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poker 07-29-2011 08:43 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1352243)
I do love this recurring (at least on other boards) thread!!
The relationship between storage temp and 'best' RH level(s) nearly always develops thus:

1. 'Simple' well-meaing question
2. Couple of statements about 65% and/or just find your own sweet spot
3. Someone makes a scientific-sounding argument
4. Someone else points to Cigar Smoker's FAQ #5
5. Couple more BOTL's will say keep them where you like them.
6. Another scientific-sounding BOTL pokes big holes in number 4 with cool statements and assumptions that are either contradictory to those used in FAQ #5 or not considered in FAQ #5
7. One to three posters will complain that the science is making their heads hurt.
8. A well-meaning BOTL who claims a physics background will come in to refute either the '65 - temps be damned camp' or the 'sliding RH/temp scale camp'.
9. By end of discussion, I'll have been convinced of both arguments and one point and walk away no longer caring; I'll add a couple oz. of beads to my coolers and forget about it.

winner winner

BC-Axeman 07-29-2011 10:35 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...
Internet sticks need higher humidity than B&M sticks unless you follow the rule of threes.

pnoon 07-29-2011 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1353675)
Internet sticks need higher humidity than B&M sticks unless you follow the rule of threes.

Posted via Mobile Device

bonjing 07-29-2011 10:42 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1353675)
Internet sticks need higher humidity than B&M sticks unless you follow the rule of threes.

but then what happens if I order from a B&M that's also on the internet?

Wait, If I go into a B&M that sells on the internet are they still internet sticks?

I'm so confused :sh :tf :confused:


CigarNut 07-29-2011 10:49 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1353675)
Internet sticks need higher humidity than B&M sticks unless you follow the rule of threes.

What is the rule of threes?

poker 07-29-2011 11:01 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1353694)
What is the rule of threes?

got it? :)

shilala 07-29-2011 11:37 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 1353688)
but then what happens if I order from a B&M that's also on the internet?

Wait, If I go into a B&M that sells on the internet are they still internet sticks?

I'm so confused :sh :tf :confused:


I wouldn't go down that road, if I were you. Nobody knows what could happen, it's completely uncharted territory.

icehog3 07-29-2011 01:11 PM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...
My '08s are fully aged!! Woo Hoo!!!!! :D :wo

Starz26 07-29-2011 07:26 PM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by Hippiebrian (Post 1352895)
Don't mean to get off topic, but I had heard beetles could be a problem as low as 70 degrees. If this is true, woohoo!, I'm setting up a coolerdore now, as it doesn't get much above 75 where I'll store it. Thanks, you've made my day! Time to buy!!!

As far as RH, I have to agree with what everyone here said. A few degrees, even as much as 20, will not make much of a difference in how much moisture the air will hold. Store 'em, smoke 'em, and relax! -(P

I can tell you for sure beetles will hatch at 70-75. Had a beetle hatch from a LFD SB#1 in my CFC humi which was in my basement. It is steady at around 70 but can swing a few degrees.

Average Joe 07-29-2011 08:43 PM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by MrOneEyedBoh (Post 1353087)
The one thing that Im confused on is why are my beads wet? Like wet wet.

They wick moisture from the air if the "air" humidity in the air is greater than that of the beads. In not so confusing terms, 90% humidity in the room with 60% beads on the table, the beads soak water from the air until saturated.

Mayor 08-05-2011 05:58 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...
[quote=sergeant smoky;1352209]. Colder air is unable to hold as much moisture as warmer air. QUOTE]

Not true.
I can attest to this as I struggle with my Aristocrat every day to keep the humidity down(living at sea level). I have to keep the temp above 70F to keep the humidity below 70%. Lowering the temp in the cabinet raises the humidity.

Perhaps in an evaporative system (refrigerator) if you lower the temp the humidity might drop?

If anyone else is having this problem, please let me know what you are doing.


shilala 08-05-2011 06:29 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...
Mayor, If you have x amount of water vapor in a closed environment, then lower the temp, the humidity will rise because that volume of water is relative to the temperature. It's what is supposed to happen.
To make an adjustment, all you need to do is dry your beads so they'll have more capacity to gather water.
Take note that these changes are not instantaneous. It takes lots of time (read weeks of months) to bring the water out of the cigars and wood. You're not operating a microwave, ya know?
Incremental changes require time and patience. That's what you want, you don't want to change your RH rapidly as it's deliterious to the condition of your cigars. You want water to come out of them very slowly and evenly.
Lastly, colder air is unable to hold as much water as warmer air. It's a basic scientific principle that doesn't change regardless of how you perceive it. If you understand how it works, you can use it to your advantage. If you want me to help you lower that RH, drop me a pm and I'd be more than happy help you through it. :tu
In your case, I'd lower the temp to your desired temp and then use Michael's beads or some sort of water scavenger like Damprid to pull that RH down where you want it. :tu

icehog3 08-05-2011 08:32 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...
My guess is Johnny has active humidification in that Aristocrat rather than beads, Scott.

BC-Axeman 08-05-2011 08:56 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...


M = mass of water
T = temperature
V = volume

If you assume the volume (or pressure) doesn't change this becomes:

M/T = RH

Beads simulate a huge volume, like having a tube connected to a large sealed room.
Real life is more complicated than this. I like Scott's answer.

shilala 08-05-2011 09:04 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1362405)
My guess is Johnny has active humidification in that Aristocrat rather than beads, Scott.

I kinda guessed that, Tom. He could bump down the set and forget, then use a bag of beads to pull out the excess water by drying the beads, sucking up water, and repeating the process till he's where he wants to be. I just missed a whole line of thought of two when I was typing, lol. I was even gonna mention Michael.
It'd be a good idea to check the door adjustment, too. There's lots of stuff to look at, and rather than babble on and bore everyone, I figured a pm invite would be best. Then I generally have a brother call me and we work together and get him all fixed up. :tu

Mayor 08-05-2011 09:19 AM

Re: So humidity is relative to the temperature right?...
Trust me, there is no water in the humidor resevoirs.
Sending a detailed description to Shilala as to what i'm working with.
thanks for the offer to help.

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