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pnoon 07-20-2011 10:41 PM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1344543)
That doesn't mean it's not true...that desktop gave me nothing but hell...never held proper humidity and molded out in 6 months. The bottom was stuck to my f*cking carpet....not ruined the carpet. It was nice carpet!

Still never came out.

It must have had a leak somewhere.....

The obvious point is poor craftsmanship.

I don't find my post misleading at all....I'll post a picture of the bottom if you would like. I have no idea how it happened....but it wasn't right and it WAS the humidor.

However it is up to you, if you believe my posts are misleading and harmful to new members, I welcome you to remove them. I will not complain one damn bit.

You are missing my point. I'm not saying the ONE humidor you had was poorly made. I'm saying your statement that if a humidor is not custom made, it's crap is bullsh!t.

I'm not going to edit/delete your posts.

Bill86 07-20-2011 10:47 PM

Re: any recommendations
I was just posting my experience......I think a new member deserves both sides of the coin eh?

Either way we all know the desktops are too small, so who is to say my statement is bullsh!t. I outgrew the 300 count in 2 months of being here.......LONG before it broke but still 6 month is bull$hit.

Don't blame me for these crazy bastages forcing every new member to buy 200+ cigars in 2 months.

I mean sure some are probably good....but the bad ones...leak..and it's more harmful then you or anyone might think. Even if they are good tell me like 5 people that don't outgrow a desktop......

Just sayin...I wish "as a new member" I was smart enough to buy a cooler instead of a desktop. Would have saved me $110 and the carpet. I would have liked that.

No, I'm out $110 and the carpet. However My AK-47 it's get explode something fun, so who says I'm really out the $$$ :D

CigarNut 07-20-2011 10:47 PM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1344563)
You are missing my point. I'm not saying the ONE humidor you had was poorly made. I'm saying your statement that if a humidor is not custom made, it's crap is bullsh!t...


Just because you got a bad one Bill does not mean other non-custom humidors will be the same. There are lots of different manufacturers out there and some of them are quite good.

Bill86 07-20-2011 10:50 PM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1344575)

Just because you got a bad one Bill does not mean other non-custom humidors will be the same. There are lots of different manufacturers out there and some of them are quite good.

I was just making the point...I've never had a bad cooler no?

Also they are much cheaper and hold much more.

I don't think anyone would agree that a desktop will last forever. Even if they are quality you outgrow them easily.

I know for a fact Mr Pnoon has an Aristocrat :D Peter ain't rocking no desktop :tu

pnoon 07-20-2011 10:55 PM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1344584)
I was just making the point...I've never had a bad cooler no?

Also they are much cheaper and hold much more.

I don't think anyone would agree that a desktop will last forever. Even if they are quality you outgrow them easily.

I know for a fact Mr Pnoon has an Aristocrat :D Peter ain't rocking no desktop :tu

I have a rock solid desk top humidor that was manufactured in 1926. I can't say it will last forever but it's done well so far. Also, until just recently, I had a 40 count which was my very first humidor. I gave it away to another inmate who was looking for one. It was and still is a decent humidor.

Also, it is ignorant to think that because someone owns an Aristocrat or other larger storage, that they don't still use a desktop.

RonC 07-20-2011 10:56 PM

Re: any recommendations
you have too remember that when buying these humidors, they are coming with the old fashioned green foam humidifiers and cheap analog hygrometers. The green foam humidifiers do work ok with 50/50 solution, but the analog hygrometers are usually not too accurate. The inaccurate hygrometer is usually where a new humidor owner will run into trouble. The result will be moldy or dry cigars.

An inexpensive humidor can be made to work very well. You will see most folks on this board upgrade thier inexpensive humidors with a good hygrometer and a more up to date and easier to use humidification device.

So if you are looking for perfection, be prepared to spend at least another $50.00 on top of the humidor cost.

CigarNut 07-20-2011 10:59 PM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1344584)
I was just making the point...I've never had a bad cooler no?

Also they are much cheaper and hold much more.

I don't think anyone would agree that a desktop will last forever. Even if they are quality you outgrow them easily.

I know for a fact Mr Pnoon has an Aristocrat :D Peter ain't rocking no desktop :tu

The OP stated that he wanted a wooden desktop humidor, not a cooler or wine fridge.

Bill86 07-20-2011 11:01 PM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1344595)
I have a rock solid desk top humidor that was manufactured in 1926. I can't say it will last forever but it's done well so far. Also, until just recently, I had a 40 count which was my very first humidor. I gave it away to another inmate who was looking for one. It was and still is a decent humidor.

Also, it is ignorant to think that because someone owns an Aristocrat or other larger storage, that they don't still use a desktop.

Alright I give up.

I don't know that I made my point. I'm not old enough to have a humi from 1926 :r

I do have to add, made in 1926 and made in 2011 ....there is probably a difference no? :D

But the point was some wooden ones are bad and you're out the cash and possibly more. Also a coolidor is cheaper and holds more.

I'm sure I sucked at making said point but I'm pretty drunk, you knew that already. I didn't expect to have to have an intelligent conversation at this time, Peter you caught me off guard.

My last post in this thread. Take it for what it's worth or don't, but I just regret buying my desktop. It was a complete waste of my $$$.

Anyways, have a good night everyone :salute:

pektel 07-20-2011 11:07 PM

Re: any recommendations
I'm sure there are lemons within a large number of any manufactured product, bill. But 1 lemon should not be representative of the entire lot. I mean, I smoked a rather nasty cohiba sig II tubo the other night, but I'm not about to dismiss factory hand-rolled cigars altogether because of it... Know what I mean?
Posted via Mobile Device

pektel 07-20-2011 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1344603)
The OP stated that he wanted a wooden desktop humidor, not a cooler or wine fridge.

I must've missed that part. I didn't see anything about a wooden humi being the only option. I did see he was uninterested in a cooler, but a wineador stil seems like a valid option. Especially at the price point its being offered at.
Posted via Mobile Device

CigarNut 07-21-2011 07:48 AM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1344649)
I must've missed that part. I didn't see anything about a wooden humi being the only option. I did see he was uninterested in a cooler, but a wineador stil seems like a valid option. Especially at the price point its being offered at.
Posted via Mobile Device

Post #4 ( states he wants something small and nice (and not a coolerdor) for his Office.

You are right that a wineador is a good option, but I think he stated that he this may be out of his price range and larger than he is looking for.

Devanmc 07-21-2011 07:49 AM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1344369)

I had a 40 count that served me well for 5 years.

Hey Bill, how many non-custom made humidors have you owned to come to that conclusion?

im not bill but personally ive had 1(i now have a cooler). one day i opened the lid on my footlocker and it fell off. It had also never held RH properly. i then took a dive knife to the rest of it and it was fiber board with a 1/16" lining of cedar. :sl

*im not calling out famous as i didnt buy it from them but many places sell it*

Im not saying all non-custom humidors are crap but buyer beware on the cheap ones.


Drez 07-21-2011 08:08 AM

Re: any recommendations
I'm with Peter on this one I have a 100ct and 50ct both cheap humidors and both have been rock solid for over 2 years with zero problems. In fact I keep most of my HTF/LE stuff in the 100 ct cause it's never given me a problem.

I also have a cooler and 2 wine fridges and while those are awesome both for size and price my desktops have been very good to me.

I agree that with everything even a vino or cooler there will be / can be lemons. Maybe the element quits on the the vino or the cooler doesn't seal great it's just a gamble you really have to take and if it's not working then you have to send it back.

I would love a custom humi for display and maybe one day when I have the cash to spare I will buy one to replace my current desktops but really until those fail me I don't really have a reason to replace them.

That's just my input. No need to scare a few new guys away from a cheap humi just because a few people had a bad apple. Hell look at cigars that cost a pretty penny and some people love them but there will always be that person who had a bad experience with it. Remember for a few negative reviews there can always be many many more positive ones that were never writen or shared.

Devanmc 07-21-2011 08:31 AM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by Drez (Post 1344967)
I'm with Peter on this one I have a 100ct and 50ct both cheap humidors and both have been rock solid for over 2 years with zero problems. In fact I keep most of my HTF/LE stuff in the 100 ct cause it's never given me a problem.

I also have a cooler and 2 wine fridges and while those are awesome both for size and price my desktops have been very good to me.

I agree that with everything even a vino or cooler there will be / can be lemons. Maybe the element quits on the the vino or the cooler doesn't seal great it's just a gamble you really have to take and if it's not working then you have to send it back.

I would love a custom humi for display and maybe one day when I have the cash to spare I will buy one to replace my current desktops but really until those fail me I don't really have a reason to replace them.

That's just my input. No need to scare a few new guys away from a cheap humi just because a few people had a bad apple. Hell look at cigars that cost a pretty penny and some people love them but there will always be that person who had a bad experience with it. Remember for a few negative reviews there can always be many many more positive ones that were never writen or shared.

I dont want to scare him but i guess IMO when buying a product. if the price seems to good compared to other products. it probly is and is lacking in someway. mine was the fact that is was made with some sort of MDF and only thinly lined with cedar.

I have no problem with a desktop. If i had my own place id like to have one on display. But thats for a later time.

Drez 07-21-2011 08:39 AM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1344992)
I dont want to scare him but i guess IMO when buying a product. if the price seems to good compared to other products. it probly is and is lacking in someway. mine was the fact that is was made with some sort of MDF and only thinly lined with cedar.

I have no problem with a desktop. If i had my own place id like to have one on display. But thats for a later time.

Like all things you want to get things cheap but remember cheap can still be good. Cheaper might not always be the best but like I said you just gotta read up and see what people will say about a certain item. Pros/con

For example will I ever buy another cheap humi. No cause I don't need one but when someone ask me for a recommendation I'll happly point them towards cheap humidors or other retailers based on my experience. As others have said I will also recommend coolers, tupper, vino's etc but I don't write off wood desk tops.

At the end of the day it comes down to how much you are willing to spend AND what you are looking for. Everything else is just opinions and everyones will vary.


Btw I love this place cause the poor guy was asking about desktops and here you clowns are suggesting coolers and vino's!!!!! Your all bad for influences!!!!!:lr

Devanmc 07-21-2011 08:49 AM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by Drez (Post 1345002)
Like all things you want to get things cheap but remember cheap can still be good. Cheaper might not always be the best but like I said you just gotta read up and see what people will say about a certain item. Pros/con

For example will I ever buy another cheap humi. No cause I don't need one but when someone ask me for a recommendation I'll happly point them towards cheap humidors or other retailers based on my experience. As others have said I will also recommend coolers, tupper, vino's etc but I don't write off wood desk tops.

exactly. id just recommend not going out and spending like 30bucks on a desktop. It probly wont turn out well.


OLS 07-21-2011 09:02 AM

Re: any recommendations
While we are calling attention to leaks in people's logic, let me say this (with respect) to RonC...A cheap Hygrometer
and green foam disc that ships with a cheap humidor doesn't make them lose humidity like sand through a seive.
THAT'S bad construction. And with proper glycol solution, they should not lead to mushy or dry cigars, since the
solution is supposedly designed to hold a specific humidity with proper use. So dry is a result of not keeping
an eye on the disc's moisture level and mushy is a result of not properly charging it with fresh solution from time to time.

Cheap hygros just read innacurate values, mostly consistently. It's still the BOX that leaks. I have three cheap
humidors, none of which can hold moisture. ANY one of them could have been the savior of all, but instead, they
all suck. When I tell a 'newbie" not to skimp on a humidor by buying a 50 dollar 300 ct., I speak from experience
and disgust.

I will grant you the person did not ask for bulk storage recommendations, and I don't think anyone called me out, I'd have
to read through to see, but I DID say if you are going to get a nice desktop for the office, get a good one, and leave the
cheap humidors to the people that believe in em so much.

But in the end, it's just a discussion. We all have our opinions.

OLS 07-21-2011 10:00 AM

Re: any recommendations
haha, whoops...looks like I never made that point earlier in this thread...guess all help with humi threads look alike to me.

area51 07-21-2011 10:36 AM

Re: any recommendations
HAHA I love this place, he asks for a desktop and gets vinos and coolers as suggestions. My advice if he hasn't run off yet is check out That is always my recommendation, quality humidors at fair prices.

pektel 07-21-2011 10:59 AM

Re: any recommendations

Originally Posted by area51 (Post 1345148)
HAHA I love this place, he asks for a desktop and gets vinos and coolers as suggestions. My advice if he hasn't run off yet is check out That is always my recommendation, quality humidors at fair prices.


Originally Posted by TonyAngels (Post 1344049)
I'm looking for a new humidor and struck out at my local shops any website recommendations where I can get a great humidor that won't break my bank but is also great quality


Originally Posted by TonyAngels (Post 1344111)
I want something that looks nice along with the other stuff I said like quality durability etc. I need something that looks nice so when I finish law school I can put it in my office no coolerdor will look too wonderful there lol.

I didn't see "desktop" mentioned once. AND, an edgestar for $99 would look pretty slick in his office. A desktop would too, but for the price of the S&D edgestar, he can not only control the humidity, he can control the temp too. Is it overkill for an office humi? Maybe. But I think one would be hard-pressed to find a high quality humi for $99 too. Though I can't remember what I paid for mine. Got it on the devil site for a song. Maybe you can get them brand new for under $100. I'm referring to 100ct size.

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