference when you compare working conditions and legacy. Lower it down to $21,000 and $25,400. Now if it were 21,000 and 30,000, then I'd take the raise. But otherwise I'd stay where I was wanted, loved, and felt comfortable.

I still say that is a large amount over the period of the contract (10 years). Now if it were a 3-4 year contract, my thinking may be different. But we are talking in excess of $ 40 million. Kind of hard to leave that kind of money on the table Andy.

And Dom...lest we not forget whose daughter grabbed her "headgear of choice" in YOUR backyard with proud papa standing behind her.

jonumberone 12-09-2011 07:35 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1497839)
Ruth and Mays were traded (Ruth before he was established, and then again in 35 after he was through). Same for Mays. He was traded after he was washed up. In both cases the ownership should have showed some loyalty to these guys. Shame on them for trading them away after they gave so much (yet it was time for them both to retire). Aaron was released from his contract. Bonds was legit when he left Pittsburgh, but he wasn't a legend who played for 11 years with one team before he went to San Fran. It's the 11 year thing with one team being the best that I had a problem with.
If Pujols only played with the team for 4 or 5 years, then I would understand.

Andy, Prior to 1975 all players needed to be traded due to the reserve clause.
My point was more to the fact that over time, this never affected their Legacy.
Obviously, Players bolting for more dough is now the rule, rather than the exception.
I think this is another reason in the end it will not tarnish his legacy.

jonumberone 12-09-2011 07:38 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497854)
And Dom...lest we not forget whose daughter grabbed her "headgear of choice" in YOUR backyard with proud papa standing behind her.

Mac, this is the same two year old, who on numerous occasions, I caught eating rocks and leaves!
I think a Met hat suits her just fine!! :rolleyes::r:r

kelmac07 12-09-2011 07:39 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1497857)
Mac, this is the same two year old, who on numerous occasions, I caught eating rocks and leaves!
I think a Met hat suits her just fine!! :rolleyes::r

:r :r :r

Starscream 12-09-2011 07:48 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1497854)
I still say that is a large amount over the period of the contract (10 years). Now if it were a 3-4 year contract, my thinking may be different. But we are talking in excess of $ 40 million. Kind of hard to leave that kind of money on the table Andy.

And Dom...lest we not forget whose daughter grabbed her "headgear of choice" in YOUR backyard with proud papa standing behind her.

If the $44 million was given up front in one lump sum then I would agree. But on a per year basis, it's not as big a number.

Starscream 12-09-2011 07:53 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1497855)
Andy, Prior to 1975 all players needed to be traded due to the reserve clause.
My point was more to the fact that over time, this never affected their Legacy.
Obviously, Players bolting for more dough is now the rule, rather than the exception.
I think this is another reason in the end it will not tarnish his legacy.

Nail on the head. That's my biggest issue with pro sports. In a lot of cases, it's not an issue, but for a case like this, where he had one of the rare chances to play his entire career for one team would be awesome. Ozzie Smith, Barry Larkin, Derek Jeter are a rare occurrence since the beginning of free agency. It's starting to turn me away from the MLB. I stuck behind and supported them during the MLB strike in 94, but it's just starting to be too much. Pro sports wouldn't be around if there weren't money to be made, but at the end of the day, the teams are around b/c of the fans and their support.

Starscream 12-09-2011 07:57 PM

Re: Pujols, I don't get it...
I guess now I do "get it", but I don't agree with it. Thanks for the conversation and discussion, Mac and Dom.

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