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Cigargal 12-03-2008 04:48 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Maybe I will try this alphabetically

James Lee Burke(fav detective series)
Michael Chabon
Bernard Cornwell
Umberto Eco
Elizabeth George
Tess Gerritson
Tami Hoag
Robin Hobb
Khaled Hosseini
John Irving
P.D. James(fav British mystery writer)
George RR Martin
Alexander McCall Smith
Robert Parker
Terry Pratchett
Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child
Ian Rankin
James Rollins
JK Rowling
CJ Sansom
Jeff Shaara
Wilbur Smith
JRR Tolkien

Now, favorite novels...hmmm Maybe I will list the top books for 2008(read 73 so far)

My all time favorite for 2008 was The Host, by Stephanie Meyer(her first adult fiction)

Second favorite was Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

Third favorite is a tie- Edgar Sawtell or The Private Patient(PD JAMES)

pnoon 12-03-2008 05:17 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel

Originally Posted by Cigargal (Post 99131)
Maybe I will try this alphabetically

James Lee Burke(fav detective series)

Dave Robicheaux rocks!

Starscream 12-03-2008 07:09 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
1. William Faulkner
2. Hemmingway
3. Twain
4. Hunter S. Thompson
5. James Joyce

SteveA 12-03-2008 08:42 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Favorite book: "The Big Sky" by A. B. Guthrie
Authors: Old school, Hemingway
New school, Cormac McCarthy

Fumes 12-03-2008 09:14 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
I don't think I could pick one favorite, but these are the novels I keep reading over and over again:

Ulysses - James Joyce
The Border Trilogy - Cormac McCarthy
The Maltese Falcon - Dashiell Hammett
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The short stories of Paul Bowles. Okay, they're stories, not novels, but I'm re-reading them now and damn are they good.

MithShrike 12-04-2008 10:19 AM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel

Originally Posted by dabigdog (Post 91025)
im mainly a fantasy buff.

- Robert Jordan
- George R Martin
- JR Tolkien
- Janny Wurtz
- Stephen Erikson
- David Windgrove
- Stephen Donaldson

Plus a whole boatload of others.

Thanks for a new name. I've never read Windgrove. I need to get Wurts' newest one... or maybe not so new. I think it's called Traitor's Gate?

MithShrike 12-04-2008 10:20 AM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
volfan, you would probably really like Christopher Moore and Neil Gaiman as well.

Django 12-04-2008 10:27 AM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Although there are many good novels and authors my fav's are:

Writer: Leon Uris
Novel: Trinity (by Leon Uris)

GKitty 12-04-2008 10:30 AM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Dean Koontz - False Memory
Stephen King - Dark Tower Series (About to embark on my 4th read through)
Tom Clancy - Without Remorse
JK Rowling - Harry Potter series (Nice fun fluffy read)
Lost Souls - Poppy Z. Brite

MadAl 12-04-2008 10:44 AM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Dean Koontz, Robin Cook, Clive Cussler, Ken Follett, Gore Vidal, some Anne Rice, reading my first John Case

:eevis 12-05-2008 05:14 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel

Originally Posted by MithShrike (Post 100385)
volfan, you would probably really like Christopher Moore and Neil Gaiman as well.

Absolutely love "American Gods" and "Good Omens" with Terry Pratchett

Let someone I used to work with borrow "Gods" and never got it back :fl
I have been more cautious with my books since then

Starscream 12-05-2008 06:11 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 100401)
Dean Koontz - False Memory
Stephen King - Dark Tower Series (About to embark on my 4th read through)
Tom Clancy - Without Remorse
JK Rowling - Harry Potter series (Nice fun fluffy read)
Lost Souls - Poppy Z. Brite

I forgot about JK Rowling. I loved the HP series.

alfbacca 12-05-2008 11:22 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Some of my favorite books:

Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness
Roberto Bolano - The Savage Detectives
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - 100 years of solitude

Authors I keep going back to:

Hunter S. Thompson
Chuck Palahniuk

Favorite new (at least for me) author:

Anthony Bourdain

PinkPistol86 02-19-2009 06:20 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
My favorite book is Blue Like Jazz. I know it's not a novel, but it's really good.

foomanto 02-23-2009 04:33 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Stephen King
Robert Jordan
Fred Saberhagen
George R.R. Martin
David Eddings
Terry Brooks
J.R.R. Tolkien
Dave Duncan
Joel Rosenberg
Tad Williams
Clive Barker
David Gemmell
Steven R. Donaldson
Douglas Niles
Stephen R. Lawhead

and a few others that i cant remember right now

kaisersozei 02-23-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
I read a number of different genres, but as for favorite authors (my "go to" authors :D,) I'd have to say Robert Jordan (R.I.P.)--specifically the Wheel of Time series--in fantasy and Stephen Baxter in sci-fi. The wife & I both will read every John Sandford book as soon as it's released, although we prefer the audioversions read by Richard Ferrone. Good stuff.

dillio 02-23-2009 08:30 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 100401)
Stephen King - Dark Tower Series (About to embark on my 4th read through)


Cenookie 02-23-2009 09:20 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Gotta vote for Stephen King, just about anything he writes.

MedicCook 02-23-2009 09:28 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel

Originally Posted by Cenookie (Post 252738)
Gotta vote for Stephen King, just about anything he writes.

I agree 100%. My favorite from him is the Gunslinger series. I read them all back to back to back..... this past summer.

TheJ 02-24-2009 06:26 PM

Re: Favorite Author/Novel
Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting
- ****o
- The Acid House (short stories)

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