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Ratters 10-24-2011 05:57 PM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
IDK, is this you want to be?

mithrilG60 10-24-2011 11:47 PM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
When asking yourself "Should I start playing WoW again?" what you should really be asking yourself is: "Do I enjoy having sex with girls whose names don't end in .jpg?". If you answer yes step away from the geek crack, if no... have fun I guess?

icehog3 10-24-2011 11:51 PM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
Play WoW on weeknights, and be a clown on the weekends!!!

CoreyD 10-25-2011 02:08 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
Hey I play from time to time and got pissed as a casual gamer just getting 2 characters geared at 85 for end game stuff they pull another 5 lvl cap just announced. and both those toons just climbed the last 5 level cap. and the recent expansion has been out almost a year. So yeah I don't play alot but its fun and nice to have it when I feel like entering a land of make believe.
Beats sitting around a bunch of guys with dice in the hand.

area51 10-25-2011 05:34 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
Baaaad idea

Blak Smyth 10-25-2011 05:35 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1452174)
Play WoW on weeknights, and be a clown on the weekends!!!


WittyUserName 10-25-2011 05:39 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again

Originally Posted by CoreyD (Post 1452239)
Hey I play from time to time and got pissed as a casual gamer just getting 2 characters geared at 85 for end game stuff they pull another 5 lvl cap just announced. and both those toons just climbed the last 5 level cap. and the recent expansion has been out almost a year. So yeah I don't play alot but its fun and nice to have it when I feel like entering a land of make believe.
Beats sitting around a bunch of guys with dice in the hand.

This makes no sense to me.....Blizzard is ruining the game, I will never go back. Time for them to start from scratch. I will however play me some Diablo and SC when I get back to the states. Cannot wait.

Bill86 10-25-2011 05:54 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
I quit WoW years ago. It's too addicting, I don't see why it's singled out though almost every online game is addictive in some way or another.

But yeah don't play anymore, it's the devil.


Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1452173)
When asking yourself "Should I start playing WoW again?" what you should really be asking yourself is: "Do I enjoy having sex with girls whose names don't end in .jpg?". If you answer yes step away from the geek crack, if no... have fun I guess?

Some of us can have our cake AND eat it, at the same time ;)

Brutus2600 10-25-2011 06:08 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again

Originally Posted by WittyUserName (Post 1452312)
This makes no sense to me.....Blizzard is ruining the game, I will never go back. Time for them to start from scratch. I will however play me some Diablo and SC when I get back to the states. Cannot wait.

Unfortunately they can't really start from scratch. WoW is reaching it's effective end of life in my opinion. All MMO's, no matter how well built, have a certain lifespan. There are only so many level caps and new content expansions that can keep casual players interested.

I'm not saying WoW is going anywhere, in fact I don't think they will for a very very long time. Ultima Online and EverQuest are still active and running, releasing new expansions, and have been for over a decade now. The only difference is the only people playing those games are hardcore fans of the game that have played for years.

By end of life I mean this. Casual MMO gamers crave new content and don't want to have to play hours upon hours a week to stay current with the game. When an MMO is first released that's easy to do for quite awhile. You have a level cap, a new world to explore, new stories and quests, and new dungeons to raid. If the company plays it right, that starts to get boring to anybody but the hardcore raiders and players just about the time they announce the new expansion. The new expansion will raise the level cap, add a significant amount of new storyline, quests, and world content, and keep everybody interested for a little while longer. Rinse and repeat a few more times and the entire game gets old to anybody but those few (million in this case) people who are all about high end content and being at the top of the game.

That's the perfect time when a new MMO release can come along with a slightly new formula, an entirely new world, and dominate the MMO user base. Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Vanguard, and even most recently Rift...they all tried to do that, but WoW had a stranglehold on the market and all these games fell short simply for the fact that people weren't bored with WoW yet. I think the only game that has had any chance to take a chunk of players and stay relevant for longer than 4-6 months is Star Wars: The Old Republic. WoW is reaching end of life, the Star Wars franchise has a HUGE pull, and the company creating the game has a pretty good idea of what they're doing.

I might be completely wrong and the market might not be quite ready for a new MMO, but this is the best chance/timing I think any MMO has had since WoW was released in '04.

Subvet642 10-25-2011 06:28 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 1451832)

Damn! Beat me to it!

ninjavanish 10-25-2011 07:05 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
If you purchase a year subscription right now, you'll get Diablo III at no charge when it is released.

Fordman4ever 10-25-2011 07:06 AM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again
Don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

OLS 10-25-2011 12:22 PM

Re: Tell me I should not start playing WoW again

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1452173)
"Do I enjoy having sex with girls whose names don't end in .jpg?".

Oh-hohoho, that's freaking hilarious.........:r

I say no as well. I USED TO LOVE playing my boss and only my boss over a dial-up connection in Unreal Tournament
and it about ruined me. Smoked a ton of bong hits, even more cigarettes, sat there in the dark getting carpal-tunnel
and having a blast. And when it was Duke Nukem, we used the level designer to design our own levels and exchange
em and play em, so when I wasn't playing I was knee deep in level design every other non-work, non-sleep hour. I am
still a complete slug, but at least it is not for playing online games anymore. EXCELLENT TIME in my life, but over now.

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