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fxpose 11-30-2008 04:10 PM

Re: Traveling tips for a first lone traveler?
Don't drink too much coffee in Seattle.

VirtualSmitty 11-30-2008 06:01 PM

Re: Traveling tips for a first lone traveler?

Originally Posted by SonsofClubDeck (Post 92293)
there is no such thing as a "donkey show."


Magma 12-01-2008 11:59 AM

Re: Traveling tips for a first lone traveler?
Alright, well I made it through my flight, I just woke up about 30-40mins ago, kinda hungry so I'm going to trying a find something to eat.
I doubt I'll get to post again till I get back since I'm on this 24hr trial period. The reciept said "free wifi" too bad they didn't note for how long >.< Better than nothing though.

Thanks guys

BarneyBandMan 12-03-2008 07:59 PM

Re: Traveling tips for a first lone traveler?
Not sure about Seattle, but the Pan in Vancouver was the nicest place I've ever stayed. Massages to Diana Krall music, live jazz bar in the commons, stocked fridge in the room and porters and bellhops ever 30 feet anticipating your every reason to venture

what more can you ask from the heroin capital of North America circa 2002:)

We did stay in Seattle for a night or two at the make the trip west to the ocean...feet in the ocean and Mt. Olympia on the horizon..pretty f*n cool...check out local food dives by the ocean...great salmon :)

theonlybear4CORT 12-03-2008 09:28 PM

Re: Traveling tips for a first lone traveler?

Originally Posted by Magma (Post 91256)
I'm flying from Hawaii(home) to Seattle to visit my cousin, it's gonna be just me and I'll be stayin in the Pan Pacific.
My cousin has a few things lined up for us for the week that I'm there so as far as 'what to do' is covered.
Is there anything that I should know or pay close attention to?

I know it can't be hard to just travel alone but I guess I'm just a little nervous, mostly because I'm leaving the islands which is something I hardly do and never did alone.

Anyway, anyone got a few simple tips? for example: don't talk to strangers lol.
or "carry _____ at all times", "don't ever do this ________".


don't call it pan pacific,and don't look look and afraid while walking around.

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