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bvilchez 12-08-2011 03:18 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1496400)
Someone seems to hava proverbial stick up their a$$! Its a fricking recipe not biochemical warfare! :sh

Peter can give you the recipe for that one:pn

bobarian 12-08-2011 03:21 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by bvilchez (Post 1496401)
Peter can give you the recipe for that one:pn


T.G 12-08-2011 03:34 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1496314)
OK. Just for that I am going to make you some bagels (using my FIL's not-so-secret recipe).... Now, where is that ExLax...

Ahhhh, the infamous it's the "Mexican water bagel"....

GreekGodX 12-08-2011 03:43 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1496224)
You forgot to mention that woodworking and programming info should be shared freely. No need to earn that.
Now, genuflect and kiss my ring.

Yes my Lord

Sheesh you would think that guy with all the bagel secrets was making millions of dollars from them. What a good way to give yourself a scarlet letter.

icehog3 12-08-2011 03:55 PM

Re: Bagels...
MMM...wonder if someone has earned the privilige to be a member of the Asylum.

NCRadioMan 12-08-2011 04:20 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1496435)
MMM...wonder if someone has earned the privilige to be a member of the Asylum.

No kiddin'! There are many hundreds of years of combined cigar experience and knowledge in the Asylum and from what I have seen, and experienced first-hand, it is freely and even eagerly given without gain and fanfare. That's what being a botl is all about and that can apply to all aspects of life

*sigh* Ces't la vie!

Look at it this way, you go to a herf and you sitting with a few people and somebody comes over and starts handing out cigars but passes you by. You wonder why and eventually you get wind that he didn't think you "earned" it yet. Now, wouldn't that be a major d*ck move? I think so. (fwiw, I've seen this happen and it sickened me.)

pektel 12-08-2011 04:22 PM

Re: Bagels...
I've figured it out! The dough must be rolled on thighs of virgins.
Posted via Mobile Device

GreekGodX 12-08-2011 06:12 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 1496449)
No kiddin'! There are many hundreds of years of combined cigar experience and knowledge in the Asylum and from what I have seen, and experienced first-hand, it is freely and even eagerly given without gain and fanfare. That's what being a botl is all about and that can apply to all aspects of life

*sigh* Ces't la vie!

Look at it this way, you go to a herf and you sitting with a few people and somebody comes over and starts handing out cigars but passes you by. You wonder why and eventually you get wind that he didn't think you "earned" it yet. Now, wouldn't that be a major d*ck move? I think so. (fwiw, I've seen this happen and it sickened me.)

Bingo! That is the perfect perfect analogy and in your case story.

replicant_argent 12-08-2011 07:09 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1496451)
I've figured it out! The dough must be rolled on thighs of virgins.
Posted via Mobile Device

Nope, actually it appears the poaching liquid contains just a wee dram of Summers Eve.
That, is the secret ingredient.

Parshooter 12-09-2011 06:25 AM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1496435)
MMM...wonder if someone has earned the privilige to be a member of the Asylum.

I guess Col. Sanders isn't getting in here ? :r

ronzorelli 12-29-2011 05:56 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 1496060)
I promise you that's not true. I spent years getting my bagels down and learned a couple very important pieces of procedure that are simply in no recipe I've ever seen (even a couple not in the above recipe, which is as close as I've ever seen), but had been independently confirmed at bagel shops in Brooklyn.

It was in fact, such a PITA to get them down that when people ask me the secret I wave it off and say "it's the water."

I'm convinced this is why that piece of mythology exists. Same thing with pizza. It's easy to tell people and makes the tourists go away.

As an amateur pizza maker who has been refining my technique at home (while talking to experts face to face and through e-mail/forums) for over 6 years, I would agree with you on this one.

These weren't "perfect" Bagels, but they were damn good and a whole lot better than the crap I can get down here in Central Texas.

And Reinhart is a good resource for anything bread related, but like most people who are still perfecting their craft, he's also still learning and may not always have everything exactly right.

That's the thing with following a craft you love... you never actually perfect it. It's the journey that brings the enjoyment.

madwilliamflint 12-29-2011 05:59 PM

Re: Bagels...
Good Lord. If I ever thought I was a "good enough" bread baker I don't know what the heck I'd do with myself.

It's one of the bright sides of unemployment. I'm baking a loaf or two a day, honing in on a baseline from which I can REALLY experiment :)

ronzorelli 12-29-2011 06:00 PM

Re: Bagels...
And I'll share my experience (or lack thereof) with anyone willing to listen...

ronzorelli 12-29-2011 06:05 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 1515493)
Good Lord. If I ever thought I was a "good enough" bread baker I don't know what the heck I'd do with myself.

It's one of the bright sides of unemployment. I'm baking a loaf or two a day, honing in on a baseline from which I can REALLY experiment :)

I resembled that remark for over a year... I feel your pain, bro. ;s

Did a lot of "experimenting" with stuff to keep myself from going rabidly insane.

Good luck!

ronzorelli 12-29-2011 06:06 PM

Re: Bagels...
Oh, and madwilliamflint, I'm from Orange County, NY, originally. My sister lives in Walden and I grew up in Maybrook.

pnoon 12-30-2011 12:05 AM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by ronzorelli (Post 1515495)
And I'll share my experience (or lack thereof) with anyone willing to listen...

Just be sure that whoever you share it with has earned it. :rolleyes:

GreekGodX 01-05-2012 01:52 PM

Re: Bagels...
I had a bagel today, made me think of this thread. madwilliamflint can I have the recipe and the secrets yet? :)

madwilliamflint 01-05-2012 01:54 PM

Re: Bagels...

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1521630)
I had a bagel today, made me think of this thread. madwilliamflint can I have the recipe and the secrets yet? :)


Are you the one who modeled for Parshooter's avatar?


mosesbotbol 01-05-2012 02:15 PM

Re: Bagels...
It's all about the water and possibly air born yeast. Just like NY Pizza never tastes the same outside of NY.

sevans105 01-06-2012 02:27 AM

Re: Bagels...
I LOVE cigars.....and I LOVE the info, insight and most of all the brother/sister hood I've felt since joining Cigar Asylum. But blunt honest, this bagel thread is my very favorite. Soooooooo funny!

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