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zemekone 09-26-2011 11:54 AM

Re: Lightswitch It's time

Originally Posted by jimmyk26 (Post 1414371)
I'm already looking forward to the post-run festivities.

hahaha! little do you know it just breakfast and maybe a small cigar rob usally goes to sleep for the rest of the day

CRIMPS 09-26-2011 12:20 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
My two PERSONAL rules for races are:

1. Push yourself
2. Have fun!

Hope you are able to do both of those.

gorob23 09-30-2011 11:42 AM

Re: Lightswitch It's time

Originally Posted by zemekone (Post 1421212)
hahaha! little do you know it just breakfast and maybe a small cigar rob usally goes to sleep for the rest of the day

Eggs, over easy scambled whatever , turkey sausage, real bacon :tu juice and coffee :cf2 Then OUT you go because yes I will be back in bed :sw

been on Z pack all week and still think I have a shot at under an hour...:sh

and with me being sick no cigar for me ;s But you guys can smoke.. Mr. Nee is out of town so it is us 3..


SoCalSmoker 09-30-2011 02:46 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
good luck guys. Rob 1 hour or less? I'm rooting for the ol man :tu

markem 09-30-2011 03:09 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
Good luck guys! I rooting for [g] to finish breakfast first.


gorob23 09-30-2011 08:05 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1425578)
Good luck guys! I rooting for [g] to finish breakfast first.


I'll serve him last :tu

Rob :tf

bobarian 09-30-2011 08:08 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time

Rooting for you to hit your goal! :banger

gorob23 10-02-2011 12:10 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1425849)

Rooting for you to hit your goal!

Ok in miles 2& 3 I feel apart, but the good thing was I didn't know it :sh by the time I finished mile 4 I knew the 1 hour mark was toast. :sad
So I ran the next part hard then got over the hill and hit the strand. Was pissed because my time was crap but at least I finally picked my head up to look around :D finished @ 1:06:51

Lightswitch ran well, I heard that the kid from Redondo ran better :gary Then of course the D.B. called and yelled at me for not smoking with them ( Sorry Tweed)
Fever back today back in bed ...ahhh rest time

Rob :tf

zemekone 10-02-2011 12:24 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
what did the kid from Rodondo run?

Barrythevic 10-02-2011 03:29 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time

Originally Posted by zemekone (Post 1426986)
what did the kid from Rodondo run?


jimmyk26 10-04-2011 07:01 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
My official time: 49mins 13sec!

Waaayyy better than I expected to run.

gorob23 10-20-2011 10:07 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
Ok gang so we all know the kid from Redondo beat both lightswitch and myself. I won’t mention I am old enough to be his dad but I am My run time was pretty bad considering I had trained well. I did the course itself a few times, long runs and repeats on hills. I was feeling pretty good, Friday a week before the run I put in a workout of 1:50 covering 9 miles, hills some walking but working at a good pace. Monday started to feel sick, felt ok race day but well I guess age and recovery don’t mix well.

I felt crappy all the next week and only started getting a little better the week after that, and here where this story gets good

End of the work day, I think Thursday the 13th and I am heading outside to do line duty (which means make sure the little darling from Phys. Ed don’t go run amok on upper campus before the period ends) as I am walking through the locker room Kermit (our locker room guy looks at me and says’ yep somebody smoking dope. I look around as I head out the building and see nothing. I exit the building and see 2 of our finer Students (dumb and dumber) out side. Dumb is facing me and says something and dumber whose back is to me, goes ridged.

:hm I’m not real sure what is going but being a really old guy I know something is happening.

I tell Dumber to come into the office with me he say’s “no”
I look at him said “really? ‘No”?!!

I continue and say ok we can do it the easy way or the hard way” Meanwhile he has turned around and is saying No and moving his hands to behind his back (Like I can’t see while I am standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!)
The he Blows a whole big cloud of smoke out right in front of me :r and drops the joint in the trashcan! I swear it looked like Jose with a Taboda.

I pick up the joint and said let’s go now. He takes off running and I guess, (another teacher said he heard me say)

:noon “ Oh you want to run ok let’s run.. The kid takes off! Up about 3 sets of stairs with me 5 yards back. Up the 1st set, up the second set, he looks back and says ( I swear) “Stop following me”. I yelled I will follow you home if I have to, Meanwhile the passing bell has rang and kids are everywhere, I am tossing kids off me and keeping my eyes (wearing my Oakley’s :cool2:) glued to this kid.

..up another set of stairs, then we go through our outdoor Greek theater and then we exit that and head to the middle of campus. Up more stairs, then another set and into the middle of the quad. He turns right, now we are headed to the exit out of school. I am thinking great. I have to follow this kid off campus, which means I have to call security on my cell, while running and they will have to find us riding their bikes.

Luckily the kid makes a quick left and up more stairs, then another flight and then another and he turns into a building, I head in and look left.. Nothing, look right there he is and off I go down the hall after him,more kids in the way ..

He tries to lose me by ducking into a office and I am right behind. I actually tag him while he is seated and say
“Tag I got you! See that’s why you should have done more running in my class”! :wnr
I am cracking up as the principal come in and I tell him what happened. It was then I think Damn that cold I could have gone under and hour in the 10 K

My life is never dull
Thanks Rob

CigarNut 10-20-2011 10:23 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
Very cool story Rob!

icehog3 10-20-2011 10:49 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
You're Batman! :D

DBall 10-21-2011 05:44 AM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
That's hilarious!!!

PS - Congrats, Jimmy Jim!

bobarian 10-21-2011 11:55 AM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
:lr Nice one Rob!

T.G 10-21-2011 12:07 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
:r:r Nice.

SoCalSmoker 10-21-2011 03:04 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
Wow, nicely done Rob :banger

1/8 of that effort should get your drive back :r

gorob23 08-14-2012 10:56 AM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
;s it's time again.
Ran / walked the course (5 miles of it) yesterday it still SUCKS! The Hilsl have gotten bigger and there are more.....:sh

Goal is the same under 1 hour :tf

Rob :bh

jimmyk26 08-14-2012 05:48 PM

Re: Lightswitch It's time
Woo hoo, looking forward to beating my time this year. A 5.5mile tempo run today to test my hills.

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